Cervical erosion, also known as cervical ectropion, is a common gynaecological condition that affects many women.

It involves the presence of cervical canal cells on the outer surface of the cervix.

While often benign, cervical erosion can sometimes lead to discomfort or unusual cervical discharge.

This comprehensive guide provides an overview of cervical erosion, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options along with its homoeopathic treatment.


Cervical erosion is a relatively common condition in which cells from the cervical canal are found on the outer surface of the cervix. Here’s an in-depth look at various aspects of this condition:


  • Cervical erosion can be triggered by hormonal changes, such as those occurring during pregnancy or while using hormonal contraceptives.
  • Infections, inflammation, or other factors can also play a role.


  • Cervical erosion is often asymptomatic and does not cause noticeable issues.
  • However, it can lead to symptoms like discomfort during sexual intercourse, abnormal cervical discharge, or spotting between menstrual periods in some cases.


  • Healthcare providers can identify cervical erosion during a routine pelvic examination or through a Pap smear.
  • During the examination, the cervix is inspected for any signs of erosion or irregularities.


  • In the majority of cases, cervical erosion does not require treatment.
  • However, if the condition is causing discomfort or significant problems, treatment options may be considered.
  • These may include cauterization, cryotherapy, or other medical procedures.

Cervical Erosion vs. Cervical Cancer

  • It’s essential to differentiate between cervical erosion and cervical cancer.
  • Cervical erosion is a non-cancerous condition involving the displacement of cervical canal cells, while cervical cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the cervix.
  • Cervical erosion does not increase the risk of cervical cancer.
Here are some of the most effective homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of cervical erosion.



Hydrastis is an indicated remedy when there is erosion and excoriation of cervix.

It mainly acts on all types of mucous membrane.

There is catarrhal condition of various parts that are characterized by profuse, thick, yellowish, ropy and stringy discharge from mucous membranes of nose, throat, stomach, urethra, uterus etc.

Hydrastis is best suited when there is erosion of cervix caused by abuse of mercury, alcohol or il effects of chronic syphilis and gonorrhea.

Indicated for women of old age who gets tired easily, having cachectic condition of mind and body with marked debility.

Also, useful when there is cancer and precancerous state before ulceration has taken place, specially when pain is the primary symptom.

There is characteristic knife-like sharp and cutting pain.

Patient complains of pruritus in vulva with sexual excitement along with feeling of soreness in vagina after coition.


  • There is catarrhal condition of cervix in form of leucorrhoea.
  • Leucorrhoea is acrid, thick, yellowish, shreddy and tenacious burning pain in vagina.
  • Leucorrhoea gets worse after menses.

Mental generals

  • Mentally she is forgetful, depressed and irritable because of her prolonged suffering, weakness and debility.
  • There feeing of sure death and desire of it.


Aggravation: after menses, after coition, from motion.

Amelioration: by rest, by pressure.

Dose: Mother tincture to 30th potency should be given.



Argentum nitricum acts on mucous membranes of various body parts.

Suited for the complain of metrorrhagia in young widows or in sterility caused by nervous erethism (excessive irritability or sensitivity of body parts) at change of life.

A/F nervous anticipation of upcoming events.

C/O uterine hemorrhage two weeks after menstruation.

There is profuse leucorrhoea with erosion of cervix.

Painful condition of left ovary.

Sensation of splinter in or around uterus while walking or riding.

There is complain of gastralgia (Neurotic type of pain in stomach or epigastric region) at beginning of menses.

Intense spasm of organisms at night.

Feeling of orgasms at night.

Painful coition which is followed by bleeding per vagina.

Physical generals

  • Argentum patients are generally chilly but they desire everything cold.
  • Complain of loss of appetite.

Mental generals

  • Mentally Argentum patients are hasty and impulsive in doing work with great apprehension for upcoming events.
  • They are nervous and fretful.
  • Great apprehension of serious disease.
  • There is also complain of nervous Diarrhoea.


Aggravation: from prolonged mental exertion, warmth in any form, at night, cold food, sweets, after eating, at menstrual phase, from emotions.

Amelioration: from eructation, fresh air, cold, pressure.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potency.



