In homeopathy, the term Sensation as if” refers to the subjective feelings or perceptions that patients experience and describe, even if there’s no obvious physical cause.

These sensations are often unique and specific, and homeopathic remedies are matched to these exact sensations.

Below are some common “sensation as if” experiences and their types:


Sensation as if a Band or Tightness

  • Description: The feeling of something tightly constricting a body part, like a band or rope.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if a tight band is around the head,” often indicating Gelsemium (used for tension headaches and dizziness).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if a band is around the chest,” common in cases of Cactus Grandiflorus (useful for constrictive chest pain and heart conditions).
    • Abdomen: “Sensation as if a tight band around the abdomen,” seen in Plumbum (used for abdominal cramps and constipation).

Sensation as if a Plug

  • Description: The feeling that a part of the body is blocked or plugged up.
  • Examples
    • Throat: “Sensation as if a plug is stuck in the throat,” often linked to Lachesis (indicated for throat constriction, especially with tight clothing).
    • Rectum: “Sensation as if a plug is blocking the rectum,” associated with Anacardium (used for constipation and nervous conditions).
    • Ears: “Sensation as if a plug is in the ears,” seen in Causticum (helpful for hearing difficulties with tinnitus).

Sensation as if Crawling or Itching

  • Description: The sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin, often causing intense itching.
  • Examples
    • Skin: “Sensation as if ants are crawling on the skin,” indicating Arsenicum Album (used for burning itching in skin conditions like eczema).
    • Scalp: “Sensation as if insects are crawling on the scalp,” often seen in Kali Sulphuricum (helpful for dandruff and scaling).
    • Legs: “Sensation as if insects are crawling inside the legs,” typical for Zincum Metallicum (used in restless legs syndrome and nerve irritability).

Sensation as if Pins and Needles

  • Description: A tingling, prickling feeling, often compared to being poked with pins and needles.
  • Examples
    • Extremities: “Sensation as if pins and needles are pricking the hands and feet,” often treated with Phosphorus (used for numbness, tingling, and circulatory issues).
    • Fingers: “Sensation as if sharp pins are pricking the fingers,” indicating Secale Cornutum (useful for peripheral vascular issues).
    • Face: “Sensation as if needles are pricking the face,” associated with Aconitum (used in sudden, acute conditions, often following cold exposure).

Sensation as if Burning or Heat

  • Description: The feeling of intense heat or burning in a specific area, as if on fire.
  • Examples
    • Stomach: “Sensation as if the stomach is burning,” often indicating Iris Versicolor (used for acid reflux and gastritis).
    • Skin: “Sensation as if the skin is burning,” common in cases treated with Arsenicum Album (useful for burning skin conditions).
    • Throat: “Sensation as if the throat is on fire,” typically seen in Phosphorus (indicated for burning throat and respiratory conditions).

Sensation as if Something Moving

  • Description: A feeling of movement within the body, such as wriggling or shifting, as though something is alive inside.
  • Examples
    • Abdomen: “Sensation as if something is moving in the abdomen,” often seen in Lycopodium (used for bloating and intestinal issues).
    • Legs: “Sensation as if something is creeping or moving inside the legs,” associated with Tarentula (used for restless legs and nervous conditions).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if something is fluttering in the chest,” indicating Spongia Tosta (used for heart palpitations and respiratory disorders).

Sensation as if a Lump or Foreign Object

  • Description: The feeling that something solid, like a lump or foreign object, is stuck in a body part.
  • Examples
    • Throat: “Sensation as if a lump is in the throat,” often treated with Ignatia (indicated for globus hystericus and emotional grief).
    • Rectum: “Sensation as if a ball or lump is in the rectum,” typical of Sepia (used for constipation and pelvic congestion).
    • Stomach: “Sensation as if a hard lump is in the stomach,” often linked to Nux Vomica (used for indigestion and gastric disturbances).

Sensation as if Swelling or Expanding

  • Description: The feeling of a body part expanding, swelling, or getting bigger without any actual physical change.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if the head is swelling or expanding,” commonly treated with Belladonna (used for migraines and sudden headaches).
    • Feet: “Sensation as if the feet are swelling,” often seen in Apis Mellifica (used for swelling, especially with redness and warmth).
    • Eyes: “Sensation as if the eyes are swollen,” indicating Pulsatilla (useful for conjunctivitis or eye strain).

