In the explanation of introduction to the 6th edition of organon of medicine Dr. Hahnemann uses this word “TOLLE CAUSAM”.

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This word is of Latin origin which means “Treat the cause” or “Remove the cause.”

Hahnemann wanted to convey that,

“Treat the cause (of the disease), not the symptoms (not the expression of the disease)”.

It is important to investigate the true and actual cause of the disease.

Only attending the symptoms that are discomforting (pain, burning, itching, inflammation etc.) is not the logical method of treatment.

Diseases are not due to something material hidden inside the body.

DISEASE IS ACTUALLY VERY SUBTLE (delicate/highly refined).

We can not perceive it by our physical senses.

Tissue or organic changes are also the result of the disease.

Diseases are caused by harmful disturbance in the dynamic equilibrium of the body.

(WHAT IS DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM? do not forget to read it).

These disturbing forces are called MIASMS.

Pathology is nothing but the by-product of the disease. It can never become the cause of the disease.

The cause and effect cannot be same at the same time.

So, causes of the disease is always the Miasms and the pathological changes are the results of the diseases.


True rational treatment always aims towards the removal of the dynamic causes of the disease.

Dr. Hahnemann expressed his concern about the physicians of his time because for centuries they have been facing challenges to cure the chronic diseases.

Ideal cure could have been possible only if they would have identified Miasms as the cause of all the diseases.

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