Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread or uneasiness.
It is characterized by sweating, feeling of restlessness, tenses and rapid heartbeat. It can be normal reaction to a stressful situation.
For example, we might become anxious when faced to a difficulty at work, before giving exams or before making an important decision.
Remedies: Acon., Arg-n., Ars., Ars-i., Aur., Bell., Bism., Bry., Cact., Calc., Calc-p., Calc-s., Camph., Cann-i., Carb-s., Carb-v., Caust., Chin., Con., Dig., Iod., Kali-ar., Kali-c., Kali-p., Kali-s., Lyc., Mez., Nat-a., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Phos., Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Sec., Sulph., Verat.
Thank you so much for your efforts. Explained very well and it is very useful to those who wants to understand the Mind Rubrics well
Thank u so much 🙏 it was very much informative 👍
B,C,D….All latter rubrics discuse please
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