Canchalagua, also known as Erythraea venusta or Centaury, is a medicinal plant utilized extensively as a fever remedy, bitter tonic (similar to Gentiana), antimalarial agent, and antiseptic.

It is particularly valued for its effectiveness in treating severe types of intermittent fever prevalent in hot climates, as well as in managing influenza.

Canchalagua induces sensations of soreness, as if bruised all over the body, along with peculiar perceptions of drops falling from and upon various spots.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Gentianales
  • Family: Gentianaceae
  • Genus: Erythraea
  • Species: Erythraea venusta
  • Canchalagua is native to regions with hot climates, particularly found in areas around the Pacific Coast. It thrives in warm environments.
Historical Facts
  • Canchalagua has a rich history of traditional use in herbal medicine, especially among indigenous communities in regions where the plant grows abundantly.
  • Its reputation as a potent fever remedy and bitter tonic has been passed down through generations, making it a valuable resource in folk medicine.


Fever Remedy: Canchalagua is highly regarded for its efficacy in treating fevers, especially severe forms of intermittent fever prevalent in hot climates.

It addresses the underlying cause of fever, providing relief from generalized chilliness and soreness experienced during fever episodes.

Bitter Tonic Properties: Similar to Gentiana, Canchalagua acts as a bitter tonic, aiding in digestion and promoting overall gastrointestinal health.

It stimulates the appetite and enhances the secretion of digestive juices, thereby improving digestion and alleviating discomfort associated with digestive disturbances.

Antimalarial Action: Canchalagua possesses antimalarial properties, making it valuable in regions where malaria is endemic.

It helps counteract and prevent malaria by targeting the causative agents responsible for the disease, thereby reducing the severity and frequency of malaria attacks.

Antiseptic Effects: Due to its antiseptic properties, Canchalagua can inhibit the growth of microorganisms and prevent infections.

It may be used topically to cleanse wounds and promote healing, as well as internally to address infections of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.


  1. Fever: Particularly effective for severe intermittent fever prevalent in hot climates, accompanied by generalized chilliness and soreness.
  2. Head Congestion: Sensation of congestion in the head, often with tightness in the scalp and burning sensations in the eyes.
  3. Sensation of Drops: Peculiar perception of drops falling from and upon different spots on the body.
  4. Skin Symptoms: Wrinkled appearance of the skin, resembling that of a washer-woman’s hands, along with tightness in the scalp.



  • Congestion: Feeling of fullness or congestion in the head.
  • Scalp tightness: Sensation of tightness or tension in the scalp.
  • Feeling bound: Sensation as if the head is bound or constricted.
  • Burning in eyes: Sensation of burning or discomfort in the eyes.
  • Buzzing in ears: Perception of buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears.


  • Chill all over: Generalized sensation of coldness throughout the body.
  • Worse in bed at night: Exacerbation of symptoms, particularly chilliness, during nighttime rest.
  • Sensitive to cold trade-winds: Increased sensitivity to cold winds, especially those prevalent on the Pacific Coast.
  • Sore and bruised feeling: Generalized sensation of soreness and bruising in the body.
  • Nausea and retching: Sensation of nausea accompanied by attempts to vomit.


  • Wrinkled appearance: Skin appears wrinkled, resembling the texture of a washer-woman’s hand.
  • Scalp tightness: Similar sensation of tightness in the scalp, as if it were being drawn together by India-rubber.

These symptoms collectively suggest a remedy that addresses issues related to congestion, discomfort in the head and eyes, sensitivity to cold, generalized soreness, and skin symptoms such as wrinkled appearance and scalp tightness.


  • Symptoms worsen in bed at night and in response to exposure to cold trade winds.



  • Administer Canchalagua as a tincture, typically in drop doses.
  • It is essential to prepare the tincture from the fresh plant, as its medicinal properties are lost in dried forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is Canchalagua traditionally used in herbal medicine?

A: Canchalagua has been utilized as a fever remedy, bitter tonic, antimalarial agent, and antiseptic in traditional herbal medicine.

It is particularly valued for its efficacy in treating severe intermittent fever prevalent in hot climates and managing influenza.

Q: What are the main characteristics of Canchalagua as a homeopathic remedy?

A: Canchalagua is known for inducing sensations of soreness and bruising throughout the body, along with a peculiar perception of drops falling from and upon various spots.

It is effective for fever, head congestion, and skin symptoms such as wrinkled appearance and scalp tightness.

Q: How should Canchalagua be administered?

A: Canchalagua is typically administered as a tincture, usually in drop doses.

It is crucial to prepare the tincture from the fresh plant material, as the medicinal properties are lost in dried forms.

Q: What are the main benefits of Canchalagua for fever and related symptoms?

A: Canchalagua is beneficial for alleviating severe intermittent fever, accompanied by generalized chilliness, soreness, and nausea.

It is also effective for managing symptoms of head congestion and skin discomfort.

Q: Is Canchalagua safe for use in children and adults?

A: Canchalagua is generally considered safe when used in appropriate doses.

However, it is advisable to consult a qualified healthcare professional before using it, especially in children, pregnant women, or individuals with underlying health conditions.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Antimalarial: Having properties that counteract or prevent malaria, a mosquito-borne infectious disease.
  • Antiseptic: A substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms, preventing infection.
  • Intermittent Fever: Fever characterized by recurring episodes of fever interspersed with periods of normal body temperature.
  • Tincture: A solution of a medicinal substance in alcohol, used for oral administration in homeopathy.