Cervical cancer (CA Cervix), a prevalent gynaecological malignancy, is characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the cervix. It poses a significant health concern, especially among women. Homeopathy, a holistic approach to healthcare, offers potential remedies for addressing various aspects of this condition, including symptoms and emotional well-being.

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Cervical cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in the cervix, typically caused by HPV infection. It is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women.

How Can Homeopathy Help?

Homeopathic remedies aim to treat the individual as a whole, addressing not only physical symptoms but also emotional well-being, offering potential support in cervical cancer management.

What Are Common Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer often develops without early symptoms, which is why regular screenings such as Pap smears are crucial for early detection. However, as the disease progresses, the following signs and symptoms may become apparent:

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Unusual bleeding between periods, after menopause, or after sexual intercourse.

Pelvic Pain: Persistent, unexplained pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen.

Pain During Sexual Intercourse: Discomfort or pain during sexual relations, which may be indicative of cervical cancer.

Vaginal Discharge: Unusual vaginal discharge that may be watery, bloody, or have a foul odour.

Menstrual Changes: Changes in the menstrual cycle, including heavier or longer-lasting periods.

(Read a complete post on ALL THE CHANGES OF NORMAL  MENSTRUAL CYCLE by following the link).

Pelvic Pain and Backache: Persistent pain in the lower back, pelvis, or hips, which may be a sign of advanced cervical cancer.

Leg Swelling: Swelling of one or both legs, caused by obstructed blood flow from a tumour pressing on blood vessels.

Fatigue: Persistent tiredness or weakness that is not relieved by rest.

Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss: Unexplained weight loss and a decreased appetite, often associated with advanced stages of cancer.

Bowel or Urinary Changes: Changes in bowel or urinary habits, such as constipation, blood in the stool, or difficulty in urination, may occur if the tumour has spread to nearby tissues.

Are Homeopathic Medicines a Cure for Cervical Cancer?

Homeopathic medicines are not a cure for cancer. They may provide relief from certain symptoms, support overall well-being, and be used as complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments.


Nitric acid is one of the most indicated remedies for CA of cervix.

It mainly affects the junction of skin and mucous membranes of the body such as mouth, eyes, nose, vagina, anus, urethra etc.

A/F syphilis, abuse of mercury, over exertion, loss of sleep.

Suited to the old age women with great weakness.

An excellent remedy for haemorrhage from anywhere of body.

 e.g., from mouth, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus, haematuria, after miscarriage, post-partum etc.

Ca of cervix

  • External genitalia are sore with ulcers.
  • Falling out of hair on genitals.
  • There is characteristic splinter like pain that comes and goes suddenly with sticking and pricking sensation.


  • Watery, stringy and offensive leucorrhoea.
  • Brownish and flesh-colored.


  • Early and profuse
  • Like muddy water
  • Pain in back, hips and thighs while menses.
  • There is stitching pain through vagina.
  • Metrorrhagia after parturition.

Physical generals

Extreme sensitiveness and nervous trembling.

General weakness, debility and feeble reactions of mind and body.

Mental generals


Aggravation: evening, at night, contact, change of weather, on waking.

Amelioration: riding in a carriage.

Dose: 6th to 30th potency.



Best effective drug on connective tissues so, Iodum is indicated remedy for grade 1 type of neoplasia where there is mild dysplasia like changes takes place (dysplasia: presence of abnormal cellular growth in tissue or organ).

Iodum is suited for women of 35-40 years of age group with presence of mild changes in cervical glands.

Ref:- (Hypertrophy- increase in size of cells; Hyperplasia- increase in number of cells).


  • Indurated(hardened) and swollen(inflamed).
  • Cancerous growth due to hormonal imbalance and chronic irritation.
  • Hypertrophy of cervical canal and cervical os.
  • C/O cutting pain in abdomen with pain in loin and small of back.


  • Occurs as a secondary infection.
  • Thick, slimy and bloody.
  • Acrid with excoriating the thighs.


  • Chronic complain of menorrhagia (heavy or long-lasting menstrual bleeding).
  • Irregular menses with great weakness.
  • Inflammation of ovaries (Oophoritis) causes wedge-like (V-shape formation) pain from ovary to uterus especially at right ovarian region.
  • Uterine haemorrhage at every stool.

Physical generals

  • Very HOT patient with generalized emaciation.
  • Loss of flesh with great appetite (tubercular type person).
  • Great debility, even slightest effort causes perspiration.
  • Suited to thin women with dark complexion having enlarged lymph glands.

Mental generals


Aggravation: warmth, when quiet.

Amelioration: walking about in open air, by eating.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potency.


Cauliflowerlike growth is the diagnostic and characteristic feature of Kreosotum.

Patient complain of irritation of vagina and vulva due to overgrowth.

There is intense burning and itching due to secondary infection of parts.

Induration and inflammation of labial folds causes itching.


  • Too early and too profuse.
  • Haemorrhagic diathesis: bleeding may be irregular, post coital, on straining, post-menopausal or inter-menstrual.


  • Watery, acrid and long lasting.
  • Corrosive and offensive (smells like green corn).
  • Worse between periods.
  • Sometimes thick like starch, staining the linen yellow.

Physical generals

  • Chilly patients
  • Left sided complains.
  • Suited to ladies having dark complexion who is tall, slender (slim), ill developed, very tall for her age.

