This post is prepared for the 4th year B.H.M.S. students who are preparing for COMMUNITY MEDICINE exam.
This contains almost all the topics along with their most important and frequently asked questions in different Indian university examination.
The study of community medicine will be done in two years (Third B.H.M.S and Fourth B.H.M.S) but examination will be conducted at the end of Fourth B.H.M.S. (There will be No exam in 3rd BHMS for this subject)
Let’s have a look over the topics of whole syllabus.
3rd YEAR B.H.M.S.
- Man, and Medicine
- Concept of health and disease in conventional medicine and homoeopathy.
- Nutrition and health: Food and nutrition; Food in relation to health and disease; Balanced diet; Nutritional deficiencies and Nutritional survey; Food Processing; Pasteurisation of milk; Adulteration of food; Food Poisoning.
- Environment and health: Air, light and sunshine, Radiation; Effects of climate; Comfort zone; Personal hygiene; Physical exercise; Sanitation of fair and festivals; Disinfection and sterilisation; Atmospheric pollution and purification of air; Air borne diseases.
- Water: Distribution, uses, impurities and purification; Standards of drinking water; Water borne diseases; Excreta disposal; Disposal of deceased; Disposal of refuse.
- Medical Entomology– Insecticides, Disinfection, Insects in relation to disease, Insect control.
- Occupational health
- Preventive medicine in paediatrics and geriatrics.
4th YEAR B.H.M.S
- Epidemiology: Principles and methods; Epidemiology of communicable diseases with their mode of spread and methods of prevention; Protozoan and helminthic infections; Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases; Screening of diseases.
- Bio-statistics: Need of biostatistics in medicine; Elementary statistical methods; Sample size calculation; Sampling methods; Test of significance; Presentation of data; Vital statistics.
- Demography and Family Planning; Population control; contraceptive practices; National Family Planning Programme.
- Health education and health communication
- Health care of community
- International Health
- Mental Health
- Maternal and Child Health
- School Health Services
- National Health Programs of India including Rashtriya Bal Chikitsa Karyakram.
- Hospital waste management
- Disaster management
- Study of aphorisms of organon of medicine and other homoeopathic literatures, relevant to above topics including prophylaxis.
There will be examination of Community medicine subject only in Fourth B.H.M.S (but not in 3rd BHMS).
Number of papers – 01
Marks: 100
You can also find helpful Viva notes by following below mentioned link,
All the questions are given under their related chapters.
- FQ: Full Question
- SFQ: Semi Full Question
- SN: Short Note
Table of Contents
- FQ: What do you mean by Hygiene? Briefly describe the utility of study of hygiene in our daily life. Discuss in relation to Aphorism 4 of the Organon of Medicine with Hygiene.
- FQ: What do you understand by ‘Mental Hygiene’? What are the reasons for the increasing incidents of psychological disorders in modern society?
- FQ: Write a letter to a mother providing the detailed instructions about the personal hygiene of her 14 years aged Son and Daughter.
- SFQ: What do you mean by ‘Personal Hygiene’ and ‘Occupational Hygiene’?
- SFQ: What do you understand by Health and Social medicine? Explain in brief with examples.
- SFQ: Write down the Personal Hygienic habits for an Adult.
- SN: Discuss the measures to be followed by a house wife to maintain family hygiene and also her own personal hygiene.
- SN: Hygiene
- FQ: Describe in detail the Levels of prevention with examples/ Describe the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary prevention/ “Prevention is better than cure” Justify the statement.
- SFQ: Describe the Growth of Preventive medicine.
- SFQ: What is Preventive medicine? Discuss how you can apply your knowledge of Homoeopathy in the prevention of disease / Discuss the scope of Preventive medicine in Homoeopathy.
- FQ: What is health education? Describe in brief the objectives and the components of health education.
- SN: Components of Health Education
- SN: Objectives of Health Education
- FQ: How would you arrange for shelter, water and sanitary accommodation for about 1000 flood stricken homeless people at a week’s notice? (Describe the arrangement to be made for their sanitation, water supply and for prevention of communicable diseases).
- FQ: A Mela or Fair is going to be held near your native village for 10 days. How will you organize it, what steps will you take to ensure the sanitation of the place and making the Mela/Fair a success?
