Picricum acidum, derived from trinitrophenol (picric acid), is a homeopathic remedy primarily known for its action on the nervous system, particularly the spinal cord, where it causes degeneration and paralysis.

It is a valuable remedy for treating conditions like brain fatigue (brain fag), nervous exhaustion, and sexual excitement.

The remedy is also beneficial in cases of muscular debility, urinary issues, and degenerative conditions like myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) and progressive anemia.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Chemical compound
  • Formula: C₆H₃N₃O₇
  • Common Name: Trinitrophenol or Picric Acid
  • Picric acid, a chemical compound, was originally used as an explosive and a dye in the 19th century.
  • However, it was soon discovered to have medicinal properties, particularly as a topical treatment for burns.
  • Its use in homeopathy developed due to its ability to address nervous system degeneration, spinal cord issues, and mental exhaustion.
  • In lower concentrations, it is a powerful remedy for treating chronic fatigue, brain exhaustion, and muscular weakness.
Historical Facts
  • Picric acid was first synthesized in 1771 by the British chemist Peter Woulfe.
  • It was initially used as a dye and later as an explosive in the 19th century.
  • In homeopathy, its medicinal applications were discovered due to its action on the nervous system and its ability to treat mental exhaustion and paralysis.


  • Picricum acidum acts primarily on the nervous system, causing degeneration of the spinal cord and resulting in paralysis.
  • It also impacts the lumbar centers of the spinal cord, leading to issues with the generative organs, including sexual exhaustion and pain.
  • The remedy causes muscular debility, tiredness, and a feeling of heaviness throughout the body.
  • It is useful in conditions like myelitis, writer’s palsy, and progressive anemia.


  • This remedy is well-suited for individuals suffering from nervous exhaustion, paralysis, and muscular weakness.
  • These individuals often experience profound mental and physical fatigue and may be prone to degenerative nervous system conditions like myelitis and neurasthenia.


  • Picricum acidum is indicated for people with a predisposition to degenerative nervous system diseases, urinary disorders, and sexual debility.
  • It is particularly helpful for individuals with a tendency toward profound exhaustion and mental strain.


  • Individuals who benefit from this remedy are often mentally exhausted, with lack of willpower and an aversion to work or mental exertion.
  • They may feel listless, apathetic, and weak, both physically and mentally.


  • Worse in Heat: Picricum acidum is primarily a hot weather remedy, meaning that the patient’s symptoms tend to worsen in summer or hot conditions.
  • Better in Cold: The remedy is especially helpful when the patient feels better in cold air or with cold applications, such as cold water or a cool environment.
  • Coldness provides relief, particularly from burning sensations and exhaustion.


Degeneration of the Nervous System

  • Picricum acidum acts on the spinal cord, leading to degenerative changes and paralysis.
  • This includes conditions like myelitis, where inflammation of the spinal cord causes weakness and spasms.
  • The remedy is also useful for brain fatigue (brain fag), which occurs after mental strain, causing exhaustion, anxiety, and dread of failure.

Mental Fatigue and Lack of Willpower

  • Patients experience a strong disinclination to work or engage in mental activities due to extreme fatigue.
  • There is a tendency towards cerebral softening and dementia, with patients sitting listlessly, showing indifference to their surroundings.

Sexual Excitement and Exhaustion

  • The remedy has a strong action on the generative organs, particularly in cases of sexual excitement followed by extreme exhaustion.
  • This includes conditions like priapism (painful erections) and satyriasis (uncontrollable sexual desire).
  • There is profound weakness after sexual emissions, often without sensual dreams.

Muscular Debility

  • Patients experience a heavy, tired feeling in the limbs, with weakness in the muscles.
  • There may be a sensation of pins and needles in the extremities, and the spinal cord may feel as though it is burning.

Urinary Issues

  • Picricum acidum addresses urinary retention and scanty urination.
  • In cases of anuria (absence of urine production), the patient experiences dark, bloody urine and profound weakness, often with nightly urging to urinate.
  • The urine contains granular cylinders, indican, and fatty degenerated epithelium, indicating kidney inflammation.


  • Lack of Willpower: The patient feels mentally exhausted and has little or no desire to engage in work or any form of mental exertion.
  • They lack the energy or motivation to take action or make decisions.
  • Disinclined to Work: There is a strong aversion to work, particularly tasks that require mental effort.
  • The patient may feel too tired or overwhelmed to complete even simple tasks.
  • Cerebral Softening: This condition indicates the degeneration of brain tissues, leading to significant mental decline.
  • Patients may experience confusion, memory loss, and a general inability to think clearly.
  • Dementia with Prostration: In more advanced stages, the patient may exhibit symptoms of dementia, characterized by mental and physical exhaustion.
  • They may sit still and listless, showing little interest in their surroundings or activities, often accompanied by mental fog and a lack of emotional expression.



