A careful and easy interpretation of mind rubrics of B series collected from Dr. James Tyler Kent’s Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia medica is included in this post.
All the rubrics are individually explained in simple words along with graphical representation.
Each and every rubric contains some most indicated remedies for hints.
Read A series mind rubrics from A SERIES MIND RUBRICS FROM KENT’S REPERTORY.
Table of Contents
ToggleBad news is the information that can produce a negative alteration to a person’s expectations about their present and future”.
Remedies: Calc., Gels., Apis., Ign., Med., nat-m., pall., sulph.
Barking means to speak or shout at someone in forceful or angry manner.
Remedies: Bell., calc., canth., stram.
Bashful means being hesitant to draw attention to oneself.
Bashfulness is characterized by showing or resulting from shyness, modesty, self-consciousness or awkwardness.
Remedies: Bar-c., Calc., Calc-s., Gels., Kali-c., Lyc., Nat-c., Petr., Phos., Plb., Sep., Sulph.
See Timidity by following the link.
A battle is a never-ending fight between large organized armed forces.
Remedies: Bell., hyos.
A bed is piece of furniture on which we humans sleeps for rest, typically having a framework with a mattress.
Aversion to: Acon., cedr.,
Desire to remain in: arg-n., hyos.,
Jumps out of: Chin., Sabad.
Begging means to ask (to someone) for something urgently, humbly and sincerely.
Remedies: Ars., stram., stann.
Bellowing means to make the loud deep hollow sound typically when in deep pain and anger.
Remedies: Bell., Canth., cupr.
Bemoaning is an expression of deep sorrow, discontentment or dissatisfaction that is characterized by expressing sadness about something.
Remedies: Aur., Lyc., Verat., Verat-v.
Benevolence means having disposition or desire to do good for others.
It is an act of kindness.
When someone volunteers in a charity event or tuitions children for free or helps old people to cross the street are the examples of benevolence.
Remedy: Coff.
Benumbed is a state in which person lacks sensations (physical or emotional) or feels unable to have emotions because of cold or shock.
Person remains inactive and stupefied.
Remedies: Apis., Bapt., Bell., Bry., Cocc., Hell., HYos., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Rhus-t., Stram., Verat.
When you try to solve a very hard problem what do you feel?
It is a deeply confused state of mind. Confusion means feeling uncertain or puzzled about what is happening, intended, or required.
Remedies: Bell., Bry., Calc., Cann-i., Carb-v., Cocc., Glon., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v., Onos., Op., Petr., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Strych.
See Confusion/Cloudiness by following the link.
Biting means to be able to wound the skin with a sting, teeth or fangs. Even when we are nervous or anxious, it’s not uncommon to engage in repetitive behaviours.
Remedies: Bell., Stram.
In colour psychology, Black colour is symbolic of mystery, power, elegance, and sophistication. In contrast, black colour can also evoke emotions such as sadness and anger.
Sombre means dark or dull in colour or tone which conveys a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness.
Remedies: Rob., stram., tarent.
Pretended blindness means you behave as such that you did not notice something because, you should be doing something about it but you do not want to.
Remedy: Verat.
Remedy: Alum.
Being bold means having quality of willingness to take risks, being innovative, being brave and confident and not being afraid to say what you feel.
Remedies: ign., op.
To break means separation or cause to separate into pieces by applying blow, shock, or strain.
Remedies: Apis., stram., tuber.
When someone is absorbed with depressing, unhealthy and painful memories or thoughts it is being said that he is brooding.
This word is used to describe a feeling or atmosphere that makes you feel worried or anxious.
Remedies: Ign., Verat.
See Anxiety and Sadness by following the link.
Buffoon means stupid or idiot but funny person.
When a person acts foolish but in funny or amusing way it’s called buffoonery.
Remedies: Hyos., Stram.
See Foolish behaviour by following the link.
A business Is a person’s regular profession, service, trade or occupation in order to made sale of products or gain profits.
Remedies: Bry., Sep.