Natrum Phosphoricum, commonly known as Phosphate of Sodium, is a key remedy in homeopathy used primarily for ailments caused by excess lactic acid, often due to the overconsumption of sugar.

It is effective for conditions with symptoms of acidity, such as sour eructations, vomiting, and digestive discomfort.

This remedy is associated with several physical and mental states, from gastrointestinal issues to peculiar psychological fears and imaginings.

Its use spans various conditions, including flatulence, joint issues, and sour secretions from the body.



Scientific Classification
  • Chemical Name: Sodium Phosphate
  • Formula: Na₂HPO₄
  • Family: Phosphates
  • Inorganic
  • Natrum Phosphoricum was first introduced as a homeopathic remedy by Dr. Wilhelm Schüssler, a German physician, as part of his “tissue salts” theory, where it was primarily used for neutralizing lactic acid buildup.
Historical Facts
  • Phosphate of Sodium was discovered in the early 19th century, and its use in homeopathy became popular in the late 1800s.
  • Dr. Schüssler postulated that this compound was essential for regulating acidity in the body, thus influencing various health conditions.
  • Historically, Natrum Phosphoricum was used to treat acidity and digestive disturbances, but its applications have expanded to include rheumatic and respiratory conditions.


  • Natrum Phosphoricum’s primary action is on the digestive system, neutralizing lactic acid buildup and regulating acidity.
  • It is indicated for sour eructations, vomiting, and heartburn.
  • Its action extends to other areas, including the joints (causing cracking and crepitus) and the mind, where it helps alleviate fears and delusions.


  • Suited for individuals who tend to accumulate acidity in their systems.
  • They may suffer from indigestion, sour risings, and joint pains.



  • Individuals predisposed to acid diathesis, characterized by conditions like gout, rheumatism, or digestive acidity.



  • Nervous, irritable individuals prone to anxiety and fear, especially at night.



  • Generally chilly, with cold extremities (especially cold feet during the day and burning feet at night).


  • Natrum Phosphoricum aligns with the sycotic miasm, associated with overgrowths, acidity, and excess.


  • Acidity Symptoms: Sour eructations, vomiting, flatulence, and a general feeling of acidity in the system.
  • Joint Symptoms: Cracking and popping in joints, especially during movement.
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Sour vomiting, creamy yellow tongue coating, and flatulence.
  • Respiratory Issues: Nasopharyngeal catarrh with thick yellow mucus.


  • The psychological profile of Natrum Phosphoricum is characterized by anxiety, fear, and vivid imaginings, especially during the night.
  • The individual may experience delusions, imagining that inanimate objects like pieces of furniture are people, or hearing footsteps in an adjacent room.
  • This fear is often irrational and occurs upon waking from sleep, leading to feelings of insecurity and unease.
  • People requiring Natrum Phosphoricum are typically prone to emotional disturbances at night, including heightened anxiety and fear.
  • These delusions reflect their nervous and sensitive temperament.
  • They may feel threatened or vulnerable when alone, amplifying their fears and leading to disturbed sleep and vivid dreams.
  • The mental state is often accompanied by a sense of internal unrest or nervous energy, making the individual susceptible to irrational fears and imaginings.



  • Dull feeling in the morning, full and throbbing headaches.


  • Discharge of yellow, creamy material; whites of the eyes may turn yellow.


  • Itching and redness in one ear, associated with digestive disturbances.


  • Offensive odor and catarrh with thick, yellow discharge.


  • Canker sores of lip and cheeks: These are small, painful ulcers or lesions inside the mouth.
  • They can cause discomfort, especially when eating or talking.
  • Blisters on tip of tongue, with stinging in the evening: Small, painful blisters or sores appear on the tongue, often worsened at night.
  • Thin, moist coating on the tongue: The tongue has a light, moist film, indicating excess moisture or digestive disturbances.
  • Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of the roof of the mouth: This can signify acidity and digestive imbalance, often linked to conditions like indigestion or reflux.
  • Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing, often associated with inflammation or soreness in the throat.
  • Thick, creamy membrane over tonsils and soft palate: This can indicate a throat infection or irritation, possibly related to excess mucus production.


  • Sour eructations: Burping or belching with a sour taste, indicating excess acidity in the stomach.
  • Sour vomiting: Vomiting with a sour taste, often due to indigestion or acid reflux.
  • Greenish diarrhoea: Loose stools with a greenish colour, which may be related to bile issues or gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • Spits mouthful of food: Regurgitation of food from the mouth, a symptom related to indigestion or acid reflux.


  • Nocturnal emissions (involuntary discharge of semen during sleep) occur without sexual dreams, accompanied by physical weakness and trembling.
  • Desire without erection: Sexual desire is present, but there is a lack of physical response, indicating sexual debility or imbalance.
  • Gonorrhoea: A sexually transmitted infection causing burning pain, discharge, and discomfort.


  • The menstrual cycle occurs earlier than expected, with light and watery discharge, which could indicate weakness or hormonal imbalance.
  • Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina: Difficulty in conceiving, possibly due to overly acidic vaginal secretions that affect sperm viability.
  • Leucorrhoea: A creamy, honey-colored, or watery discharge from the vagina, often associated with hormonal imbalances or infections.
  • Sour-smelling discharges from uterus: Offensive-smelling discharges, indicating acidity and possible infection in the reproductive system.
  • Morning sickness, with sour vomiting: Common in pregnancy, this refers to nausea and vomiting with a sour taste.


  • Rheumatism of the knee-joint: Pain and inflammation in the knees, often associated with stiffness and difficulty moving.


