Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as Arbor Vitae (Tree of Life), is a homeopathic remedy derived from the leaves and twigs of this evergreen tree.

Native to North America, the plant has a long history of use among indigenous peoples and was later adopted by European settlers for its medicinal properties.

In homeopathy, it’s especially used for treating skin conditions, infections, and ailments related to the genito-urinary system.

Historically, the plant was named “Tree of Life” for its medicinal use in treating scurvy by early explorers.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Tracheophyta
  • Class: Pinopsida
  • Order: Pinales
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Genus: Thuja
  • Species: Thuja occidentalis
Historical Facts
  • The First Nations of North America used the bark and leaves to treat fever, coughs, and headaches.
  • In the 16th century, Jacques Cartier and his crew were saved from scurvy using this plant during their expedition to Canada.
  • Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, introduced Thuja as a remedy for sycotic conditions (ailments caused by suppressed gonorrhoea, warts, or vaccinations).


  • Pathogenesis refers to the development of diseases in the body.
  • Thuja acts on the skin, mucous membranes, blood, and genito-urinary organs, affecting growths like warts and condylomata (wart-like growths).
  • Thuja also plays a role in the treatment of bacterial infections like gonorrhoea, and addresses side effects from vaccination.


  • Thuja patients often have a hydrogenoid constitution, meaning their bodies retain water excessively and react poorly to damp environments.
  • They are typically chilly, sensitive to cold, and are more prone to chronic conditions like infections or skin diseases.
  • Their complaints worsen in humid weather and are better in dry conditions.


  • Thuja is particularly suited to individuals with a sycotic diathesis, a predisposition to diseases that produce warty growths, tumors, and abnormal skin changes.
  • This diathesis often leads to the development of conditions linked to gonorrhoeal infections or vaccination complications.



  • Thuja personalities tend to be melancholic or hypersensitive, often emotionally fragile and easily disturbed.
  • They may be prone to fixed ideas, such as believing something strange is living in their abdomen or that they are being watched.
  • Music can make them weep, revealing their deep emotional sensitivity.



  • The thermal state of Thuja occidentalis is characterized as chilly, meaning that individuals needing this remedy are often sensitive to cold and tend to feel cold more easily than others.
  • This sensitivity to cold manifests in their symptoms worsening in cold, damp, and humid environments.
  • They may feel better in warmer, drier conditions or when they are physically warm.

Worse in cold, damp conditions

  • Patients often feel worse in cold, wet weather or when exposed to cold air.
  • This can aggravate symptoms such as joint pains, headaches, and general discomfort.

Better in warmth and dry weather

  • The symptoms tend to improve in dry, warm environments.
  • This includes improvement from using warm clothing or being in a heated room.


  • Even in moderate temperatures, patients might feel cold, and there’s often a desire to stay warm or avoid cold drafts.
  • This thermal sensitivity reflects Thuja’s deep impact on hydrogenoid constitutions, which are highly sensitive to moisture and cold.


  • Wart-like growths: Especially on mucous membranes and skin, like warts or condylomata.
  • Excessive sensitivity to cold and damp weather.
  • Weak constitution: Easily fatigued and exhausted, especially after minimal exertion.
  • Chronic conditions: Tendency to develop chronic, recurring diseases.
  • Hydrogenoid constitution: Worsening of symptoms in humid, damp conditions.



  • Description: Individuals may experience persistent, irrational thoughts or beliefs that they cannot shake off.
  • These thoughts are often vivid and intrude upon the person’s consciousness.
  • They might feel as though there is a constant presence of a strange person beside them, which can contribute to their sense of paranoia or delusion.
  • Example: A patient might believe they are being followed or watched, despite no evidence supporting this belief.


  • Description: This symptom involves a disconnection or detachment feeling between the individual’s mind and body.
  • It’s akin to a sense of dissociation where one might feel as if their mind is separated from their physical body, leading to an experience of unreal or dream-like states.
  • Example: Someone might describe feeling as if they are observing their own actions from outside their body, as if in a trance or out-of-body experience.


  • Description: This sensation is experienced as a feeling of movement or life within the abdomen.
  • Patients might describe it as if something is moving or shifting inside them, which can be distressing and unsettling.
  • Example: A patient might feel constant fluttering or wriggling sensations in their abdomen, as though there is a living creature inside.