Mental generals


Aggravation: open air, cold in general, lying-in bed, after menses.

Amelioration: warmth in general

Dose: 3th to 30th potency. 200th can be given in sensitive patients.



Murex mainly acts on the female genital organs.

Best suited for women who suffer during menopausal period (climacteric women).

There is complain of frequent, irregular and profuse menstruation with large clots.

C/O dysmenorrhea.


  • Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement.
  • Consciousness of womb. Feeling of pulsation in neck of womb.
  • Excessive desire for an embrace.


  • Sore pain in uterus.
  • Feeling of pulsation, prolapse or enlargement.
  • Tenesmus (feeling that you need to pass stools and sharp pain in uterus which extend toward breasts).
  • Pain gets worse by lying down.
  • Patient suffers chronic endometritis with uterine displacement.
  • Must keep her legs tightly closed to relieve pressure (bearing down sensation as if internal organs would push out).

Mentally she feels great sadness and anxiety.

Complain aggravate by least touch.

Murex is very similar to Sepia, but murex have profuse and excessive haemorrhage where as flows of sepia are usually scanty.

Sepia has complete lack of sexual desire or you can say she is averse to it.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potency.


Natrum carb is indicated remedy when endocervical growth can be seen with naked eye examination.

This remedy has got marked action over skin and mucous membrane.

Papillary lymph nodes (irregular solid mass) grow gradually in cervical canal making the cervix barrel shaped.

Cervix gets indurated with sore pudendum (female ‘s external genitals).

Severe pain in sacral region which radiates to the thighs due to involvement of lumbo-sacral nerve plexus.

There is heaviness of cervix with bearing down sensation which gets worse by sitting and relieved by moving about.


  • Too late, scanty and short lasting like meat-washings.
  • Menses with bearing down pain.
  • There is offensive and irritating leucorrhoeal discharge which is followed by colic.

Physical generals

Natrum carb lady always comes with anaemia and great debility.

Suited to persons of Leucophlegmatic constitution (dropsical habit of body with white bloated skin), pallor of face with blue rings around eyes.

Most disturbances are caused by heat of sun.

Thermally they are CHILLY patients.

Mental generals


Aggravation: sitting, from music, summer heat, in the sun, mental exertion, changes of weather.

Amelioration: by moving about.

Dose: 6th potency.



Conium maculatum is best suited to the complains of old maids and unmarried women.

Conium acts on the glandular system of body.

There is chronic inflammation and induration of cervix.

Conium is best suited to person with cancerous diathesis.

CA of cervix caused by suppression of menses or from excessive sexual indulgence.

There is enlargement of ovaries and uterus with induration.

Burning, stinging and tearing pain in the external os.

Itching around pudenda (external genitalia of women).


  • Suppressed or feeble.
  • Gets stopped by putting hands in cold water.
  • Too late, scanty and short lasting.
  • Soreness and hardness of breasts before and during menses.

Physical generals

  • Physically they are greatly tired and debilitated.
  • There is general feeling as if bruised by blows.
  • Thermally they easily get affected by cold exposure.
  • C/O great debility in the morning while in bed.
  • Profound weakness of body and mind with trembling and palpitation.

Mental generals

  • Mentally patient is very ill-tempered (morose) who gets easily angry.
  • Very much quarrelsome and scolds even at silly things.
  • Can not and will not tolerate to be contradicted.
  • Very indifferent and indolent who does not take interest in anything.
  • She can not be alone yet avoiding society.


Aggravation: night, lying down, cold, celibacy (voluntary vow of sexual abstinence).

Amelioration: In dark, motion, by hanging the limbs down the bed.

Dose: 6th to 30th potency.

Best in higher potencies specially for growth, paretic states etc. but not to be repeated frequently.



Hydrastis best acts on mucous membranes.

Indicated remedy for catarrhal condition of any mucous membrane- throat, stomach, uterus, ureter etc. (catarrh- excessive mucus secretion associated with inflammation of mucous membrane).

Hydrastis is always characterized by peculiar mucous discharge.

Specially suited to old aged women who gets easily tired, cachectic individuals (weak and wasting of body due to chronic illness) with profound debility.

There is cancerous diathesis.

Hydrastis is useful medicine when there is cancer and pre-cancerous state before ulceration has taken place when pain is chief symptom.

There is knife like sharp and cutting pain.

Hydrastis lady also may have breast tumor and retracted nipples.

Erosion and excoriation of cervix.

There is soreness in vagina after coition.

Pruritus vulva with sexual excitement.

C/O metrorrhagia and tenacious leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea- acrid, thick, yellowish, corroding, shreddy and profuse.

Leucorrhoea gets worse after menses.

Burning pain in vagina with soreness.

A/F abuse of mercury or alcohol, syphilis and gonorrhoea.

Mental generals

Mentally patient is forgetful, irritable and depressed due to prolonged suffering, weakness and debility.

The patient feels sure of her death and she desires to die.


Aggravation: from motion, after menses and coition.

Amelioration: by rest and pressure.

Dose: mother tincture to 30th potency.

These homeopathic remedies may provide support and relief for specific symptoms associated with cervical cancer. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner and work in conjunction with conventional medical treatments for a comprehensive approach to cervical cancer care.

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