Head Pains Relieved by Tight Bandaging

  • The patient experiences headaches that are significantly improved by applying tight bandages or pressure around the head.
  • This indicates that compression provides relief from the discomfort.

Occipital Pain (Pain in the Back of the Head):

  • A key symptom is pain in the occiput, or the back of the head, which worsens with even the slightest mental exertion.
  • This makes activities that require focus, such as reading or thinking, difficult.

Vertigo and Noises in the Ears

  • The patient may experience dizziness (vertigo), often accompanied by buzzing or ringing noises in the ears, which can make it difficult to maintain balance and clear-headedness.

Boils in the Ears and Neck

  • Picricum acidum is indicated when boils or painful lumps form within the ears or on the back of the neck.
  • This symptom may occur alongside other signs of nervous or physical strain.

Mental Strain Leading to Anxiety and Brain Fag

  • Mental overexertion, such as studying for exams or prolonged intellectual activity, results in brain fag (mental exhaustion), anxiety, and a fear of failure.
  • The patient feels completely drained and unable to continue functioning mentally.


Chronic Catarrhal Conjunctivitis

  • The patient suffers from chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outer membrane of the eyes), leading to thick, yellow discharge.
  • This condition is persistent and involves constant eye irritation and discharge.


  • Bitter taste in the mouth, with aversion to food.


  • Scanty urine or complete anuria, with dribbling urine.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys, causing dark, bloody urine with profound weakness and nightly urgency.


  • Profuse emissions without sexual dreams, followed by exhaustion.
  • Painful erections and testicular pain, radiating up the spermatic cord.
  • Prostatic hypertrophy, especially in early stages.


  • Pain in the left ovary before menstruation, often accompanied by leucorrhoea.
  • Pruritus vulvae, causing intense itching in the vulva.


  • Burning sensation along the spine.
  • Tired, heavy feeling in the limbs, worsened by exertion.
  • Cold feet, which never feel warm.



  • Symptoms worsen with exertion, especially mental exertion, and are aggravated by wet weather and summer heat.
  • Symptoms also worsen after sleep.


  • Symptoms improve with cold air, cold water, and tight pressure (such as bandaging).



Compare with,

  • Oxalic acid: For neurasthenia and spinal cord degeneration.
  • Gelsemium: For mental exhaustion and nervous weakness.
  • Phosphorus: Used for nervous system degeneration and progressive weakness.
  • Argentum nitricum: Effective for anxiety and nervous system disorders.
  • Zinc picricum: For facial palsy and paralysis agitans.
  • Ferrum picricum: For buzzing in the ears, deafness, chronic gout, and prostatic troubles.
  • Calcarea picricum: For boils in and around the ears.


  • Picricum acidum is most commonly prescribed in the sixth potency (6X to 6C).
  • It can be administered in higher or lower potencies based on the severity of the symptoms.

Glossary of Terms

  • Willpower: The mental strength to make decisions and carry out actions, especially in the face of difficulties.
  • Cerebral Softening: Degeneration of brain tissue, often leading to cognitive decline, confusion, and dementia.
  • Dementia: A chronic mental disorder marked by memory loss, confusion, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.
  • Prostration: Extreme physical or mental weakness and exhaustion.
  • Myelitis: Inflammation of the spinal cord, often causing weakness, spasms, and paralysis.
  • Neurasthenia: A condition characterized by chronic fatigue, weakness, and mental exhaustion.
  • Anuria: Absence or near-absence of urine production, indicating kidney failure or urinary tract obstruction.
  • Priapism: A prolonged and painful erection, unrelated to sexual activity.
  • Satyriasis: An excessive, uncontrollable sexual drive in men.
  • Pernicious Anemia: A type of anemia caused by the body’s inability to absorb vitamin B12, leading to weakness and fatigue.
  • Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outer layer of the eye), causing redness, discharge, and irritation.
  • Uraemia: A condition involving the buildup of waste products in the blood, typically due to kidney failure.
  • Spinal Cord Degeneration: The progressive loss of function or structural damage to the spinal cord, leading to symptoms like paralysis and sensory loss.
  • Vertigo: A sensation of dizziness or spinning, often causing imbalance.
  • Leucorrhoea: A thick, white or yellowish vaginal discharge, often related to hormonal changes or infection.
  • Indican: A compound found in urine, indicating protein breakdown in the intestines and poor digestion.
  • Fibrillary Contraction: Small, involuntary muscle movements caused by nervous system issues.
  • Tight Pressure: A modality where tight bandaging or compression improves symptoms like headache or weakness.
  • Occiput: The back part of the head or skull.

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