Sensation as if Constricted or Compressed

  • Description: The feeling of tightness, squeezing, or constriction in a specific part of the body.
  • Examples
    • Throat: “Sensation as if a band is constricting the throat,” often seen in Cactus Grandiflorus (used for chest constriction and heart conditions).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if a weight is compressing the chest,” treated with Lobelia (used for respiratory distress and asthma).
    • Bladder: “Sensation as if something is tightly squeezing the bladder,” linked to Cantharis (used for cystitis and urinary issues).

Sensation as if Numb or Paralyzed

  • Description: The feeling that a body part is numb, paralyzed, or has lost sensation.
  • Examples
    • Hands: “Sensation as if the hands are numb and paralyzed,” often seen in Causticum (used for paralysis and numbness in extremities).
    • Feet: “Sensation as if the feet are numb,” typically associated with Silicea (used for poor circulation and nerve conditions).
    • Tongue: “Sensation as if the tongue is paralyzed,” treated with Plumbum Metallicum (used for nerve paralysis and muscle weakness).

Sensation as if a Splinter or Sharp Object

  • Description: The feeling of a sharp object, like a splinter or thorn, being stuck in the skin or mucous membranes.
  • Examples
    • Throat: “Sensation as if a splinter is lodged in the throat,” often treated with Hepar Sulphuris (used for suppurative conditions with splinter-like pains).
    • Eye: “Sensation as if a splinter is in the eye,” indicating Nitric Acid (used for sharp, cutting pains in mucous membranes).
    • Skin: “Sensation as if a splinter is pricking the skin,” typically associated with Silicea (used for abscesses and foreign body sensations).

Sensation as if Throbbing or Pulsating

  • Description: The sensation of a body part throbbing, pulsing, or beating, often in time with the heartbeat.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if the head is throbbing,” linked to Glonoinum (used for migraines and heat-induced headaches).
    • Teeth: “Sensation as if the teeth are throbbing,” often seen in Chamomilla (used for toothaches and teething in children).
    • Joints: “Sensation as if joints are throbbing,” associated with Rhus Toxicodendron (used for joint pain and stiffness).

Sensation as if a Knife or Sharp Object

  • Description: A feeling of being stabbed or cut by a sharp object like a knife, pin, or needle.
  • Examples
    • Stomach: “Sensation as if a knife is cutting through the stomach,” often linked to Colocynthis (used for sharp, colicky abdominal pain).
    • Head: “Sensation as if a knife is cutting into the head,” indicating Spigelia (used for neuralgic headaches, especially around the eyes).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if a knife is stabbing the chest,” associated with Bryonia (used for pleurisy and chest pain aggravated by breathing or movement).

Sensation as if Cold Water is Poured

  • Description: A sensation of sudden coldness, as if cold water has been poured over the body or specific parts.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if cold water is poured over the head,” commonly treated with Veratrum Album (used for collapse with cold sweats).
    • Back: “Sensation as if cold water is trickling down the back,” seen in Phosphorus (used for spine-related weakness and debility).
    • Extremities: “Sensation as if cold water is running down the legs,” treated with Rhus Toxicodendron (used for musculoskeletal conditions with stiffness).

Sensation as if Nerves are Raw or Exposed

  • Description: A sensation of rawness, hypersensitivity, or exposed nerves, often causing exaggerated pain from minimal stimuli.
  • Examples
    • Teeth: “Sensation as if the nerves of the teeth are exposed,” indicating Coffea Cruda (used for toothaches with extreme sensitivity to touch).
    • Skin: “Sensation as if the skin is raw and sensitive to air,” treated with Hepar Sulphuris (used for abscesses and inflamed skin).
    • Fingers: “Sensation as if the nerves in the fingers are raw,” seen in Hypericum (used for nerve injuries and trauma).

Sensation as if Body is Enlarged

  • Description: A perception that part or all of the body has become larger or swollen without actual physical change.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if the head is enlarged,” often treated with Belladonna (used for headaches with throbbing and heat).
    • Hands: “Sensation as if the hands are bigger than normal,” seen in Stramonium (used for hallucinations and distorted perceptions).
    • Feet: “Sensation as if the feet are swollen,” indicating Ledum Palustre (used for swollen joints and gout).

