Indolum, also known as Indol, is a crystalline compound derived from indigo and is also produced during the putrefaction of proteins in the body.
In homeopathic medicine, Indolum is primarily used to address symptoms associated with auto-intoxication, focusing on enhancing the elimination of Indican, a byproduct of intestinal putrefaction.

Scientific Classification
- Kingdom: Chemical compounds
- Phylum: Organic compounds
- Class: Nitrogen compounds
- Order: Aromatic heterocyclic compounds
- Family: Indole derivatives
- Indolum is derived from indigo, a natural dye obtained from plants of the genus Indigofera.
- Indigo has been historically used for its blue colour and medicinal properties in various traditional medicines.
- Indolum itself is a crystalline compound that can be synthesized from indigo or produced through biochemical processes involving the putrefaction of proteins.
Historical Facts
- Traditional Use: Indigo has been used for centuries in traditional medicines, particularly in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, for its perceived therapeutic properties.
- Homeopathic Use: In homeopathy, Indolum is primarily indicated for its effects on the nervous system and its association with symptoms related to intestinal putrefaction and auto-intoxication.
- Indolum acts primarily by increasing the elimination of Indican, thereby addressing symptoms related to auto-intoxication.
- It affects the nervous system, contributing to symptoms of mental dullness, nervousness, and physical discomfort.
- HEAD: Dull headaches in the afternoon, located in the back and front of the head, feeling of dullness over the eyes, eyeballs feel hot and painful when moved, and pupils are dilated during headaches.
- STOMACH: Sensation of bloating, feeling hungry shortly after eating a full meal, excessive thirst, and constipation.
- EXTREMITIES: Persistent tiredness and soreness in the lower limbs, burning sensation specifically in the feet, and soreness in the knee joints.
- SLEEP: Constant feeling of sleepiness and continuous dreaming during sleep.
- Worse: During rest and sitting.
- Better: With pressure, rubbing, and motion.
- Compare: Skatol, another compound known for similar effects on the nervous system and intestinal function.
- Potency: Sixth attenuation (commonly used in homeopathic preparations).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Indolum used for in homeopathy?
- Indolum is used to alleviate symptoms associated with auto-intoxication, such as mental dullness, nervousness, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Is Indolum safe to use?
- As with all homeopathic remedies, Indolum is prepared in highly diluted forms (attenuations) and is generally considered safe when used according to homeopathic principles and under professional guidance.
Glossary of Difficult Words
- Indican: A substance formed from the breakdown of dietary tryptophan in the intestines.
- Auto-intoxication: Self-poisoning caused by the absorption of toxic substances, such as indole compounds, produced within the body.
- Putrefaction: The process of decay or decomposition of organic matter.
- Attenuation: The dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) process in homeopathy to increase potency while decreasing concentration.
This detailed drug picture of Indolum provides an overview of its origin, uses, effects on various organs, modalities of symptoms, and practical details for its application in homeopathic practice.