Every science has their Scope and Limitations when it comes to treatment of the diseases, Homoeopathy is of no exception.
Homoeopathic system of medicine is the world’s second best leading therapeutic system.
Patients from all over the world are being benefited from the treatment of homoeopathic medicine.
Homoeopathy is completely based on science, experiments and logical application of drugs and disease knowledge.
But no therapeutic science is complete.
- As a physician we should have the knowledge of efficacy of the medicine we prescribe.
- We should be aware of the prognosis of the disease we treat.
- We should know if the disease is incurable with the treatment we can provide.
- With the knowledge of our limitations, we can refer our patients on time before the disease becomes incurable (advanced) or fatal.
- If the physician properly understands the Scopes and Limitations of his treatment, he can truly serve the mankind by making right decisions at right time.
So, let’s discuss in detail about the scope of homoeopathic system of medicine.
Table of Contents
1. Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole.
2. Homoeopathy is very good when it comes to treating the chronic diseases.
3. Homoeopathy has a considerable scope in many surgical cases like stones, piles, fissures, tonsillitis, corns, warts etc.
4. As homoeopathic medicines are given on the constitutional bases, it gives marvelous results while treating psychiatric disorders.
• Examples-Schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorders etc.
5. Homoeopathy can treat skin diseases which are known as incurable to other systems of therapeutics.
• Examples- Psoriasis, leukoderma, eczema etc.
6. Homoeopathy is very good when there are disturbances at functional level.
• Examples- GIT disorders, respiratory disorders etc.
7. With the help of homoeopathy many patients have benefited by quitting the medicines that they have been taking for decades.
• Examples- Thyroid disorders, allergic disorders, supplementation therapies etc.
8. Disorders related to female and male reproductive systems can be cured permanently with the help of homoeopathic medicine.
• Examples- Menstrual disorders, recurrent abortion, impotency etc.
9. Even known to be incurable diseases are recorded to be treated and cured successfully with the homoeopathic treatment.
• Examples- Infertility, endocrine disorders, cancer, arthritis etc.
10. Treatment of congenital disorders and diseases of children are covered very well in homoeopathy.
• Examples- Autism, developmental anomalies, dentitional complains etc.
11. Some of the homoeopathic medicines also works in pre-operative and post-operative conditions.
• Examples- ARNICA before dental treatments, CANTHARIS for burn patients, CALENDULA for better wound healing and repair, SYMPHYTUM for repair of fractured bones.
12. Not only in chronic diseases, homoeopathy works very effectively in acute conditions. In acute cases it relieves the suffering in count of minutes or seconds.
13. After the treatment with the homoeopathy there is no chance for the recurrence of the same suffering.
14. Homoeopathic medicines do not palliate or suppress the symptoms.
15. There are no side effects of homoeopathic medicines because the drug substances used are very much in diluted form with no harmful effect left.
16. There is no chance for getting addiction from homoeopathic medicines.
17. The method of administrating homoeopathic medicines is so gentle and delicate that even children take them happily due to their sweet taste.
Homoeopathy works on the principles of nature.
Many homoeopathic medicines work with excellency in the field of veterinary medical science.
Homoeopathic medicines are very effective in treating the common diseases in pets and live stocks.
• Examples- Skin allergies, ear infections, asthma, IBD, epilepsy and many other conditions.
Homoeopathy can treat the acute cases very rapidly like infections, poisoning cases or traumatic injuries etc in animals.
Homoeopathy is known for giving significant results not only in humans and animals but also in the field of agriculture.
1. With the treatment of homoeopathic medicine, organic farming is possible.
2. Homoeopathic medicines being highly concentrated, even small quantity can be applied in large areas of field.
3. Homoeopathic medicines are used to,
• To improve germination
• To improve growth of plants
• To control pest
• To treat diseases
• To treat the viral infections etc.
4. Homoeopathic Biochemic medicines are also being used to cure the diseases due to Biochemic imbalance in the plants.
Rapid, gentle and permanent treatment with holistic approach makes homoeopathic system one of the most unique medical systems in the therapeutic world.
There are some limitations where homoeopathy can do little or none in following conditions.
1. Homoeopathy have less scope in emergency cases like accidents, drowning, poisoning, cardiogenic shocks etc.
2. Homoeopathy have limited scope where there is advancement of pathology or irreversible pathological complains.
3. In chronic cases without having full constitutional details of the patient, homoeopathic remedies can not be identified which can cure effectively.
4. Has limited scope when there is artificial chronic disease.
5. No scope in absolute surgical cases.
• Examples- Cesarean section, fractures, ruptured appendix, large or multiple gall bladder stones, cataract, uterine fibroid etc.
6. There is no homoeopathic medicine which works as a contraceptive.
7. There is no homoeopathic specific medicine can be named for the specific disease condition.
8. Homoeopathy has limited scope when there is lacking in any vital organs.
9. Homoeopathic medicines do not work as a supplementation therapy.
• Examples- Multivitamins, minerals, protein supplements etc.
10. There is no homoeopathic medicine which can be used as an anaesthetic agent before surgery.
11. Homoeopathic medicines have limited scope in the field of vaccination.
If you liked this post, you should also read our another related post on SCOPES AND LIMITATIONS OF HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA.
This one absolute content , pls publish book with these content
Helped a lot for my exams