Kalium Bichromicum, also known as Bichromate of Potash, is a powerful homeopathic remedy used for treating chronic mucous membrane issues, such as catarrh, sinusitis, and respiratory problems.
It is highly effective for thick, stringy, ropy secretions and helps manage conditions like chronic eczema, psoriasis, and syphilitic ulcers.
Ideal for individuals sensitive to cold and prone to migratory pains, Kali Bichromicum offers relief from persistent, long-standing conditions affecting the mucous membranes, skin, and bones.

Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
- Common Name: Kalium Bichromicum.
- Alternate Name: Bichromate of Potash
- Source: Potassium bichromate, a chemical compound used in various industrial and medical applications.
Origin and Historical Facts
- Kalium Bichromicum, also known as bichromate of potash, has been utilized in homeopathy primarily for its effects on mucous membranes and its role in treating conditions like chronic catarrh and skin diseases.
- Historically, it has been recognized for its ability to address severe, chronic conditions involving the mucous membranes and bones.
- Kalium Bichromicum is known for its impact on the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory system.
- It also affects bones, fibrous tissues, kidneys, heart, and liver. It is notably effective in cases of chronic mucous membrane issues and conditions where symptoms are markedly worse in the morning.
- Typical Patient: Fleshy, fat, light-complexioned individuals with a history of catarrhs or syphilitic or scrofulous conditions.
- Diathesis: Suited for those with chronic, subacute conditions, especially involving mucous membranes and bones.
- Temperament: The patient often exhibits a sensitivity to changes in weather and experiences rapid migration of symptoms.
- General Sensitivity to Cold: The symptoms are often aggravated by cold weather or cold applications.
- Preference for Warmth: Patients generally feel better in a warm environment.
- Worse in Cold: Conditions tend to worsen with exposure to cold, and cold weather can exacerbate symptoms.
Overall, Kali bichromicum is sensitive to cold, and patients may experience relief from symptoms in warmer conditions.
Mucous Membrane Affection
- Description: Kalium Bichromicum has a strong affinity for mucous membranes, affecting those of the stomach, intestines, respiratory tract, and nose. It is characterized by thick, stringy, and ropy secretions.
- Conditions: Chronic catarrh, polypus, and nasal discharge.
Worse in Morning
- Description: Symptoms often worsen in the morning, a key indicator for this remedy. This includes increased intensity of mucous membrane conditions and general discomfort.
- Examples: Morning exacerbation of nasal discharge, headaches, and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Migratory Pains
- Description: Pains associated with Kali Bichromicum tend to migrate rapidly from one area to another. These pains often alternate between rheumatic and gastric symptoms.
- Examples: Shifting pains in joints, muscles, or abdomen, with a tendency to move quickly and change locations.
Chronic Conditions
- Description: This remedy is particularly effective for treating long-standing conditions, especially those with a history of syphilitic or scrofulous involvement.
- Examples: Chronic eczema, psoriasis, syphilitic ulcers, and longstanding catarrhal conditions.
- Vertigo: Sensation of dizziness accompanied by nausea when rising from a seated position.
- Headache: Located over the eyebrows, often preceded by blurred vision. Aching and fullness are felt in the glabella.
- Localized Pain: Semilateral headaches in small spots, typically related to suppressed catarrh. Frontal pain usually affects one eye.
- Scalp Sensitivity: Bones and scalp may feel sore.
- Neuralgia: Supra-orbital neuralgia on the right side.
- Eyelids: Burning, swollen, and oedematous.
- Discharge: Ropy and yellow.
- Corneal Issues: Ulcers on the cornea without pain or photophobia. Descemetitis causing moderate eye irritation.
- Conjunctivitis: Croupous type with granular lids and pannus.
- Iritis: Presence of punctuate deposits on the inner surface of the cornea; slight pain with severe inflammation or ulceration.
- Swelling: Ears are swollen and painful with tearing sensations.
- Discharge: Thick, yellow, stringy, and fetid.
- Pain: Sharp stitches in the left ear.
- Snuffles: Particularly in chubby babies.
- Pain and Pressure: At the root of the nose and sticking pain inside.
- Septum: Ulcerated with round ulcers.
- Smell and Discharge: Fetid smell; discharge is thick, ropy, and greenish-yellow. Tough, elastic plugs may cause raw surfaces.
- Sinus Involvement: Inflammation extending to frontal sinuses causing distress and fullness. Dropping from posterior nares. Loss of smell, significant hawking, and difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Coryza: With obstruction, violent sneezing, and profuse watery discharge. Chronic frontal sinus inflammation with a stopped-up sensation.
- Complexion: Florid and blotchy red.
- Sensitivity: Sensitive bones beneath the orbits.
- Acne: General acne presence.
- Saliva: Dry with viscid consistency.
- Tongue: Mapped, red, shining, smooth, and dry. Broad, flat, indented with thick coating; feeling of a hair on the tongue.