Conium is one of the best indicated remedy for cervical erosion.

Suited to the complains of old maid and unmarried old women.

Mainly acts on body’s glandular system.

There is complain of chronic inflammation and induration of cervix.

Conium is effective on patients with cancerous diathesis.

A/F suppressed sexual desire, suppression of menses, excessive sexual indulgence.

Radiological findings show enlargement of ovaries and induration in uterine linings.

There is complain of chronic burning, stinging and tearing pain in the external os.

Itching around pudenda (external genitalia of women).


  • scanty and suppressed.
  • Too late and short lasting.
  • There is feeling of soreness and hardness in breasts before and during menses.

Physical generals

  • Physically there is feeling of great debility and tiredness especially in morning while in bed.
  • There is general feeling as if bruised by blows.
  • Thermally patient is chilly.

Mental generals

  • Very ill-tempered (morose) as she easily gets angry.
  • She is very quarrelsome in nature.
  • Scolds even at silly matters.
  • Cannot tolerate contradiction
  • Very indolent (apathetic, lazy) and indifferent with no interest in anything.
  • She avoids society but cannot be alone.

Aggravation: cold, celibacy (voluntary oath of sexual abstinence), night, by lying down.

Amelioration: by motion, in dark, by hanging the limbs down the bed.

Dose: 6C to 30C.

Can be prescribed in higher potencies specially for growth or paretic states.

But should not be repeated frequently.



Arsenic is the remedy for cervical erosion when there is ulceration or gangrenous stage has been developed.

A/F chronic erosion of cervix due to sexually transmitted diseases like syphilitic ulcers.

Patient C/O profuse metrorrhagia (abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding) and leucorrhoea due to erosion of cervix.

There is dryness, itching and intense burning in vagina.


  • Marked burning pain in ovarian region.
  • Pains are like from red-hot wires.
  • Stitching pain in pelvis that extends down the thigh.
  • Burning and stitching pain in cervical region.

Menses is acrid, offensive, too early, and too profuse.


  • Thin, acrid, offensive and burning.
  • Watery leucorrhoea has fetid or cadaveric smell.
  • Oedematous condition of genitalia.

Physical generals

  • There is great prostration which is out of proportion to the degree of illness.
  • Patient is highly chilly who craves heat.
  • There is no thirst in chronic disease state.
  • She cannot bear the sight or smell of the food.

Mental generals


Aggravation: cold weather, cold drinks, exertion.

Amelioration: warm room, warm drinks, heat in general, rest.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potency. The very highest potencies often give brilliant results.



When ever the abnormal cellular growth looks like cauliflower, the Kreosotum should come into the mind of a homeopath.

This overgrowth causes irritation of vagina and vulva.

Then secondary infection causes induration and inflammation of labial folds.

There is complain of intense burning and itching between labia and thighs.

Corrosive itching inside of vulva with burning and swelling of labia.


  • Too early and too profuse.
  • During menses there is difficulty in hearing with buzzing and roaring in ears.
  • Burning and soreness of external and internal parts.
  • Kreosotum is suited to the women with hemorrhagic diathesis. There is bleeding after coition, on straining, post-menopausal, intermenstrual or may be irregular menstrual bleeding.


  • Watery, acrid and long lasting.
  • Offensive which smells like green corn.
  • Corrosive leucorrhoea which gets worse between periods.
  • Sometimes its thick like starch, staining the linen yellow.

Physical generals

  • Thermal relationship: chilly
  • Mostly left sided complains.
  • Constitution: lady who is tall (very tall for her age), slim (slender), ill developed and of dark complexion.

Mental generals


Aggravation: cold in general, lying-in bed, after menses, open air.

Amelioration: warmth in general.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potencies are usually prescribed.

200th potency can be given in sensitive patients.



Carbo animalis is especially suited to scrofulous and venous constitutions especially old aged ladies having blueness of skin.

There is feeble circulation and lowered vitality due to chronic debilitating disease.

Indicated remedy for cervical erosion at the stage of ulceration and decomposition.

A/F loss of fluids, lifting, strain, eating spoiled fish and delayed vegetables.