- FQ: What is Primary health care? What do you mean by Health Care Services (H.C.S.)? What do you know about Primary Health Centre or P.H.C? Discuss its aims and objects (Functions).
- SN: Define Basic Health Worker and Community Health Workers’ Scheme.
- SN: Primary Health Care
- SN: Primary health Centre/ P.H.C.
- SN: Health For All
- SFQ: What do you know about the importance of School Health Service? What are the Objectives of School Health Services?
- SN: Duties of School Medical Officer
- SN: Midday School Meal Programme.
- SFQ: What do you mean by Immunity? Describe Immunity from the Homoeopathic point of view.
- SN: Acquired Immunity
- SN: Active and Passive Immunity
- SN: Herd or Mass Immunity
- SN: What is immunity? Explain Natural/Inherited/Congenital Immunity.
- FQ: What is AID Syndrome? What is the Causative organism? How AIDS is transmitted? Write down the Clinical symptoms of AIDS. How will you diagnose it?
- SFQ: What is Antigen? What do you mean by antibodies? What do you mean by Live vaccines?
- SN: Describe the Immunization schedule of a child from Birth to one year of age and thereafter.
- FQ: What is Epidemiology? What is Epidemiological survey? Discuss the aim of Epidemiology. What do you mean by Epidemic?
- SFQ: Differentiate Endemic, Sporadic and Pandemic with examples.
- SN: Epidemic Dropsy
- SN: Surveillance
- SN: Zoonosis
- FQ: Describe in brief the Practical methods of Disinfection in general.
- FQ: How would you disinfect the following: 1. Clothing of cholera patient. 2. Stool of typhoid patient 3. Room used by T.B. patient 4. Bedding, furniture, room occupied by a small-pox patient 5. Utensils 6. Rubber goods 7. Surgical instruments 8. Dug well water.
- FQ: What do you mean by Disinfectant? Describe them in brief. What are the factors that influence the action of disinfectants?
- FQ: What do you mean by Disinfection? Describe its types in detail.
- SFQ: What do you mean by Concurrent disinfection and terminal disinfection?
- FQ: What do you mean by communicable diseases? Write down few examples of communicable diseases with their prophylactic measures. What are the factors that promote the development of such diseases?
- FQ: What is Cholera? How does it spread? What preventive measures you would advise in the face of a Cholera epidemic? Describe the National Cholera Control Programme.
- FQ: What is Leprosy/ Hansen’s disease? What is social disease? Describe the National Leprosy Control Programme in India. Write down the preventive measures of Leprosy.
- FQ: Write a note on Tuberculosis. How would you keep an open case of phthisis in a house in a village?
- FQ: Write in a brief about Malaria with the Life cycle of malaria parasite. How will you prevent the spread of malaria?
- FQ: Write on Hook worm infection, its Mode of spread, life cycle, clinical features, diagnosis and preventive measures in detail.
- SFQ: Filariasis- Causative organism, Preventive measures and National Filaria control programme with Homoeopathic Prophylaxis.
- SFQ: Life cycle of Mosquito. Name the mosquito borne diseases.
- SFQ: Poliomyelitis- Destitution, Causative agents, transmission, preventive measures and control with Homoeopathic preventive medicine.
- SFQ: Preventive measures against various worm infections.
- SFQ: What are the common examples of insect carried diseases? Write down the role of flies and other insects in spreading diseases?
- SFQ: What is Small-pox? How is it different from Chicken-pox? How will you prevent the Small-pox?
- SN: B.C.G Vaccination
- SN: Carriers
- SN: Disease cycle
- SN: Endemic Goitre with its control and prevention.
- SN: Hydrophobia/Rabies- Causation, Diagnosis and prophylaxis.
- SN: Incubation period
- SN: National TB Control Programme
- SN: Plague with mode of transmission and preventive measures
- SN: Vaccination
- SN: What are the bad effects of vaccination and their curative homoeopathic remedies?
- SN: What is droplet infection? Name the diseases that spread by droplet infection. How can we prevent a disease from droplet infection?
(Note: For viva purpose learn and remember the following terms: Notification, Notifiable Diseases, Carriers, Healthy Carrier, Quarantine, Vector, Fomites, Vaccination)
- FQ: Define air pollution. What are air borne diseases? Name some diseases that occur due to impurity of air? Describe the preventive measures for air borne diseases.
