Tellurium Metallicum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the element Tellurium.

It is known for its affinity with the skin, spine, and nervous system, particularly in conditions where there are offensive discharges and slow-developing symptoms.

It is often prescribed for conditions related to sciatica, sacral pain, and certain dermatological issues such as ringworm and eczema.

The medicine also has applications in addressing ear, eye, and spinal complaints, with a particular sensitivity to touch and pressure.



Scientific Classification
  • Element: Tellurium (Te)
  • Group: Metalloids
  • Origin: Derived from the mineral tellurite, discovered in the late 18th century.
  • Tellurium shares properties with both metals and non-metals, making it a unique element.
Historical Facts

Tellurium was discovered by Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein in 1782.

Its homeopathic use began much later, primarily due to its effectiveness in addressing skin conditions and neurological pain syndromes.


  • Tellurium Metallicum acts on multiple organ systems, especially the skin, spine, and nervous system. It has a slow onset and long-lasting effects.
  • Its action centers around disorders with offensive discharges, skin eruptions, and severe neuralgic pains, especially in the sacral and sciatic regions.


Tellurium is suited to nervous, sensitive individuals who tend to develop symptoms gradually and experience intense neuralgic pain and sensitivity.

They often suffer from spinal issues, especially sciatica and sacral pain.

Physical Characteristics

  • Individuals needing Tellurium often have sensitive skin with recurring herpetic eruptions, eczema, or ringworm.
  • There may also be complaints of offensive body odours or sweat, particularly from the feet.

Pain Sensitivity

  • Highly sensitive to touch, particularly along the spine and sacral region.
  • Sciatic pain tends to predominate, often worse at night or while resting.



Tellurium suits individuals with a herpetic diathesis—those who are prone to herpes, ringworm, and skin eruptions.

They tend to have slow-developing conditions, with chronic issues such as spinal sensitivity, sciatica, or chronic ear conditions.

There is a tendency towards suppuration in skin and mucous membranes, leading to offensive discharges.

  • Tendency for Suppuration: Chronic suppuration, such as in the ears (offensive, acrid discharge), skin eruptions, and behind the ears (eczema), is common.
  • Chronicity: Symptoms tend to develop slowly but persist over time.



Individuals needing Tellurium often display a nervous temperament.

They tend to be sensitive, irritable, and easily overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

There is an aversion to being touched, particularly in sensitive areas such as the spine and sacral region.

  • Mental State: Forgetfulness and neglectfulness are characteristic.
  • These individuals may be prone to nervous tension and twitching of facial muscles.
  • Fear of Touch: A pronounced fear of being touched in sensitive areas, especially the back or spine.



Tellurium patients generally have a tendency towards chilliness.

They are often worse in cold weather, which aggravates their symptoms, particularly the neuralgic pains and skin eruptions.

Warmth tends to relieve the symptoms.

  • Worse from Cold: Symptoms, particularly neuralgic pains and spinal sensitivity, worsen in cold weather and when exposed to cold air.
  • Better from Warmth: Improvement in a warm environment or with the application of warmth, particularly to the spine and affected limbs.


Neglectfulness, forgetfulness, and a general lack of mental clarity are common symptoms observed in individuals needing Tellurium Metallicum.

These cognitive symptoms reflect a state of mental dullness and confusion, manifesting in the following ways:


  • Disregard for Personal Tasks: The individual may consistently overlook or ignore important duties, responsibilities, or even personal care.
  • They might leave tasks incomplete or fail to attend to basic daily activities such as maintaining personal hygiene, organizing, or meeting deadlines.
  • Lack of Focus on Details: Tasks that require attention to detail, such as paperwork, planning, or chores, are often neglected.
  • The person may prioritize less important matters or be too overwhelmed to complete their duties.
  • Mental Detachment: There is a sense of disconnection or detachment from daily life and responsibilities, leading to neglect.
  • They might not feel the usual sense of urgency or importance regarding work or relationships, appearing indifferent or absent-minded.


  • Short-Term Memory Loss: Forgetfulness in Tellurium is often characterized by an inability to retain recent information.
  • The person may forget conversations, appointments, or tasks assigned just a short time ago.
  • Difficulty Recalling Names and Words: They might struggle to recall names, familiar faces, or commonly used words, leading to pauses or interruptions in speech.
  • Losing Objects: Misplacing personal items such as keys, phones, or documents is a frequent occurrence.
  • They might often be seen searching for items they had just used moments before.
  • Forgetting Obligations: The person may forget important engagements, meetings, or commitments, such as social events or work tasks, which can lead to problems in relationships or professional life.


  • Cloudy Thinking: There is a pervasive sense of mental fog.
  • The person may feel as if their mind is not functioning as sharply as it once did.
  • This can lead to slowed cognitive processing, where they take longer to grasp concepts, solve problems, or make decisions.
  • Inability to Concentrate: Sustained concentration becomes challenging, and they may find it hard to focus on reading, conversations, or work tasks.
  • The person may become easily distracted or zone out during tasks that require prolonged attention.
  • Difficulty Organizing Thoughts: Even simple tasks that require planning or sequencing steps become challenging.
  • The individual may feel overwhelmed by having to organize or process information, leading to frustration or giving up altogether.
  • Sluggishness in Decision-Making: There is a marked hesitation or difficulty in making decisions, even small ones.
  • They may feel confused or indecisive, taking longer to come to conclusions or avoid making choices entirely due to fear of making mistakes.


