BHMS internship training programme

This post is focused on the BHMS internship training programme.

Let’s revise the course duration of BHMS degree course.

It is 5 years and 6 months

  • 4½ years are academic years.
  • 1 last year for Internship.

What is internship programme in BHMS?

It is a period of work experience that shall be offered by the collage for a limited time period (12 months).

Internship training shall be undertaken at the hospital/clinics attached to the College.

It may be paid or unpaid.

Is Internship compulsory?

Yes, in order to get awarded with the degree of Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) by university, one must undergo compulsory rotating internship of one year.

What are the eligibility criteria of joining an internship?

A candidate must pass final (4th) BHMS examination in all subjects and it should be to the satisfaction of the principal of concerned homoeopathic college.

What are the rules and regulations of internship?

  1. Candidate must pass the 4th BHMS examination.
  2. Candidate must get temporary (provisional) registration from the state medical council of homoeopathy before starting the internship.
  3. A provisional degree certificate shall be issued from the university concerned.

Note: full registration of BHMS degree will be awarded to such a candidate who produces certificate of completion of required duration (one year).

Attendance, leave and extension of internship

  • Each internee must not have less than 80% of attendance during the internship training.
  • Duty shall be of at least 6-8 hours a day during the compulsory internship training.
  • In order to take leave, one must inform the concerned head of department.
  • In cases of insufficient attendance or unsatisfactory work, the period of compulsory internship and the provisional registration shall be extended accordingly by the state medical council.

What are the learning objectives of BHMS internship?

  • Adequate exposure to clinicopathological work to acquire skills in collecting blood samples and performing routine blood examinations.
  • An intern shall be trained to correlate laboratory findings with diagnosis and management of the sick.
  • An intern shall be given opportunities to learn the diagnostic techniques like x-rays, ultrasonography, ECG, spirometry etc. and correlate their findings with diagnosis and management of cases.
  • Adequate knowledge will be given about issuing of medico-legal certificates, medical and fitness certificates, death and birth certificates along with court procedures that are already taught in curriculum of 2nd BHMS forensic medicine.

What are the assignments that needs to be submitted while Internship?

An intern shall maintain full records of,

  • 40 acute and 25 chronic cases in practice of medicine.
  • 5 cases of antenatal check ups
  • 3 cases of delivery attended by him/her in obstetrics department.
  • 3 Gynaecological cases
  • 5 Surgical cases

At the end of the year each intern will have to submit the dissertation and case records.

The selection of dissertation topic will be as per the intern’s choice but shall be approved by the concerned head of department.

The dissertation shall be submitted at least 1 month prior to the completion of internship training.

Minimum 2 copies should be made with proper spiral binding to submit at department and the collage.

Do and don’ts while internship

  • During internship try your best to learn as much as you can.
  • Stress should be given on case taking, analysis and evaluation of symptoms.
  • Learn how to manage and treat the sick patients.
  • Behave sympathetically with patients.
  • Communicate with patients and relatives professionally.
  • Behave responsibly by arriving or leaving on time, work up of cases, follow up of cases, involvement in treatment etc.
  • Always keep a note pad and pen to note down the points you may find to be new, to be revised or remembered.
  • Keep your own stethoscope, torch and percussion hammer in your pocket.
  • Make good communication with nursing staff and other health workers because you will learn most from them.
  • Observe the consultant and on duty medical officer and try to learn from them.

Note: an intern must not prescribe the treatment including medicines.

No intern shall issue any medicolegal document under his/her signature.

What type of dressing is suitable for an intern?

  • A candidate must wear an apron during duty hours.
  • If you are a male candidate, you should wear formal outfits made up of cotton, long sleeves and light coloured.
  • If you are a female candidate, you should wear long or ¾th sleeved kurta. Length of kurta should be up to knee level.
  • It is advisable not to wear fashionable, eye catchy, western or too much traditional outfits for an intern.
  • Avoid too much jewelries especially in hands and fingers.
  • Female trainee should not polish their nails or apply mehndi on palms or soles.
  • Keep your nails short.
  • Keep your hair short or tied up.
  • Don’t wear high heels during duty hours.

What are the benefits of completing an internship?

  • Valuable work experience.
  • Internship facilitates the application of your medical skills into the clinics/hospitals.
  • You will gain confidence for clinical practice.
  • Internship will provide the opportunity to learn more about you figure out your strength and weakness.
  • Internship will give you a chance to prove yourself in the career field that you want to prepare in the future.

Internships are a great way to learn even if you find yourself filling or making coffee, as long as you are learning take an advantage of the time you are spending there.