Bovista, commonly known as Puff Ball, is a homeopathic remedy derived from a globular fungus.

Its therapeutic use is based on the principle of the “doctrine of signatures,” where the physical characteristics of a substance are believed to indicate its healing properties.

In the case of Bovista, the ripe fungus is filled with a blackish dust that breaks its husk with a slight noise, resembling the symptoms of bloatedness and noisy passage of flatus observed in individuals requiring this remedy.

Bovista is primarily indicated for conditions characterized by bloating, puffiness, enlargement, flatulence, and distention of the body surface.



Common Name: Puff Ball

Scientific Classification: Fungi

  • Obtained From: The drug is obtained from a globular fungus, which is consumed in Italy before it ripens fully.
  • When ripe, it releases a blackish dust upon breaking its husk with a slight noise.
  • Historical Use: In Italy, the fungus is consumed before it ripens fully, and its medicinal properties have been recognized for its resemblance to symptoms of bloating and noisy flatus passage, aligning with the principle of the “doctrine of signatures.”
  • Doctrine of Signatures: The doctrine of signatures suggests that the physical characteristics of a substance mirror its therapeutic properties.
  • In the case of Bovista, its ripe form bursting with blackish dust upon slight pressure corresponds to symptoms of bloating and noisy flatus observed in individuals requiring this remedy.
  • Pathogenesis: Bovista’s pathogenesis includes symptoms such as bloatedness, puffy condition of the body surface, signs of enlargement, flatulence, distention, and noisy passage of flatus, which are reflected in its therapeutic indications.
  • Preparation: In homeopathy, Bovista is prepared using potentization, a process involving successive dilution and succussion to harness its medicinal properties while minimizing toxicity.
  • Potency: It is commonly prescribed in potencies ranging from the third to the sixth attenuation.
  • Safety: When used according to homeopathic principles and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, Bovista is considered safe and free from adverse effects.


  • Coccyx Itching: Itching at the coccyx (tailbone).
  • Diarrhea: Loose or watery stools.
  • Skin Affection: Various skin conditions or disorders.
  • Headache: Pain or discomfort in the head.
  • Heart Affection: Conditions affecting the heart.
  • Menstrual Disorders: Irregularities or abnormalities in the menstrual cycle.
  • Leucorrhoea: Abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Rheumatism: Pain and inflammation in the joints or muscles.


  • Bovista primarily acts on the female urogenital system, abdomen, blood, and skin.
  • Bovista has a limited sphere of curative action, primarily targeting conditions associated with bloating, puffiness, enlargement, flatulence, distention, and the noisy passage of flatus.


  • It induces the development of moist vesicular eruptions on the skin, which form thick crusts.
  • Bovista relaxes the entire capillary system, resulting in hemorrhages from different parts of the body.
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by Bovista leads to loose stools and vomiting.
  • It also contributes to the formation of warts and corns on the skin.


  • Bovista is well-suited for individuals with a physical makeup characterized by tettery type eruptions, particularly adapted to old maids.

Temperament: It corresponds to individuals with a nervous temperament.

Miasm: Sycosis forms the background Miasmatic influence for Bovista.


  1. Discharges: Secretions from all mucous membranes are characterized by being tough, stringy, and tenacious, similar to those seen in Kali bichromicum and Hydrastis.
  2. Intolerance of Tight Clothing: There is a marked intolerance of wearing tight clothing around the waist, like symptoms observed in Lachesis.
  3. Deep Impressions on Fingers: Individuals often notice deep impressions on their fingers after using blunt instruments like scissors, knives, etc.
  4. Onion-like Odor in Sweat: Sweat in the axilla (armpit) emits an odour resembling that of onions.
  5. Awkwardness: There is a tendency towards clumsiness, leading to the dropping of objects from the hand. This symptom is also found in Apis mellifica and Natrum muriaticum.
  6. Nocturnal Menstrual Flow: Menstrual flow occurs exclusively at night, a characteristic shared with remedies such as Magnesia carbonica and Kreosote.
  7. Diarrhea during Menses: Diarrhea occurs before and during menstruation, a symptom seen in remedies like Ammonium carbonicum and Veratrum album.
  8. Intolerable Itching at Coccyx: There is intense itching at the tip of the coccyx (tailbone), leading to scratching until the area becomes raw and sore.
  9. Chronic Urticaria: Bovista is indicated in chronic urticaria cases where Rhus toxicodendron appears to be the appropriate remedy but fails to provide a cure.



  • Enlarged Sensation: Feeling as if one’s mind or perception is expanded or enlarged. [Reference to Argentum nitricum]
  • Awkwardness: Clumsiness or lack of coordination, resulting in dropping objects frequently. Also, sensitivity to touch or emotional stimuli.


  • Sensation of Head Enlargement: Feeling as if the head is swelling or increasing in size, particularly at the back of the head (occiput).
  • Distensive Headache: Headache characterized by a sensation of pressure or stretching, worsened in the early morning, in open air, and while lying down.
  • Stringy, Tough Nasal Discharge: Mucus from the nose that is thick and stringy in consistency.
  • Dull, Bruised Pain in the Brain: Aching discomfort in the brain, similar to a dull, bruised sensation.
  • Stammering: Difficulty in speaking characterized by hesitations or repetitions of sounds. [Reference to Stramonium and Mercury]
  • Itching Scalp: Sensation of itching on the scalp, worsened by warmth; the urge to scratch is intense and may result in soreness.


