A careful and easy interpretation of mind rubrics of D series collected from Dr. James Tyler Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica is included in this post.

All the rubrics are individually explained in simple words along with graphical representation.

Each and every rubric contains some most indicated remedies for hints.


DANCING-series rubrics interpretation Kent's repertory

Dance is a performing form of art made up of improvised or well-chosen movement patterns. This movement is artistically pleasing and frequently symbolic.

Remedies: Tarent., bell., cic., cocc., croc., hyos., stram.


DARKNESS-agg-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Darkness means absence of light, partial or complete.

Anxiety about night-time or darkness can be healthy or unhealthy.

Fear of the dark is connected with feelings of utter helplessness and uneasiness or anxiety.

Remedies: Stram., aeth., calc., carb-an., carb-v., caust., lyc., phos., puls., valer.

See Fear by following the link.

DEAFNESS, pretended

DEAFNESS-pretended-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Behave in such a way to convince that he is unable to hear the voice around him.

Remedy: Verat


death-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Death is the complete or irreversible cessation of vital functions of a living organism.


Desires: Aur., Lac-c.

Presentiment of: Acon., Apis.

Sensation of: agn., ars., graph., phos., plat.

Thoughts of: Acon., Graph.


deceitful-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

A person who has tendency to mislead others and is unworthy of trust or belief.

There are mainly 3 reasons of why people be deceitful:

  • To get something from others they want (mostly materialistic reasons).
  • To protect or promote themselves.
  • To harm others.

Remedies: Arg-n., bufo., chlol., coca, dros.

DEEDS, feels as if he could do great

deeds-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Deeds are the efforts that are done purposefully or wilfully.

Remedy: Hell.


defiant-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Defiant is a type of behaviour or an attitude which expresses that the person is not willing to obey someone.

What are the behaviour symptoms of a defiant person?

  • Having frequent temper tantrums
  • Arguing a lot
  • Always questioning the rules and refusal to follow them
  • Doing things to annoy others
  • Speak in harsh and unkind manner
  • Mostly an angry attitude
  • Seek of revenge

Remedies: arn., lyc.


delirium-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Delirium is an acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs during alcoholism (sometimes life threatening and often treatable), fever and other disorders.

It is characterised by restlessness, delusions and incoherence.

Remedies: Agar., Ars., Arum-t., Bell., Bry., Cann-i., Chel., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Nit-ac., Op., Rhus-t., Sec., Stram., Verat., Verat-v.


delusions-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Faulty perception or incorrect interpretation of the experiences or realities that are either untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Examples are, feeling of being watched, poisoned, lied to, or targeted etc.

Types of delusions:

  1. Erotomaniac: The person may seek opportunities to get in touch with the someone they believe is in love with them. Usually, it’s a famous or well-known person. This might end in stalking.
  2. Grandiose: This person exaggerates their sense of identity, authority, and intelligence.
  3. Jealous: This type of person thinks that their spouse or romantic partner is being unfaithful.
  4. Persecutory: A person who experiences this feels as that they (or a loved one) are being mistreated, that somebody spying on them, or that someone has malicious intentions toward them. They might keep complaining to the law enforcement.
  5. Somatic: They assume they have a disease or physical deformity.
  6. Mixed: Two or more of the above forms of delusions are observed in these people.

Remedies: Arg-n., Bell., Cann-i., Cocc., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Petr., Ph-ac., Sabad., Stram., Sulph.


despair-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Despair is a common but powerful human emotion.

We all at some points of life have experienced despair.

e.g., jobs, marriage, relationships, family, finance etc.

But in most cases this despair fades with time and life goes on. At least until the next crises strikes.

Pathological or clinical despair occurs when despair does not dissolve but rather deepens, kneels down, gets control, and then becomes chronic, diminishing quality of life that obstructs functioning and prevents us from moving toward our goals, hopes and aspirations.

Clinical despair is defined as an existential hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, and pessimism about life and the future.