- FQ: Discuss how air is purified in nature? Describe how air can be disinfected? Why dust is dangerous to human health?
- SFQ: Describe the composition and utility of air. What is the process of natural purification of air?
- SFQ: What is air pollution? What are its effects. Mention the methods of prevention or control of air pollution.
- SN: Air borne diseases and its prevention.
- SN: Air pollution and its causes.
- FQ: What do you mean by ventilation? What amount of air is required for normal ventilation per head per hour? What are the bad effects of bad ventilation? Mention the natural methods of ventilation of a house and Various methods of artificial ventilation.
- SFQ: When the air of a room would be considered as poorly-ventilated? Describe the importance of lighting. Mention the effects of Sunlight in our body.
- SN: Artificial/Mechanical ventilation
- SN: Bad effects of overcrowding
- SN: Immediate and remote bad effects of overcrowding in a room.
- FQ: Briefly describe the methods of anaerobic liquefaction and aerobic nutrification of the sewage in the septic tank system/ Describe the mechanism of working of Septic tank/ What do you mean by biological treatment of sewage?
- FQ: Describe a Septic tank or design features of Septic tank.
- FQ: What are the common ways of disposal of human excreta in a village? Describe any two methods in detail.
- FQ: What do you know about Refuse and Sanitation? What do you know about Dumping and Composting? Describe how the refuses of the city of Calcutta are being disposed?
- FQ: What do you mean by Sewage? Discuss its composition. Describe the methods of disposal of sewage.
- SFQ: Compare between the water carriage system and the hand removal system of disposal of night soil.
- SFQ: Discuss the disadvantages of indiscriminate defaecation. Discuss the important points which should be noted in hygienic disposal of human excreta.
- SFQ: What do you mean by Man-hole? Describe the hazards of working inside the man-hole and precautions should be taken before entering man-hole.
- SN: Biochemical oxygen demand/BOD
- SN: Composting
- SN: Conservancy system/ Service type of latrines
- SN: Disposal of refuses
- SN: RCA type of Latrine
- SN: Sanitary latrines/ Non-service type of latrines
- FQ: Describe in brief a programme/ scheme for improvement of rural sanitation.
- SFQ: Describe in brief the social aspects of excreta disposal in India.
- FQ: Classify water. What are different resources of water? Describe briefly each of them. Which of it would you suggest more suitable for drinking purpose and why?
- FQ: Describe the mechanism of action of Slow sand filtration and Rapid sand filtration.
- FQ: Describe water and its importance. Write down the physical properties and uses of water.
- SFQ: Mention the common causes of impurities in water. Describe the effects of mineral impurities and animal impurities in water.
- SFQ: Rapid sand filtration
- SFQ: What are the impurities in a pond water? How can you purify it?
- SFQ: What is hardness of water? What are its effects? Name any one method of removal of hardness of water.
- SN: Chlorination
- SN: Difference between the Slow sand filtration and Rapid sand filtration
- SN: Filtration
- SN: Potable water
- SN: Requirement of water per head per day
- FQ: Define malnutrition. What are the common causes of malnutrition? Discuss its preventive measures with National Programmes in Nutrition.
- SN: Kwashiorkor
- FQ: What is protein energy malnutrition (PEM)? Or protein caloric malnutrition (PCM)? Write down its causes with some preventive measures in a community.
- SN: Protein energy malnutrition
- FQ: What is Milk? Describe the composition of milk. What do you mean by humanised milk? What is pasteurised milk? Describe method of pasteurisation. What is the difference between pasteurisation and sterilization?
- SFQ: “Milk is an ideal food but cannot serve as the only element of our diet” Explain.
- SFQ: What are the diseases conveyed through milk? Write down the characteristics of a milk borne epidemics? What precautions would you take against its spread?
- SN: Breast feeding
- FQ: Define fat. Describe the sources, utilities and daily requirements of fats. Write a short note on Essential Fatty Acid.
- FQ: Define food. What are the proximal principles of food?
- FQ: Define proteins. What are its functions and importance in food? Mention the daily protein requirement and its sources. What are the effects of protein deficiency? Describe the biological value of protein.
- FQ: Describe in brief about the common practice of adulteration of foods in our country. What do you know about the prevention of food adulteration?
- FQ: What are the advantages and disadvantages of cooking food? Explain the utilities of carbohydrates and fats in our food.
