A careful and easy interpretation of mind rubrics of F series collected from Dr. James Tyler Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica is included in this post.
All the rubrics are individually explained in simple words along with graphical representation.
Each rubric contains some most indicated remedies for hints.
FORGOTTEN something, feels constantly as if he had.
Forgotten is a past principle of word forget.
Something that is no longer remembered, talked, or thought about by people is called forgotten.
Remedies: Caust., iod.
FORSAKES his own children.
Remedy: Lyc.
To forsake means to leave behind or quit completely; to desert or to abandon someone or something with no intention to return.
Synonyms: junked, neglected, obsolete.
This is a feeling when you sense that you are deserted by other people, abandoned or left completely alone especially when in need.
Remedies: Aur., Psor., Puls.
FRIGHT, complaints from
Fright is a sudden and intense feeling of fear and uneasiness.
Feeling of fright may be excited by something strange, ugly or shocking.
Remedies: Acon., Lyc., Phos., Sil.
A person who is intensely horrified or surprised due to feeling of fear.
Fright may cause physiological reactions like expressing an aggressive response or feeling of threat.
Example: Imagine the dark night with thunderstorm and you are alone at home. Have you experienced the feeling when you were chased by street dogs while you were passing through a road by foot alone?
The word frivolous is used when someone lacks seriousness about something important. Showing not any purpose or value that he is supposed to.
Example: some students are a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.
Remedies: Arn., merc., par.
FROWN, disposed to
This is a type of facial expression that is characterized by furrowing of brows.
Eyebrows are brought together with wrinkled forehead.
Frown indicates feeling of displeasure, disagreement, concentration, confusion, anger, worry, sadness etc.
Remedies: Hell., lyc., mang., nux-v., stram.
FUR wraps up in, summer
It is a coat, stole, clog, a dress or garment made up of fine, soft, hairy and thick material which is prepared with skin of animals with fur on it or fabric with similar look and feel.
3 hormones -Tetraiodothyronine, Tri-iodothyronine & calcitonin.T4 is known as thyroxine & it forms about 90% of total secretion, where as T3 is only 9%-10%.
The endocrine part of the pancreas has many rounded collections of cells called as pancreatic islets (the islets of Langerhans).Islets of Langerhans consist of four types of cells.
Adrenal cortex hormones are steroids in nature. They are classified into 3 groups:1.Mineralocorticoids, 2.Glucocorticoids, 3.Sex hormones based on functions.
In a healthy person, Blood Glucose level is controlled in limited range.
• In early morning after overnight fasting*- 70-110 mg/dL of blood.
• First & second hour after meals (postprandial*)- 100 to 140 mg/dL.
Very nice 👍 amazing way to teach reportory