Skatol (or Skatolum) is a homeopathic remedy derived from a natural compound that forms as a by-product of protein decomposition.
It is a constituent of human feces and is known for its distinct, unpleasant odour.
This remedy is often associated with conditions resulting from auto-intoxication (self-poisoning) due to intestinal decomposition.
It is particularly used in cases of acne, digestive issues, mental sluggishness, and associated symptoms.

Scientific Classification
- Chemical Formula: C₉H₉N
- Common Name: Skatol
- Synonyms: Skatole
- Skatol is produced by the bacterial breakdown of tryptophan in the human gut and is found in feces, contributing to its odor.
- Skatol was first identified in the mid-19th century as a compound present in feces.
- It was later incorporated into homeopathy to treat conditions that stem from auto-intoxication—conditions where toxins accumulate in the body due to poor digestion or inefficient elimination of waste products.
- Skatol represents the end-stage of protein metabolism in the intestines.
- Skatol works on conditions related to sluggish intestinal and gastric function, particularly where there is auto-intoxication.
- This remedy addresses symptoms of acne, digestive issues, headaches, irritability, and lethargy that result from poor intestinal health.
- It has notable effects on the mind, creating an irritable, despondent state with mental fog and lack of concentration.
- Acne associated with intestinal auto-intoxication.
- Frontal headaches, particularly over the left eye, worse in the evening.
- Mental sluggishness, irritability, and a general lack of ambition.
- A desire to curse and swear, with mean feelings towards others.
- Symptoms improve with a short nap or sleep.
- Lack of concentration, making it difficult to study or focus.
- Despondency, a feeling of wanting to be with people yet feeling irritable and mean towards others.
- General irritability and mental fatigue.
- Frontal headache, especially over the left eye, worsening in the evening and improving after a short sleep.
- A feeling of heaviness or dullness in the head, often linked to digestive disturbances.
- Tongue coated with a foul taste in the mouth.
- Unpleasant salty taste in cereals or other foods.
- Frequent belching (burping) and indigestion.
- Increased appetite despite digestive discomfort.
- Light yellow, narrow stools that have an extremely offensive odor, indicating intestinal dyspepsia (digestive difficulties).
- Frequent urination, which is scanty, burning, and difficult to pass.
- Symptoms can overlap with bladder irritation or mild urinary tract infection.
- Acne that is directly related to poor intestinal function and auto-intoxication.
- Skin eruptions or pimples appear as a result of the body’s inability to properly eliminate toxins.
- An overwhelming desire to sleep, with the person feeling sluggish and unrefreshed upon waking.
- A “doped” feeling, as if in a constant state of lethargy, even after sleeping.
- Worse: Evening, over the left eye, mental effort, and when trying to concentrate.
- Better: After a short sleep, being with people, although it creates irritability.
Compare with,
- Indolum: Another remedy associated with intestinal auto-intoxication.
- Baptisia: Useful for toxic states, septic conditions, and mental sluggishness.
- Sulphur: Known for skin conditions and digestive disturbances.
- Skatol is generally administered in the sixth potency (6X), but the dose should be tailored to the individual’s needs.
- Higher potencies might be considered in chronic cases, while lower potencies can be used for acute symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Skatol primarily used for?
- Skatol is used in homeopathy to treat conditions of auto-intoxication due to poor intestinal function.
- It is particularly helpful in cases of acne, digestive issues, mental fog, and irritability caused by the buildup of toxins.
How does Skatol affect the mind?
- Skatol has a profound effect on the mind, leading to mental sluggishness, irritability, lack of concentration, and a feeling of despondency.
- People needing this remedy may feel the need to be around others yet exhibit irritable and mean-spirited behavior.
Can Skatol be used for acne?
- Yes, Skatol is used to treat acne that is associated with intestinal decomposition and poor digestion.
- This type of acne is often linked to a toxic overload in the body.
Is Skatol safe to use in homeopathy?
- Yes, Skatol is safe when used in homeopathic potencies.
- The sixth potency (6X) is most commonly prescribed, but it should be taken under the guidance of a qualified homeopath.
What does auto-intoxication mean?
- Auto-intoxication refers to the process where toxins accumulate in the body due to poor digestion, sluggish elimination, or inefficient detoxification processes.
- It often results in symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, skin issues, and digestive discomfort.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Auto-intoxication: A condition where toxins produced within the body, especially due to poor digestion or inefficient elimination, lead to self-poisoning.
- Proteid Decomposition: Breakdown of proteins, especially in the intestines, which can produce foul-smelling compounds like skatol.
- Frontal Headache: Headache located in the forehead, often linked to sinus or digestive issues.
- Intestinal Dyspepsia: Difficulty digesting food, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas, and discomfort.
- Scanty: Small in quantity, as in the case of scanty urine output.
- Doped Feeling: A sensation of sluggishness or mental fog, as if under the influence of a sedative.