Here you will get all the explanation about “Homoeopathy” or “Homeopathic medicines”.

Homeopathy Meaning

The homeopathy word is made up of two Greek words

“Homoeos” = Similar

“Pathos” = Suffering

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine.

Who Is The Founder Of Homeopathy?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) of Germany discovered the homeopathic medicinal system.

(Read the life history and discovery of homeopathy by following the link here, BIOGRAPHY OF Dr. HAHNEMANN)

Definition Of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a therapeutic medicinal system which treats the diseased condition by applying the medicines that can produce exactly similar symptoms in healthy human beings.

What are the Laws and Principles of Homeopathy?

Every science in the world is ruled by certain laws and principles.



English meaning- “Like cures like”/ “Let likes be cured by likes”.

This is the Law of Nature which also has been mentioned by Kavi Kalidasa (an ancient Indian poet).

“Shruyate hi pura loke, vishaya visham aushadam”

Which means, “Poison is the remedy for poison”.

Hippocrates proposed this law of similar as the only curative power in the universe.

Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and polymath) who is known as the first genuine scientist in history also recognized this law.

Dr. Hahnemann made its practical application to cure the diseases by following the “Law of Nature”.

Nature’s law is not very safe to apply directly as a medicine.

So, Dr. Hahnemann made some modifications for two reasons

  1. To make them harmless
  2. Can be applied as a medicine

Tireless scientific experiments guided him to the process of potentization.

What is potentization?

Potentization is the process of step-by-step diluting and jerking of the drug substances in order to extract its inert medicinal properties.

At the same time the drug substance becomes extremely powerful and harmless (no toxic effect of drug left).


There are 8 fundamental principles guided by Dr. Hahnemann on the basis of experiments and scientific explanation.

They are,

  1. Law of similia
  2. Law of simplex
  3. Law of minimum dose
  4. Doctrine of drug proving
  5. Doctrine of drug dynamization
  6. Doctrine of chronic diseases
  7. Doctrine of vital force


Does Homeopathy work? How?

Homeopathic medicinal system is based on natural curative process of our body.

It is world’s second best alternative medical practice according to World Health Organization (WHO).

It has been more than 200 years of its discovery and it’s still evolving.

A huge mass of population all over the world have been benefited with homeopathy since its inception.

So, the answer is YES. Homeopathy does work.

(Read the detailed explanation about how Homeopathy does work here, CONCEPT OF CURE IN HOMEOPATHY).

What disease conditions can Homeopathy treat?

When it comes to scope of homeopathy, there are a wide range of treatments that homeopathic medicines can provide.

Homeopathic Materia Medica contains very extensive number of medicines with wide range of symptoms.

These medicines are clinically proved, reproved and confirmed by healthy provers.

Then they were verified on sick individuals.

(Read about Scope and Limitations of Homeopathic Materia Medica by following the link).

So, when you should consider to take homeopathic medicine?

  • Any abnormal sensation, pain or discomfort in your body either physical or mental, homeopathic medicines can treat you.
  • Acute diseases can be managed as quickly as modern medicines.
  • Can cure chronic disease or discomfort. Even sometimes seemingly incurable ones too.
  • Best suitable to all age groups of both sexes, be it new born, pregnant women or elderly people.
  • A homeopathic physician treats each and every patient as a whole.
  • Homeopathic medicines are selected not only on the basis of disease symptoms but also based on thorough and careful examination of the patient.

As homeopathic medicines act on our body’s natural healing power (vital force) they are capable of treating any curable disease condition from head to toe.=

Cancers have been cured with homeopathy.

Patients in coma came back to senses with homeopathy.

There are patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid ailments etc. who were advised to take medicines daily for the rest of their lives and then after homeopathic treatment their medicinal doses needed to be decreased or stopped.

Patients with Paralysis or Schizophrenia also have been treated successfully with homeopathy.

Homeopathy has proved successful in the treatment of Infertility, Congenital disorders, Mental diseases, Complains during pregnancy, Autism, Rheumatism etc.

What are the benefits of taking homeopathic medicines?

  1. Homeopath (A registered medical person who treats with homeopathic medicines) approaches each and every patient individually in order to cure.
  2. Homeopathy has a holistic approach that covers both the mental and physical constitution of the patient.
  3. The factors that caused the disease in person are focused in order to cure (Not only the removal of apparent signs and symptoms of the disease).
  4. Only single, simple and minimum potentized medicine is applied at a time.
  5. Homeopathy is very good especially when it comes to treat the chronic and incurable (apparently) diseases.
  6. Homeopathic medicines do not palliate or suppress the symptoms.
  7. There are no side effects of carefully selected homeopathic medicines.
  8. Homeopathic treatment gives lasting relief from the disease because root of the disease is being treated. Depending upon the nature of disease and its causes, cure may last over decades or be permanent.
  9. Homeopathic medicines are economical (Less expensive).
  10. Easy to take for any age group.
  11. They are child-friendly too, as they are prepared sweet to taste.

What are the limitations of homeopathic medicines?

No medicinal system is complete, same applies to homeopathy.

  • Homeopath has limited scope in acute emergency cases.
  • There are some limitations if there is an advanced pathology or organic damage due to the disease.
  • Homeopathy has limited reach in the area of vaccination.
  • Homeopathic medicines do not work as a supplement therapy.

What are the risks and side effects of homeopathic medicines?

There is no risk in taking homeopathic medicine for your disease condition.

As they are potentized drugs, no toxic effects of drug left.

They are given in minimum required doses and potencies so, no medicinal side effects are possible.

Homeopathy is absolutely safe for new born babies, children, pregnant women, elderly patients as well as those with delicate physical or mental conditions.

Read a detailed article on How should I take homeopathic medicines? and What are the regimens that should be followed while homeopathic treatment? Here, HOW TO TAKE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES?

Read the myths and facts regarding homeopathy here, FACTS AND MYTHS ABOUT HOMEOPATHY.

You can read commonly asked questions about homeopathy and their explanation in detail here, COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT HOMEOPATHY FROM PATIENTS.

Always keep in mind that any question regarding any medical treatment can be answered appropriately and rationally only by the experts of that therapy.

Ask your confusions and queries freely to your nearby homeopaths so you can have a proper explanation.

Try to avoid misconceptions.