  • Spongy with copper-colored eruptions with pain in the coccyx.
  • Ulcers burns when touched.
  • Ulceration at lower lip of cervix with metastatic infection (deep-seated infection).
  • Patient comes with history of chronic endocervical infection.
  • There is complain of persistent white, thick or muco-purulent (containing mucus and pus) discharge.
  • Severe stitching pain in cervical region.


  • Too early, frequent and long lasting.
  • Menses is followed by great exhaustion.
  • Menses flows only in morning (Borax, Sepia).
  • Burning pain in vagina and labia.

Physical generals

  • Chilly patients.
  • Physically patient feels so weak that she hardly can speak (Cocca) even eating tires the patient.

Mental generals

  • She desires to be alone.
  • Feeling sad and reflective (a person who thinks things through or thoughtful).
  • She feels very anxious at night.


Aggravation: after midnight, loss of vital fluids, slightest touch.

Amelioration: open air, rest in bed.

Dose: 3rd to 30th potency is usually prescribed.



This remedy mainly acts on the mucous membranes, skin, glands, kidneys, fibrous tissues and periosteum.

A/F alcohol consumption, beer, hot weather, autumn, spring.

Best suited to the obese women having light hair and fine complexion who mainly complains of catarrhal affections.

There is cervical erosion with yellow and tenacious leucorrhoea.


  • Leucorrhoeal discharges are tough and stringy which adhere to the parts that can be drawn into long strings.
  • Spottiness, stringiness and yellowishness indicates this remedy.
  • Also indicated for prolapse of uterus.
  • Complain gets worse in hot weather.


  • Shifting or flying pain from one place of body to another, goes side to side.
  • Pain comes with suddenness and disappears suddenly.

Mental generals

  • She is ill-tempered, low spirited and indifferent.
  • Gets easily excited.


Aggravations: morning, from beer, hot weather, undressing.

Amelioration: lying down, heat.

Dose: 3rd, 30th or higher attenuation.

The lower preparation of Kali bichromicum should not be prescribed for too long.



Alumina has specific action on mucous membranes of intestine and vagina.

There is extreme dryness and lack of secretion of mucous membranes and skin with slight or more irritation.

A/F being scorned.


  • Too early and scanty with pale blood.
  • During menses there is feeling of prostration even with scanty flow.
  • All suffering gets aggravated while menses.
  • After menses patient feels physical and mental exhaustion making her hardly able to speak.
  • It takes until next period to get recovered.


  • During day time.
  • Profuse, copious, running down to heels.
  • Acrid, thick, yellow and excoriating leucorrhoea that looks like white of an egg.
  • Gets worse when walking or standing.

Physical generals

  • Suited to women who is lean, lean and dry with dark skin complexion.
  • There are sedentary habits with chronic affections.
  • She suffers from decreased animal heat.
  • Very chilly patient.

Mental generals


Aggravations: in cold air, during winter, in morning on waling, full and new moon.

Ameliorations: in summer weather, from warm drinks.

Dose: 6th, 30th and higher potencies can be prescribed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Causes Cervical Erosion?

  • Cervical erosion can be caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, infections, inflammation, or the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Pregnancy can also trigger this condition.

Is Cervical Erosion the Same as Cervical Cancer?

  • No, cervical erosion is a benign condition that does not increase the risk of cervical cancer.
  • Cervical cancer involves the growth of malignant cells in the cervix, while cervical erosion is the displacement of cervical canal cells.

What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Erosion?

  • Many cases of cervical erosion are asymptomatic.
  • However, it can lead to discomfort, abnormal cervical discharge, or spotting between menstrual periods in some instances.

How Is Cervical Erosion Diagnosed?

  • Cervical erosion is usually identified during a pelvic examination or a Pap smear.
  • Your healthcare provider may examine the cervix for signs of erosion.

Is Treatment Necessary for Cervical Erosion?

  • In most cases, treatment is not required, especially if there are no bothersome symptoms.
  • However, if the condition causes discomfort or significant issues, procedures like cauterization or cryotherapy may be recommended.

These homeopathic remedies offer support for various aspects of cervical erosion and its associated symptoms. The selection of the appropriate remedy should be based on a thorough assessment by a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

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