  • Weariness; aching in wrists and finger-joints: Generalized fatigue and joint pain, particularly affecting the wrists and fingers, often linked to overuse or inflammation.
  • Hamstrings sore: Soreness in the back of the thigh, possibly related to muscular strain or inflammation.
  • Synovial crepitation: The sound of cracking or popping in the joints, which indicates friction in the joint space, often associated with conditions like arthritis.
  • Rheumatic arthritis: A chronic inflammatory disorder affecting joints, causing pain and stiffness, particularly in the back and wrists.


  • Yellow: A yellowish tint to the skin, which could indicate liver or bile-related issues, such as jaundice.
  • Itching in various parts, especially of ankles: Persistent itchiness, particularly in the lower limbs, often a sign of irritation or systemic imbalance.
  • Hives: Raised, red, itchy welts on the skin, often triggered by allergies or stress.
  • Smooth, red, shining: The skin appears inflamed, red, and glossy, possibly indicating erysipelas or other infections.
  • Erysipelas: A bacterial skin infection characterized by red, inflamed skin.
  • Feet icy cold in daytime, burn at night: Coldness in the feet during the day, followed by burning sensations at night, a sign of poor circulation or nerve-related issues.
  • Swelling of lymphatic glands: Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes, often a sign of infection or immune response.


  • Worse: After consuming sugar, at night, after sleep, or during changes in the weather.
  • Better: From warmth, in the morning, and after movement.



Natrum Lacticum

  • Conditions Treated: Rheumatism and gout, particularly gouty concretions (hardened deposits in joints). It is also useful in cases of rheumatism with accompanying diabetes.
  • Key Symptoms: Joint pain and inflammation associated with metabolic issues such as high blood sugar or uric acid levels.

Natrum Nitrosum

  • Conditions Treated: Angina pectoris (chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart).
  • Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin), fainting, and copious liquid stools at night are significant indicators.
  • Key Symptoms: Throbbing, fullness, faintness, nervous head pain, nausea, eructations (belching), and blue lips—all signs of poor circulation and heart strain.

Natrum Silicofluoricum (Salufer)

  • Conditions Treated: A remedy primarily used for cancer, especially for treating tumors, bone affection (caries), lupus, and ethmoiditis (inflammation of the sinuses).
  • This is a potent remedy and must be administered with caution due to its powerful action.
  • Key Symptoms: It is valuable in severe, degenerative conditions like bone decay or cancer-related complications.

Natrum Selenicum

  • Conditions Treated: Chronic laryngitis (inflammation of the voice box) and laryngeal phthisis (tuberculosis of the larynx).
  • It is commonly used for singers who suffer from hoarseness.
  • Key Symptoms: Hoarseness of voice, frequent clearing of the throat, and expectoration of small lumps of mucus.
  • This remedy helps in addressing vocal strain and chronic inflammation.

Natrum Sulphurosum

  • Conditions Treated: Diarrhea with yeasty stools, indicating an underlying fungal or bacterial imbalance in the gut.
  • Key Symptoms: Loose stools that resemble yeast, indicating an infection or irritation of the digestive system.

Natrum Sulphocarbolicum

  • Conditions Treated: Pyemia (blood poisoning due to pus-forming bacteria) and purulent pleurisy (inflammation of the lungs with pus formation).
  • It is dosed frequently to manage severe, purulent infections.
  • Key Symptoms: Pus-filled infections of the lungs or other body cavities, requiring potent detoxification and drainage.

Natrum Telluricum

  • Conditions Treated: This remedy is indicated for patients whose breath has a garlic odor, commonly seen in tuberculosis (phthisis) patients.
  • It is especially useful in managing night sweats associated with tuberculosis.
  • Key Symptoms: Garlic-like breath, chronic night sweats, and general weakness indicative of severe lung disease.
Other Remedies
  • Calcarea: Often used in conditions of bone weakness, particularly for children with developmental delays or adults with chronic conditions.
  • Robinia: Known for treating acidity and digestive disorders, especially in patients who suffer from acid reflux and sour eructations.
  • Phosphorus (Phos): A common remedy for respiratory issues, weakness, and bleeding tendencies.
Additional Clinical Context
  • In Oxaluria: Natrum Phosphoricum in low potencies (1x) four times daily prevents the formation of oxalate stones (calculi) in the kidneys.
  • This helps to maintain the oxal of lime in solution, avoiding the crystallization that can lead to kidney stones (according to Schwartz’s findings).


  • Typically administered in the third to twelfth trituration.
  • For conditions like jaundice, it is recommended in 1x trituration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Natrum Phosphoricum used for?

  • Natrum Phosphoricum is used to treat conditions caused by excess lactic acid, such as acidity, sour eructations, indigestion, and joint pain.

Can Natrum Phosphoricum treat joint problems?

  • Yes, it is highly effective for cracking joints, especially in conditions of rheumatic arthritis.

How should I take Natrum Phosphoricum?

  • The recommended dosage is usually in the third to twelfth trituration.
  • Consult with a homeopath for specific dosing based on individual symptoms.

What are the mental symptoms of Natrum Phosphoricum?

  • Individuals may experience fear, delusions, and vivid imaginings, particularly at night.
  • There may be feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Eructations: The act of belching or releasing gas from the stomach.
  • Oxaluria: The excessive excretion of oxalates in the urine, often leading to kidney stones.
  • Crepitus: A crackling or popping sound in the joints caused by air or fluid moving in the joint space.
  • Leucorrhoea: A thick, whitish discharge from the vagina, often associated with infection or irritation.
  • Erysipelas: A bacterial infection of the skin, characterized by red, swollen, and shiny areas.

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