When someone is giving lots of attention to what he is doing in order to prevent any mistakes, accident or damage it is called carefulness.
Remedies: Iod., nux-v.
CARES, domestic affairs, about
When someone pays lots of attention to political activities, events, and situations happen or exist within one particular country, it is called to be cares about domestic affairs.
When a person behaves in a foolish way that is typical of a young child’s behaviour.
Examples of childish behaviour are sulking, pouting, whining, throwing a hissy fit, stomping around and slams doors, or retreating to their room and refuse to come out.
It is a trait of personality that is characterized by earnest (sincere), careful and hard-working attitude towards duty.
Remedies: Ign., Sil.
Consolation is someone or something that makes someone feel relieved or comfort during their trouble, loss or disappointment.
Consolation makes the trouble less grievous and tolerable.
aggravates:Ign., Sep., Nat-m., Sil
ameliorates: puls
This is a state of mind when someone feels despise or disrespectful for something or someone.
Similar words: Arrogant, Disdainful, Haughty, Insolent, sneering, Supercilious.
There is a minute difference between being contemptuous or hateful.
Being hateful to someone means you feel strong dislike or annoyance towards them.
Being contemptuous towards someone involves a strong dislike towards them along with condescension (Insulting/rude way of behaviour as if they are stupid or inferior).
Compare with meaning of SCORN by following the link.
5 signs of contemptuous personality
Narcissism: Chronically looks down on other people.
Relationship insecurities: feeling that their relationship is going to end so soon.
Machiavellian tendency: Predispose to manipulate, calculate and deception to get what they want.
Expecting perfection from others: feeling pressure towards total perfection from other people.
Low self-esteem: feels like others impose impossible expectations and standards upon them with tendency to self-criticism and low self-esteem (low self-opinion and values).
Remedies: Cic., Plat.
CONTRADICT, disposition to
Having a habit of to go against or say the opposite (contrary) of whatever others are doing or saying.
Remedies: aur., canth., caust., Hep., lyc., olnd.
CONTRADICTION, is intolerant of
Being unable or unwilling to endure anyone doing or saying anything that are opposed to his ideas or beliefs.
Remedies: Aur., Ign., Lyc., Sep.
Contrary is something or someone that is opposite (incompatible) to something else.
Example: two people with very different opinions on something.
Having a strong desire to count their actions or objects in their surroundings.
It is a mental disorder.
Also, can be an expression of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
The person may feel that certain numbers have a special importance and specific actions must be done for that certain numbers of times.
Many people with OCD might believe that number 4have special importance and so, they will do things in sets of four.
Example, if a religious person prays for one time, he may feel a sense of incompleteness unless he prays for 3 more times. So, he will count the number of prayers to complete his numerical goal.
Examples of typical counting types
Counting of total items
Counting of footsteps while walking or running
Counting out loud
Counting in one’s head only
Counting numbers on devices
Remedies: Phyt
Cowardice is an attitude or disposition that people adopt when exposed to fearsome circumstance (fearfulness is an emotion and it is logical and human.
Remedies: Gels., Lyc.
Crawling is a slow movement of body on hands and knees by keeping body close to the ground.
Remedy: Lach.
Croaking means making a deep rough sound (low pitched, hoarse like) from your throat.
Remedies: Cina, Cupr., Bell.
Cruelty is a behaviour or attitude that causes physical or mental harm/pain to others whether deliberately or not.
It may be an unhealthy coping mechanism to relieve stress.
Synonym: mutilate, slit.
When there is the feeling of suffered wrong or being tormented by those to whom the person has been serving faithfully and is dependent on, he might feel the intense anger and rage in which he can bite, strike or even violently vandalize.
These feelings also can lead to an impulse to stab himself.
Dr. J.T. Kent's Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica is a useful resource for practicing homeopaths. I will highlight a mind section from the "I" series.
The Mind section of the Kent’s repertory contains rubrics or categories that relate to a patient's mental and emotional state. Below are several significant mind…
A careful and easy interpretations of mind rubrics of A series collected from Dr. James Tyler Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica are included…
This blog post aims to explore the T Series Mind Rubrics from Kent's Repertory and their interpretations. The focus will be on understanding their psychological…
The J Series Mind Rubrics from Kent's Repertory offer a captivating expedition into the intricate realm of psychological aspects and homeopathic remedies.
A careful and easy interpretations of mind rubrics of D series collected from Dr. James Tyler Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica is included…
Good work for easy understanding