Bismuthum Subnitricum, also known as Precipitated Sub-Nitrate of Bismuth, is a homeopathic remedy primarily used for irritation and catarrhal inflammation of the alimentary canal.
It is derived from bismuth, a heavy metal element known for its medicinal properties.

Chemical formula
- Bismuthum subnitricum is derived from bismuth, a chemical element with the atomic number 83 and the symbol Bi.
- Bismuth is a brittle metal with a silvery-white color and is commonly found in minerals such as bismuthinite and bismite.
- Bismuthum subnitricum, also known as Precipitated Sub-Nitrate of Bismuth, is a chemical compound derived from bismuth.
- Its chemical formula is Bi5O(OH)9(NO3)4.
- It is primarily composed of bismuth, oxygen, hydroxide, and nitrate ions.
- Bismuthum subnitricum is prepared by the precipitation of bismuth salts, usually bismuth nitrate, with a hydroxide source such as sodium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide.
- This results in the formation of a white, amorphous powder, which is then collected and further processed for medicinal use in homeopathy.
- Bismuthum Subnitricum primarily acts on the alimentary canal, causing irritation and catarrhal inflammation.
- It affects the stomach and intestines, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, gastralgia (stomach pain), slow digestion, and diarrhoea.
- It also affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms like angina pectoris (chest pain) and respiratory discomfort.
- Irritation and inflammation of the alimentary canal.
- Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, burning pain in the stomach, and diarrhoea.
- Restlessness and anguish of mind, with a desire for company.
- Metallic taste in the mouth, swollen gums, and profuse salivation.
- Gastralgia with pain extending through to the spine.
- Solitude intolerable: The person cannot bear being alone and seeks company for comfort.
- Desire for company: Craves companionship and social interaction.
- Complains about condition: Expresses dissatisfaction or grievances regarding their health or circumstances.
- Anguish: Mental distress or suffering, possibly related to their physical symptoms.
- Discontented: Feeling dissatisfied or unhappy with their situation.
- Headache alternating with gastralgia: Head pain that alternates with stomach pain.
- Neuralgic pain: Sharp, stabbing pain as if being torn by pincers, involving the face and teeth.
- Worse from eating: Headache worsens after eating.
- Better from cold: Relief from symptoms when exposed to cold.
- Pressure in occiput: Sensation of pressure at the back of the head.
- Worse from motion: Symptoms worsen with movement.
- Heaviness in head: Feeling of weight or pressure in the head.
- Swollen gums: Inflammation and enlargement of the gums.
- Toothache: Pain in the teeth, relieved by cold water.
- White-coated tongue: Tongue covered with a white film or coating.
- Profuse salivation: Excessive production of saliva.
- Loose teeth: Teeth feeling loose or unstable.
- Thirst for cold drinks: Desire for cold beverages.
- Vomiting with convulsive gagging: Forceful expulsion of stomach contents with spasmodic contractions.
- Water vomited immediately: Inability to retain even water in the stomach.
- Eructation after drinking: Belching or burping after consuming liquids.
- Burning sensation: Feeling of heat or burning in the stomach.
- Feeling of a load: Sensation of heaviness or fullness in the stomach.
- Slow digestion: Delayed or sluggish digestion process.
- Gastralgia: Stomach pain extending through to the spine.
- Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach lining.
- White-coated tongue: Tongue covered with a white film.
- Sweetish, metallic taste: Unpleasant taste sensation in the mouth.
- Painless diarrhoea: Diarrhoea without abdominal pain.
- Great thirst: Intense thirst.
- Frequent micturition: Increased frequency of urination.
- Pinching in lower abdomen: Colicky pain in the lower abdomen.
- Pinching in diaphragm: Sharp pain in the diaphragm muscle.
- Angina pectoris: Chest pain radiating to the left arm and fingers.
- Cramps in hands and feet: Painful muscle contractions.
- Tearing pain in wrist and fingertips: Sharp, shooting pain in the wrist and fingertips.
- Paralytic weakness: Weakness, especially in the right arm.
- Itching erosion near joints: Skin irritation or erosion near the joints.
- Cold limbs: Cold sensation in the extremities.
- Restless sleep: Difficulty sleeping due to vivid or arousing dreams.
- Sleepiness in the morning: Feeling sleepy or drowsy after waking up in the morning, especially a few hours after eating.
- Symptoms worsen after eating, especially warm food.
- Better from cold drinks.
- Restlessness and anguish worse in solitude.
- Antidotes: Nux vomica, Capsicum, Calcarea.
- Comparison: Antimonium crudum, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Kreosotum.
- Bismuthum Subnitricum is typically prescribed in potencies ranging from first to sixth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the primary indications for Bismuthum Subnitricum?
- It is indicated for irritation and inflammation of the alimentary canal, leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
How does Bismuthum Subnitricum affect the mental state?
- It causes restlessness and anguish of mind, with a strong desire for company.
What are some characteristic symptoms of Bismuthum Subnitricum in the mouth?
- Symptoms include swollen gums, toothache, a white-coated tongue, and profuse salivation.
What are the modalities associated with Bismuthum Subnitricum?
- Symptoms worsen after eating warm food and improve with cold drinks.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Catarrhal: Inflammation of a mucous membrane, typically producing mucus.
- Gastralgia: Pain in the stomach or abdomen.
- Antidotes: Substances that counteract the effects of a poison or toxin.
- Metallic taste: A taste sensation in the mouth characterized by a metallic-like flavor.