- Inflammation: Red, inflamed fauces; dry and rough texture.
- Glands: Swollen parotid glands.
- Uvula: Relaxed, oedematous, and bladder-like.
- Deposit: Pseudo-membranous on tonsils and soft palate.
- Symptoms: Burning sensation extending to the stomach, aphthć, and diphtheria with profound prostration. Tough, stringy discharge from the mouth and throat.
- Nausea: Occurs after beer consumption.
- Fullness: Feeling of heaviness immediately after eating, as if digestion has stopped.
- Conditions: Stomach dilatation, gastritis, and round ulcers. Stitches in the liver, spleen, and spine.
- Preferences: Dislikes water; cannot digest meat. Desire for beer and acidic foods.
- Relief: Gastric symptoms may relieve after eating, with rheumatic symptoms reappearing. Vomiting of bright yellow water.
- Pain: Cutting pain shortly after eating; chronic intestinal ulceration.
- Soreness: In the right hypochondrium, with fatty liver infiltration and increased fibrous tissue.
- Symptoms: Painful retraction, soreness, and burning sensations.
- Consistency: Jelly-like, gelatinous, worse in the mornings.
- Dysentery: With tenesmus; stools are brown and frothy.
- Sensation: Feeling of a plug in the anus.
- Constipation: Periodic constipation with loins pain and brown urine.
- Urethra: Burning sensation, with a drop remaining post-urination; ropy mucus in urine.
- Obstruction: Urethra becomes clogged.
- Kidney Issues: Congestion, nephritis with scanty, albuminous urine; pyelitis with epithelial cells, mucus, pus, or blood. Haematochyluria.
- Penile Symptoms: Itching and pain with pustules; ulcers with paroxysmal stitches aggravated at night.
- Constriction: At the root of the penis at night.
- Syphilitic Ulcers: With cheesy, tenacious exudation.
- Erections: May be related to Picric acid.
- Leucorrhoea: Yellow and tenacious.
- Pruritus: Intense itching of the vulva with burning and excitement.
- Prolapsus Uteri: Worse in hot weather.
- Voice: Hoarse, worse in the evening.
- Cough: Metallic, hacking cough with profuse yellow, sticky, and glutinous expectoration.
- Larynx: Tickling; catarrhal laryngitis with a brassy sound.
- Croup: True membranous croup extending to the larynx and nares.
- Pain: In sternum extending to shoulders, worsens when undressing; pain at bifurcation of trachea on coughing.
- Dilatation: Associated with kidney lesions.
- Cold Feeling: Around the heart.
- Pain: Cutting through the loins, extending to groins; pain in coccyx and sacrum extending up and down.
- Pains: Migratory, moving rapidly from one place to another.
- Joint Issues: Wandering pains along bones, worse in cold. Left-sided sciatica, better with motion.
- Sensation: Bones feel sore and bruised; very weak.
- Specifics: Tearing pains in the tibia; swollen and stiff joints with crackling; soreness of heels; swollen Tendo Achilles.
- Acne: Presence of acne.
- Eruptions: Papular eruptions; ulcers with punched-out edges and tenacious exudation.
- Pustular Eruptions: Resembling smallpox with burning pains.
- Itching: Accompanied by vesicular eruptions.
- Better: Heat
- Worse: Beer, morning, hot weather, undressing
- Compare: Tartarus Emeticus, Bromine, Hepar, Indium, Calcium, Antimonium Crudum. For conditions involving false membranes, compare with Bromine, Ammonium Causticum, Sulphuric Acid, and Ipecacuanha.
- Antidotes: Arsenic, Lachesis
- Recommended Potencies: Third trituration, thirtieth attenuation, and higher.
- Lower preparations should not be stored for extended periods.
Frequently Asked Questions
What conditions is Kalium Bichromicum used for?
- It is used for chronic conditions involving mucous membranes, such as severe catarrhs, chronic eczema, and mucous membrane-related issues.
How is Kalium Bichromicum administered?
- It is administered in potencies ranging from the third trituration to the thirtieth attenuation, adjusted based on the severity of symptoms.
What are the common side effects?
- Possible side effects include exacerbation of mucous membrane conditions, particularly when exposed to beer or in the morning.
Can Kalium Bichromicum be used for acute conditions?
- It is more suited to subacute rather than violent acute stages of illness.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Catarrh: Inflammation of mucous membranes with excessive discharge.
- Phagedaenic: Refers to ulcers that spread rapidly.
- Dilatation: Enlargement or stretching of an organ or body part.
- Atonic: Lacking normal tone or strength.
- Uvula: The small, fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate.
- Pannus: Granular tissue that can cover the cornea.
This comprehensive overview of Kalium Bichromicum highlights its specific use in treating chronic and severe conditions, particularly those affecting mucous membranes and associated with syphilitic or scrofulous histories.