Homeopathic medicines look different than the traditional medicines, so How should you take homeopathic medicines? and What are the regimens that should be followed while homeopathic treatment? are the commonly asked questions especially by patients.
Read everything you need to know about here, ALL ABOUT HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES.
The method of taking homeopathic medicine is explained here that should be followed by the patient under treatment.
How to handle and store the Homeopathic medicines?
- Keep the medicine in its original container.
- Keep the medicine away from strong-smelling substances as camphor, peppermint, perfumes, paint etc.
- Keep the medicine away from direct sunlight.
- Homeopathic medicines are not required to be kept in refrigerator. Keep them at room temperature.
- Do not touch the medicine with your hands.
How to take homeopathic medicines?
- Globules or tablets should be tipped into the cap (base) of container and then dispensed under your tongue. The dose of medicine is always sufficient in quantity to be covered by the base of the cap.
- If you spill the medicines accidently, do not put them back into the bottle.
- Do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before or after taking the homeopathic medicines.
- Try to take on an empty stomach. Remember there is no side effects of homeopathic medicines.
- Your mouth should be free from other tastes. There should not be any taste of tea, tobacco, cigarette, milk, toothpaste, onion, garlic etc. in your mouth. You can rinse your mouth before taking the medicine.
- Solid medicine is to be kept under your tongue and let it dissolve itself. Do not swallow or chew them.
- Liquid medicines should be held in mouth for about 1 minute before swallowing.
- Do not discontinue taking your already running medicines like antihypertensive, antidiabetics, steroids etc. unless advised to do so by the physician who prescribed it.
Read the myths and facts regarding homeopathy here, MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT HOMEOPATHY.
You can read commonly asked questions about homeopathy and their explanation in detail here, COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT HOMEOPATHY FROM PATIENTS.
Always remember that any confusion regarding homeopathic treatment can be answered appropriately and rationally only by the experts of homeopathy.
Ask your questions freely to your nearby homeopaths so you can have a proper explanation.