  • Irritability and Frustration: Due to forgetfulness and confusion, individuals may become irritable or easily frustrated with themselves.
  • They may feel annoyed at their inability to remember things or complete tasks efficiently.
  • Embarrassment or Anxiety: Forgetting important events or consistently neglecting responsibilities can lead to feelings of embarrassment, especially in social or professional settings.
  • Anxiety may arise from concerns about being seen as unreliable or incapable.
  • Sense of Overwhelm: There can be a constant feeling of being mentally overwhelmed, particularly by tasks that once seemed easy or routine.
  • This may lead the person to avoid certain activities or responsibilities altogether.


  • Physical Fatigue: Mental fog and forgetfulness are often accompanied by a sense of physical tiredness or lethargy.
  • The individual may feel too tired to think clearly or act efficiently, which further worsens their neglectful and forgetful tendencies.
  • Head Pressure or Pain: There may be accompanying physical sensations such as a dull ache or pressure in the head, particularly in the forehead or behind the eyes, which further hampers mental clarity.

In summary, the person needing Tellurium Metallicum experiences a state of mental dullness, forgetfulness, and neglectfulness, along with emotional frustration and anxiety.

These symptoms reflect a deep-seated disconnection from tasks and responsibilities, with difficulty in organizing thoughts, making decisions, and maintaining clarity in day-to-day activities.



  • Mental Symptoms: Neglectfulness, forgetfulness, and a general lack of mental clarity.
  • Pain: Predominantly in the left side of the head and forehead, often extending above the left eye.
  • Facial Symptoms: Twitching and distortion of the left facial muscles.
  • While speaking, the left corner of the mouth may be drawn upwards and leftward.
  • There is a fear of being touched in sensitive areas.


  • Inflammation: Eyelids become thickened, inflamed, and intensely itchy.
  • Eye Disorders: Useful for pterygium (a growth on the cornea) and pustular conjunctivitis.
  • It helps in the absorption of infiltrations in the iris and choroid, aiding in cataract cases.


  • Ear Infections: Eczema behind the ear, accompanied by a discharge that smells strongly like fish-pickle.
  • There is often throbbing, itching, and swelling in the ear canal, leading to deafness due to chronic middle ear infections.


  • Coryza: Runny nose and watery eyes, often accompanied by hoarseness.
  • Symptoms improve when outdoors but worsen in enclosed spaces.
  • Obstruction: Nasal passages become blocked, and there is salty mucus hawked from the posterior nares.


  • Appetite: Craving for apples, with a sensation of emptiness and weakness in the stomach.
  • Occasional heartburn is present.


  • Itching: Intense pruritus (itching) around the anus and perineum after every bowel movement.


  • Sacral Pain: Intense pain in the sacrum and between the last cervical and fifth dorsal vertebrae.
  • The spine is extremely sensitive to touch, worse on the right side, and aggravated by coughing, straining, and nighttime rest.
  • Sciatica: Sciatic pain, particularly on the right side, exacerbated by coughing or movement, worse at night.


  • Herpes & Eczema: The skin is prone to herpetic eruptions and circular patches of eczema, especially in areas like the back of the ears and the occiput (back of the head).
  • Ring-shaped lesions are common.
  • Offensive Odors: There are offensive smells emanating from the affected skin areas, often accompanied by stinging sensations.
  • Fetid Sweat: Notable offensive foot-sweat and eczema behind the ears.
  • Barber’s itch (a fungal infection) can also be treated with this remedy.



  • At night, during rest
  • Cold weather
  • Touch or friction on affected parts
  • Coughing, laughing, and lying on the painful side


  • Symptoms are generally relieved by movement and warmth.


  • Similar Remedies: Radium, Selenium, Sepia, Rhus Tox, and Arsenicum.
  • Comparisons: Tetradymite, a mineral containing Tellurium, Bismuth, and Sulphur, is used for conditions like coccygodynia (tailbone pain) and ulceration of nails.


  • Tellurium Metallicum is generally prescribed in the sixth potency or higher. Its action tends to be slow but prolonged, making it suitable for chronic and deep-seated conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions does Tellurium Metallicum treat?

  • It is primarily used for skin conditions like ringworm, eczema, and herpetic eruptions, as well as neurological pain such as sciatica and sacral pain.
  • It also addresses eye, ear, and spinal disorders.

How long does it take for Tellurium Metallicum to work?

  • The remedy has a slow onset of action, and its effects are often prolonged.
  • Patience is required when using this remedy for chronic conditions.

Is Tellurium Metallicum safe to use?

  • Yes, when prescribed by a qualified homeopath, Tellurium Metallicum is considered safe.
  • It is typically administered in potentized (diluted) form, which eliminates the risk of toxicity.


  • Pterygium: A benign growth on the cornea of the eye.
  • Pruritus: Itching.
  • Sciatica: Pain along the sciatic nerve, usually affecting the lower back and leg.
  • Phlyctenules: Small, round elevations on the cornea or conjunctiva.
  • Sacral Pain: Pain located in the lower back near the sacrum.
  • Coccygodynia: Pain in the tailbone area.

This detailed breakdown highlights the many organ-specific actions of Tellurium Metallicum, emphasizing its versatility in treating both dermatological and neurological conditions.