  • Description: Individuals with Thuja symptoms are highly sensitive to their emotions and external stimuli.
  • They may react with exaggerated feelings to otherwise mundane events or stimuli, which can lead to emotional instability.
  • Example: Listening to music might provoke intense emotional reactions, such as crying or trembling, despite the music’s content not being particularly sad or upsetting.

These mental and emotional symptoms reflect Thuja’s broader therapeutic profile, particularly its impact on conditions related to sycotic dyscrasia and its effects on the psyche.



  • Pain Description: Headache that feels like being pierced by a nail (similar to Coffea and Ignatia).
  • Neuralgia: Headaches, especially caused by tea consumption (similar to Selen).
  • Location: Typically affects the left side of the head.
  • Scalp Issues: White, scaly dandruff with dry, falling hair. The skin on the face often appears greasy.


  • Neuralgia: Sharp, intense pain in and around the eyes, particularly ciliary neuralgia.
  • Inflammation: Issues like iritis (inflammation of the iris) and recurring episcleritis (inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye). Sclera can appear bluish-red, raised in patches.
  • Styes and Tumors: The eyelids may develop styes or tarsal tumors (tumors on the edges of the eyelids), and the eyelids are dry and scaly, especially in the morning.


  • Chronic Otitis: A purulent (pus-like) discharge from the ears, often linked to long-term infections.
  • Sensation: Creaking sounds while swallowing, and the presence of polyps (abnormal tissue growth).


  • Chronic Catarrh: Thick, green mucus mixed with blood and pus.
  • Ulceration: Ulcers inside the nostrils, and a painful sensation around the root of the nose.
  • Nasal Dryness: The nasal cavities feel dry, with a feeling of pressure.


  • Tongue: Painful at the tip with white blisters on the sides. Varicose veins may be seen on the tongue and in the mouth.
  • Teeth and Gums: Teeth are highly sensitive, particularly at the gum line, where the gums recede.
  • Pyorrhea Alveolaris: A condition where pus forms in the gum area, often leading to tooth decay.
  • Drinking Sensation: Liquids seem to make an audible noise when entering the stomach.


  • Appetite Issues: Complete loss of appetite, dislike for fresh meat and potatoes.
  • Digestive Problems: Frequent rancid belching, flatulence, and cutting pain in the upper stomach (epigastrium). Indigestion worsens after consuming fatty foods, and there is a noticeable discomfort before meals.
  • Tea Sensitivity: Dyspepsia (indigestion) linked to excessive tea drinking.


  • Distension: The abdomen often feels bloated with hard lumps.
  • Chronic Diarrhea: Diarrhea is worse after breakfast, and the discharge is often forcefully expelled with a gurgling sound.
  • Brown Spots: Present on the abdomen, with rumbling noises and cramping pains.
  • Constipation: Accompanied by severe rectal pain, which may cause the stool to retract. Hemorrhoids (piles) can become swollen and painful, especially while sitting, with burning and stitching pains around the anus.


  • Urethra Issues: Inflammation and swelling of the urethra, leading to a small, split urinary stream.
  • Post-Urination Sensation: A trickling feeling even after urination has finished.
  • Pain After Urination: Severe cutting pains occur post-urination, sometimes similar to Sarsaparilla.
  • Incontinence: Sudden, urgent need to urinate that cannot be controlled.


  • Penile Inflammation: Inflammation of the prepuce and glans (head of the penis), often causing pain.
  • Gonorrhoea: Chronic symptoms including inflammation and rheumatism (joint pain) related to gonorrhoea. Induration (hardening) of the testicles and frequent need to urinate, with burning sensations.


  • Vaginal Sensitivity: The vagina is highly sensitive to touch, with warty growths on the vulva and perineum.
  • Leucorrhoea: Profuse discharge from the vagina, which is thick and greenish.
  • Ovarian Pain: Severe pain, particularly in the left ovary, often worsening during menstruation.
  • Menstrual Issues: Scanty and delayed periods. Ovaritis (inflammation of the ovaries) on the left side, with profuse sweating before menstruation.


  • Cough: A dry, hacking cough, particularly in the afternoon, accompanied by pain in the stomach area.
  • Asthma: Asthma-like symptoms, especially in children, with wheezing and difficulty breathing.
  • Larynx: Papillomas (small growths) in the larynx and chronic inflammation of the voice box.


  • Sensation: Limbs feel fragile, as if made of wood or glass, making walking difficult.
  • Swelling: Tips of fingers become swollen and red, often associated with joint cracking and muscle weakness.
  • Nails: Nails become brittle and may develop ingrown toenails.
  • Pains: Shooting pains in the heels and Achilles tendon, as well as muscular twitching.