- SFQ: Name certain diseases directly connected with food. Describe the prevention of any two of them.
- SFQ: What are the diseases caused by overfeeding in adults and in children? How can you diagnose a case of over feeding in an infant of 6 months?
- SFQ: What do you mean by Balance diet? Prepare a balanced diet chart for an adult man and woman who are a college student.
- SFQ: What is your opinion about taking animal and vegetable type of food? Why?
- SN: Essential Fatty Acid
- SN: What are the advantages and disadvantages of fasting during health and disease?
- FQ: Define Vitamin. What are the Fat-soluble vitamins? Write down their sources, Daily requirements, functions and deficiency disorders.
- FQ: Define Vitamin. What are the Water-soluble vitamins? Write down their sources, Daily requirements, functions and deficiency disorders.
- SN: Deficiency disorders
- SN: Vitamin A
- SFQ: What are the causes of Diarrhoea? Describe in brief about ‘Oral rehydration therapy’. Write on the diarrhoeal diseases control programme.
- SN: ORS/ Oral Rehydration Therapy
- FQ: What are the data or information required for vital statistics? Write briefly the different sources of vital statistics and the difficulties encountered for its collection.
- FQ: What are Vital statistics and Health statistics? What are their uses in community health service?
- SFQ: What do you mean by demography? Describe the demographic cycle?
- SFQ: what is Crude death rate and Specific death rate? What do you know about Birth and death Registration?
- SN: Population census
- SN: Vital statistics
(Note: For viva purpose learn and remember the following terms: Vital events, Maternal mortality rate, Specific death rate, Standardised death rate, Ergonomics, Anthropology, Rehabilitation)
- FQ: How will you organise a well-baby Clinic? What instructions will you give to a mother regarding feeding of an Infant?
- FQ: What is antenatal care? Write down its objectives in detail.
- FQ: What is Infant Mortality rate? What are its causes? Write down the preventive and social measures to reduce Infant Mortality.
- FQ: What is M.C.H. programme? Write down its objectives and components. What do you know about M.C.H. care package?
- SN: I.C.D.S./ Integrated Child Development Services)
- SN: Under five clinics and its objectives
E.S.I. SCHEME and W.H.O.
- FQ: What do you know about E.S. I.? Describe its administration and finance. Describe the different benefits provided by this Act.
- SFQ: Write in a brief on WHO with its objectives and Functions.
- SFQ: Family
- SN: Community health and Community medicine
- SN: Disease
- SN: Kata Thermometer
- SN: Public health
- SN: Sanitation
- SN: Scurvy
- SN: Social Pathology
- SN: Social Physiology
- SN: The Iceberg of disease
- SN: Trench Latrine
- SN: F.A.O.
- SN: Indian Red Cross Society
- SN: Indian Reference Man
- SN: U.N.D.P.
- SN: World Bank
- FQ: Describe in brief the various methods of contraception.
- FQ: What do you mean by Contraception? What are its utilities? Describe the people’s attitude towards family planning? What is I.U.C.D. and Eligible couples?
- FQ: What is Family planning? What do you mean by family welfare? Why it is needed in India? Describe in brief about the Family Welfare Planning? Describe the National family Planning Programme.
- FQ: What is sterilization? What is male sterilization (Vasectomy)? Describe female sterilization (Salpingectomy/ tubectomy/ laparoscopic sterilization).
- SN: Family Welfare Planning
- SN: I.U.C.D.
- SN: M.T.P. Act/ The Medical Termination of pregnancy
- SN: National Family Planning Programme
- SN: Oral contraceptives
- SN: Safe period
- SN: Sex education
- FQ: What is Genus Epidemicus? Describe its role in the preventing of certain epidemic disease. What is homoeopathic approach for controlling the epidemic disease?
- SFQ: Rheumatism and Goitre are common in Himalayan area, describe the relation of soil, water and weather of that area with these diseases.
- SFQ: What is Hospital Hygiene and its importance? What measures do you think are necessary to improve hospital hygiene?
- SN: Genus Epidemicus
- SFQ: Describe in brief about tobacco smoking and its effects.
- SFQ: What are the various occupational diseases. What measures you will advocate to prevent occupational diseases?
Hope that you find this post helpful for your upcoming examinations.
You may also find useful content of other subjects of 4th B.H.M.S. by following the below mentioned links,
PSM notes