  • Scurf and Crusts around Nostrils and Mouth Corners: Presence of dry, flaky skin or crusts in the area around the nostrils and corners of the mouth.


  • Diarrhea before and during Menses: Loose or watery stools occurring before and during menstruation.
  • Early and Profuse Menses: Menstrual periods starting too early and being excessively heavy; worsened at night.
  • Voluptuous Sensation: A feeling of pleasure or indulgence, possibly related to the menstrual cycle.
  • Intolerance to Tight Clothing: Inability to tolerate tight clothing around the waist, similar to the symptomatology of the homeopathic remedy Lachesis.
  • Traces of Menses Between Periods: Occasional spotting or discharge of menstrual blood between menstrual cycles.
  • Soreness of Pubes During Menses: Discomfort or tenderness in the pubic area during menstruation.
  • Parovarian Cysts: Cysts located near the ovaries, potentially causing menstrual irregularities and other symptoms.
  • Blood Character: The menstrual blood tends to be dark and clotted.
  • Pain: Women may experience a painful bearing down sensation. Occasionally, there may be slight bleeding episodes every few days between periods, accompanied by discomfort due to tight clothing around the waist.
  • Modality: Flow worsens only at night, not during the daytime (similar to Mag. carb., Kreos., Ver. alb.–opposite of Cactus, Caust., Lil.).
  • Concomitant: Diarrhea may occur before and during menstruation.


  • Bovista is notable for its pronounced presence in cases of leucorrhoea.
  • Time: Leucorrhoea typically appears ten days after menstruation (similar to Borax, Conium).
  • Character: The discharge is highly acrid, thick, stringy, and tenacious.
  • It may resemble the white of an egg or be yellowish-green, often accompanied by soreness of the vulva.


  • Bovista is associated with various skin ailments, ranging from dry patches to moist eruptions.
  • These eruptions are characterized by the presence of a thick, tough discharge that forms crusts on the skin.
  • The discharge is stringy and tenacious, making it difficult to remove and often leading to the formation of thick crusts.


  • Urticaria: Bovista is associated with urticaria, which manifests as raised, itchy welts on the skin.
  • Triggers: The condition is triggered by excitement or exertion.
  • Widespread Hives: These welts can cover a large portion of the body.
  • Intense Itching: Individuals may experience intense itching specifically at the tip of the coccyx.
  • Persistent Itching: Despite scratching, the itching sensation persists.
  • Bleeding: Continuous scratching may lead to bleeding.
  • Deep Impressions: Individuals may notice deep impressions on their fingers, likely caused by handling blunt instruments.
  • Sensitivity: This indicates heightened sensitivity and susceptibility to skin irritation.


  • Weakness of Joints: Individuals experience significant weakness in all joints.
  • Clumsiness: This weakness leads to clumsiness in movements.
  • Weariness of Hands and Feet: There is a feeling of weariness and fatigue in the hands and feet.
  • Difficulty Holding Objects: Individuals find it challenging to hold objects securely in their hands.
  • Objects Slip or Fall: Due to the weakness, objects frequently slip from their grasp or fall from their hands.
  • Constant Dropping of Items: Patients may frequently drop cups and various other objects, leading to breakage.
  • Despite Carefulness: Despite being careful and determined not to drop objects, they are unable to prevent it.
  • Caused by Joint Weakness: This phenomenon is attributed to the weariness and weakness experienced in the joints.


  • Antidotes: Bovista serves as an antidote to tar applications and suffocation from gas exposure.
  • Post-Rhus Administration: It is indicated after Rhus in cases of chronic urticaria.
  • Comparison: Bovista can be compared with Calcarea, Rhus tox, Sepia, and Cicuta.


Typically prescribed in potencies ranging from the third to the sixth potency.

Meaning of difficult words

  • Doctrine of Signatures: A concept in herbalism and folk medicine where the appearance or characteristics of a plant are believed to indicate its healing properties. For example, a plant with a yellow sap might be thought to treat jaundice.
  • Pathogenesis: The process by which a disease develops and progresses within the body.
  • Potentization: A process in homeopathy involving dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) of a substance to enhance its healing properties and reduce toxicity.
  • Miasm: In homeopathy, a predisposition or underlying constitutional state that influences an individual’s susceptibility to disease or their response to treatment.
  • Tettery: Refers to skin conditions characterized by eruptions or lesions, often used to describe skin disorders like eczema or dermatitis.
  • Sycosis: A miasmatic influence in homeopathy associated with chronic inflammatory conditions, particularly those affecting the genital and urinary systems.
  • Attenuation: The process of reducing the strength or intensity of something, often used in homeopathy to refer to the dilution of a remedy.
  • Coccyx: The tailbone, a small triangular bone at the base of the spine.
  • Leucorrhoea: Abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Urticaria: Also known as hives, a skin condition characterized by raised, itchy welts.
  • Concomitant: Refers to symptoms or conditions that occur alongside or at the same time as another symptom or condition.
  • Antidote: A substance that counteracts the effects of a poison or toxin.