Benzolum, also known as Benzol or Coal Naptha, is a homeopathic remedy primarily recognized for its influence on the circulatory system.

It has notable effects on blood cell counts, particularly decreasing red blood cells and increasing white blood cells.

Benzolum is considered beneficial for conditions like leukemia and presents striking symptoms affecting various organs, including the eyes, head, nose, male reproductive organs, extremities, and skin.



Chemical Composition
  • Chemical Formula: C6H6
  • Common Name: Benzene
  • Benzolum is derived from Benzene, a hydrocarbon compound found in coal tar.
  • It is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor and is primarily produced as a byproduct of the petroleum refining process or synthesized from other chemicals.
Historical Facts
  • Benzene has been extensively studied for its industrial uses and health effects.
  • In homeopathy, Benzolum has been explored for its therapeutic potential, particularly in conditions affecting the circulatory system, nervous system, and blood.


  • Influences the circulatory system, slowing the pulse and leading to the formation of infarcts.
  • Decreases red blood cell count and increases white blood cell count, suggesting a potential role in conditions like leukemia.
  • Produces symptoms such as hallucinations, epileptiform attacks, coma, and anesthesia.



  • Sense of falling through bed and floor: Sensation as if sinking or falling, possibly indicative of dizziness or vertigo.
  • Pains from below upward: Headache characterized by pain originating from below and moving upward, suggesting a unique headache pattern.
  • Tired and nervous: Feelings of fatigue and nervousness, possibly related to overall discomfort.
  • Frontal headache to root of nose: Headache extending from the forehead to the root of the nose, indicating frontal sinus involvement.
  • Dizzy: Feeling lightheaded or unsteady.
  • Pressing feeling in head: Sensation of pressure or heaviness in the head.
  • Right-sided headache: Headache localized to the right side of the head.


  • Illusion of vision with wide open eyes: Perception of visual distortions or hallucinations, even with eyes wide open.
  • Twitching of lids: Involuntary movements of the eyelids.
  • Photophobia, objects blurred: Sensitivity to light accompanied by blurred vision.
  • Aching in eyes and lids: Pain or discomfort in the eyes and eyelids.
  • Marked dilation of pupils: Enlargement of the pupils, possibly due to changes in the autonomic nervous system.
  • Failure to react to light, particularly daylight: Lack of pupil constriction in response to light, especially daylight, suggesting abnormal pupil reflexes.


  • Profuse fluent coryza: Excessive, watery nasal discharge.
  • Especially in afternoon: Increase in nasal discharge during the afternoon.
  • Violent sneezing: Forceful and frequent sneezing episodes.


  • Swelling of right testicle: Enlargement or puffiness of the right testicle.
  • Severe pain in testicles: Intense pain in the testicles, indicating possible inflammation or injury.
  • Itching of scrotum: Pruritus or discomfort in the skin of the scrotum.
  • Profuse urination: Excessive or frequent urination.


  • Heavy limbs, cold legs: Sensation of heaviness in the limbs and coldness in the legs.
  • Exaggerated knee-jerk: Increased reflex response when the knee is tapped, possibly indicating neurological involvement.
  • Pains from below upward: Painful sensations originating from the lower limbs and ascending upward.


  • Eruption like measles: Skin rash resembling the appearance of measles.
  • Perspiration on side not lain upon: Sweating occurring on the side of the body not in contact with a surface.
  • Itching all over back: Generalized itching sensation on the back.


  • Worse at night, worse on the right side.


The relationship section compares Benzolum with other substances and remedies, highlighting similarities and differences in their effects on the body:

Benzin (Petroleum ether)

  • While not as pure as Benzene (Benzol), Petroleum ether is a similar compound with a mixture of hydrocarbons.
  • It affects the nervous system and blood, causing oxyhemoglobinemia.
  • Symptoms include physical weakness, cramps, exaggerated knee jerks, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, heaviness, and coldness of limbs. It can also lead to tremors of the eyelids and tongue.

Benzin, dinitricum (D. N. B)

  • This compound results in changes in red blood corpuscles and liver degeneration upon skin absorption.
  • Symptoms may include amblyopia, color-blindness, retinitis, contracted field of vision, and black urine.

Benzin nitricum (Mirbane)

  • Indicated by dark, black blood that coagulates with difficulty, it causes venous hyperemia of the brain and general venous engorgement.
  • Symptoms include a burning taste in the mouth, blue lips, tongue, skin, nails, and conjunctivae.
  • Cold skin, a small and weak pulse, slow and irregular breathing, unconsciousness, symptoms of apoplectic coma, rolling of eyeballs in their vertical axis, dilated pupils, nystagmus, and very slow, difficult, sighing respiration.

Trinitrotoluene (T.N.T), Trotyl

  • This high explosive, obtained by nitrating toluene, produces a characteristic yellow or tawny-orange stain when the skin or hair is exposed to it by contact, lasting for some weeks.
  • It’s indicated in severe forms of anemia (pernicious) and jaundice, and it can lead to fatal toxic jaundice.

These comparisons provide insights into the similarities and differences in the effects of Benzolum and other related substances, helping to understand its potential applications and interactions.


  • Sixth potency is recommended for Benzolum.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Benzolum used for?

  • Benzolum is primarily used for conditions affecting the circulatory system, blood cell counts, and various organs such as the head, eyes, nose, and male reproductive organs.

Where does Benzolum originate from?

  • Benzolum is derived from Benzene, a hydrocarbon compound found in coal tar and petroleum.

What are the key symptoms of Benzolum?

  • Key symptoms include circulatory effects, head symptoms like headache and dizziness, eye symptoms such as photophobia and pupil dilation, nasal symptoms like coryza and sneezing, and male reproductive symptoms like testicular swelling and itching.

How is Benzolum prepared in homeopathy?

  • Benzolum is prepared as a sixth potency solution.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Infarcts: Areas of tissue death due to lack of blood supply.
  • Leukemia: A type of cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow, characterized by an abnormal increase in white blood cells.
  • Epileptiform: Resembling or relating to epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures.
  • Anaesthesia: Loss of sensation, especially in a localized area of the body.
  • Coryza: Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose, typically causing a runny nose and nasal congestion.
  • Photophobia: Sensitivity to light, causing discomfort or pain in the eyes.
  • Scrotum: The pouch of skin containing the testicles in males.