Despair is characterized by profound discouragement and a loss of faith in one’s ability to find meaning, fulfilment, and contentment.

Remedies: Ars., Aur., Calc., Coff., Hell., Ign., Psor.


destructiveness-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

It is a predisposition to express aggressive behaviour via destroying, damaging, or tearing down the objects.

Remedies: bell., camph., cupr., hyos., stram., tarent., tub., verat.


dictatorial-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Dictatorial word is used to describe the personality who uses force and injustices to exert control over others.

Remedies: camph., lyc., sulph.


dipsomania-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Greek word ‘Dispa” means “Thirst”.

It is an uncontrollable desire for alcoholic beverages.

Dipsomania is a type of alcoholism characterized by uncontrollable cravings for alcohol on a regular basis.

Alcoholism and dipsomania are not synonymous.

Dipsomania is a type of alcoholism that includes periods of soberness.

Remedies: calc., lach., nux-v., sulph.


disconcerted-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Disconcerted word is used when you feel anxious, confused or embarrassed.

Remedies: Brom., ign.


discontented-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Discontented is the feeling of dissatisfaction or restlessly unhappy towards the situation.

Remedies: Anac., Cacl-p., Merc., Nat-m., Sulph.


discouraged-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Discouragement is defined as an unwillingness to do something because you are afraid of the consequences.

It is the emotional or psychological reaction to a perceived conflict between expectations and an event that appears to reduce the likelihood of those expectations being met.

Remedies: Acon., anac., apis., ars., carl., chin., chin-s., cocc., con.,dros., lach.,lyc., petro.,psor., puls., rhus-t., sep., stann., sulph., tarent., verat.


disgust-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

It is a strong dislike or revulsion triggered by something unpleasant or offensive.

We can be disgusted by something we see with our physical senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste), by people’s actions or appearances or even by ideas.

Feeling of disgust, a wide range of emotions from mild dislike to intense loathing.

Here are some common disgusting factors,

  • Expelled bodily wastes such as faeces, vomit, urine, mucus, and blood
  • Certain food of other people’s culture
  • Something that is decaying, infected, or dying
  • Injuries, surgeries, and/or contact with bodily interiors
  • A physically unappealing person, animal, or thing
  • Other people’s certain perversive behaviours

Remedies: Puls., Sulph.


disobediance-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

The act of not following a command is referred to as disobedience.

Children might become more argumentative and disrespectful at times.

Teens may become rebellious in order to demonstrate to adults that they are capable of thinking for themselves.

They may deliberately break the rules in order to demonstrate to adults that they cannot be forced to do things they do not want to do.

When the majority violates our natural rights, disobedience is a man’s virtue. To promote social progress, common citizens must use civil disobedience to resist injustice in their society.

Remedies: Tarent., am-c., chin., dig., lyc., viol-t.


distance-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

It is the measurement of the space between two points.

Inaccurate judge of: Cann-i., stram.

Exaggerated, is: Cann-i., glon.

DISTURBED, averse to being

disturbed-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

This is a state of someone or something in which normal physical or mental functioning is being disrupted.

Remedies: Bry., gels.


doubtful-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

It is a feeling of uncertainty, lack of conviction or determination about something.

Remedies: Ars., Aur., Lach., Puls.


dream-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Dream is a loop of ideas, visions, and sensations that run through someone’s head while they sleep.

Remedies: Nux-m., Op., Stram.


drinking-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Being in a habit of consuming alcoholic beverages.

Remedies: Bell., con., lyss., stram.


dullness-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Dullness means

  1. Having lack of interest or excitement
  2. Not being able to understand or stupidity

Remedies: Arg-n., Bapt., Bar-c., Bar-m., Bell., Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Calc-s., Carb-v., Graph., Guaj., Hell., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-c., Lach., Laur., Sulph.

See Sluggishness/Slowness by following the link.

DWELLS on past disagreeable occurrences

dwells-mind rubrics interpretation from kent's repertory

Dwells on means to think or talk about something or someone for a long time. 

Remedies: Nat-m.

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