Sensation as if Something is Twisting or Tightening

  • Description: A feeling of twisting, wrenching, or being pulled tightly.
  • Examples
    • Abdomen: “Sensation as if the intestines are being twisted,” commonly treated with Ipecacuanha (used for colicky pain with nausea).
    • Heart: “Sensation as if the heart is being squeezed or twisted,” associated with Cactus Grandiflorus (used for heart conditions with constriction).
    • Muscles: “Sensation as if the muscles are twisting,” seen in Cuprum Metallicum (used for cramps and spasms).

Sensation as if Heart is Stopping

  • Description: A terrifying sensation where the heart feels like it is about to stop beating.
  • Examples
    • Heart: “Sensation as if the heart will stop beating if I don’t keep moving,” commonly treated with Digitalis (used for heart failure and slow, weak pulse).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if the heart stopped for a moment,” seen in Lachesis (used for circulatory and heart conditions).

Sensation as if Something is Sticking or Stuck

  • Description: The feeling that something sharp or pointed is stuck in a specific area.
  • Examples:
    • Throat: “Sensation as if a fishbone is stuck in the throat,” treated with Hepar Sulphuris (used for suppurative throat infections and splinter-like pains).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if needles are sticking in the chest,” often indicating Kali Carbonicum (used for stitching pains in the chest).
    • Eyelids: “Sensation as if something is sticking under the eyelid,” seen in Sulphur (used for eye irritation and dryness).

Sensation as if Shocks or Electric Pulses

  • Description: The feeling of brief, sharp shocks or electric-like jolts in the body.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if electric shocks are running through the head,” commonly treated with Gelsemium (used for nervous system issues, especially with weakness).
    • Extremities: “Sensation as if electric shocks are shooting through the arms or legs,” seen in Phosphorus (used for nerve sensitivity and tingling).
    • Spine: “Sensation as if electric shocks are passing up and down the spine,” indicating Secale Cornutum (used for spinal sensitivity and cramps).

Sensation as if Being Pushed or Pulled

  • Description: A feeling of external force pushing or pulling at the body, sometimes making the patient feel unstable.
  • Examples
    • Body: “Sensation as if someone is pushing me forward,” often associated with Veratrum Album (used for collapse and weakness).
    • Head: “Sensation as if the head is being pulled backward,” treated with Bryonia (used for tension and stiff necks).

Sensation as if Air or Wind is Blowing Inside

  • Description: The feeling of wind or air moving through a body part, despite no external breeze.
  • Examples
    • Ears: “Sensation as if wind is blowing through the ears,” often treated with Pulsatilla (used for ear infections and congestion).
    • Nose: “Sensation as if cold air is blowing through the nose,” seen in Arsenicum Album (used for cold-related symptoms with burning).
    • Teeth: “Sensation as if cold air is blowing through the teeth,” indicating Silicea (used for dental pain and sensitivity).

Sensation as if Head is Floating or Light

  • Description: A feeling of lightness or floating, often as if disconnected from the body.
  • Examples
    • Head: “Sensation as if the head is floating,” commonly seen in Gelsemium (used for vertigo and dizziness).
    • Body: “Sensation as if the body is floating,” treated with Cannabis Indica (used for a floating sensation and altered perception of body size).

Sensation as if Skin is Crawling or Prickling

  • Description: The feeling of skin crawling, prickling, or tingling without an apparent physical cause.
  • Examples
    • Skin: “Sensation as if insects are crawling on the skin,” often treated with Cina (used for itching and irritability).
    • Scalp: “Sensation as if the scalp is prickling,” indicating Sulphur (used for scalp conditions with irritation).
    • Arms: “Sensation as if something is crawling under the skin of the arms,” commonly associated with Arsenicum Album (used for restless and crawling sensations).

Sensation as if Being Choked or Suffocated

  • Description: A feeling of choking, suffocating, or being unable to breathe.
  • Examples
    • Throat: “Sensation as if being choked or suffocated,” often seen in Lachesis (used for throat constriction and breathing difficulties).
    • Chest: “Sensation as if the chest is suffocating,” treated with Antimonium Tart (used for respiratory congestion and difficulty breathing).
    • Neck: “Sensation as if a hand is squeezing the throat,” linked to Spongia Tosta (used for respiratory conditions like croup).

These “sensation as if” descriptions are used in homeopathy to match remedies to the specific experiences of the patient.

Each sensation offers valuable clues for finding the right treatment based on how the patient describes their condition.