  • Growths: Skin issues include warts, polyps, epitheliomas (tumors), and tubercles.
  • Ulcers are particularly common around the genital and anal regions.
  • Freckles and Blotches: Brown spots on the hands and arms, often accompanied by dry skin.
  • Perspiration: Sweet-smelling perspiration, often described as honey-like.
  • Sensitivity: The skin is extremely sensitive to touch, with coldness affecting one side of the body more than the other.
  • Sarcoma: Can be associated with tumors and growths, such as polyps.


  • Insomnia: Persistent inability to sleep.


  • Chills: Chilliness often starts in the thighs, with profuse sweating, especially on parts of the body that are uncovered.
  • The sweat has a sour smell and can be profuse while sleeping, sparing the head.
  • Blood pulsation and throbbing sensations are noticeable during the evening.



  • From cold, damp weather.
  • At night, especially around 3 am and 3 pm.
  • After eating fatty foods or drinking coffee.
  • From the heat of the bed.


  • In dry weather and while moving.
  • Lying on the left side.


Comparative Remedies:

Hydrogenoid Constitution

  • Calcarea: Useful for individuals with similar water-retentive tendencies and chronic conditions.
  • Silica: For chronic infections and poor tissue regeneration, often in individuals with a hydrogenoid constitution.
  • Natrum Sulph: Addresses conditions worsened by damp, humid conditions, suitable for hydrogenoid patients.
  • Aranea: For similar symptoms of weakness and sensitivity.
  • Apis: Used for conditions involving swelling and sensitivity to cold.
  • Pulsatilla: For conditions with changing symptoms and sensitivity to environmental changes.
  • Cupressus Lawsoniana: Similar action to Thuja with a focus on sharp, prickling pain and significant stomach discomfort.
  • Sphingurus: Helps with hair loss and pain in the jaw joint, akin to Thuja’s effects on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Maland: Effective for issues arising from vaccination, similar to Thuja’s action on vaccination complications.
  • Medorrhinum: Used for conditions related to suppressed gonorrhea, akin to Thuja’s treatment for sycotic complaints.
  • Mercury: Acts as an antidote to Thuja’s effects and is used for conditions with excessive moisture and secretions.
  • Cinnabaris: Used in conditions involving corrosive and burning sensations, similar to some of Thuja’s symptoms.
  • Terebinthina: For conditions with similar urinary and digestive symptoms.
  • Juniperus: Has effects on the urinary system, comparable to Thuja’s actions on similar organs.
  • Sabina: Complementary to Thuja, especially for skin conditions and reproductive issues.
  • Cantharis: Useful for burning pains and urinary issues, similar to Thuja’s symptoms.
  • Cannabis: Addresses issues with pain and skin conditions, complementing Thuja’s action.
  • Nitric Acid: For conditions with ulceration and specific tissue changes, comparable to Thuja’s effects.
  • Pulsatilla: Used for its effects on mucous membranes and changing symptoms.
  • Antimonium Tartaricum: Useful for respiratory symptoms and mucous membrane issues.
  • Arborin: A non-alcoholic preparation of Thuja, used for similar therapeutic effects without alcohol.


  • Mercury (Merc): Neutralizes effects of Thuja when there is excessive moisture and inflammation.
  • Camphor (Camph): For symptoms of intense irritation or poisoning.
  • Sabina: Specifically useful for warts and excrescences.

Complementary Remedies:

  • Sabina: Complements Thuja, especially for gynecological issues and warts.
  • Arsenicum Album (Ars): Used for symptoms of debility and exhaustion.
  • Natrum Sulph: Helps with conditions aggravated by dampness, suitable for hydrogenoid constitution.
  • Silica: Complements Thuja for chronic infections and overall weakness.


  • Locally: For warts and skin excrescences, the tincture or cerate can be applied.
  • Internally: Prescribed in potencies from tincture to 30th potency. The specific potency is chosen based on the individual’s condition and constitution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Thuja mainly used for?

  • Thuja is primarily used for skin conditions, especially warts, and ailments related to the genito-urinary system.
  • It also helps with conditions arising from suppressed infections or complications from vaccination.

How does Thuja work in homeopathy?

  • Thuja works by stimulating the body’s vital force to treat chronic conditions, especially those with a sycotic nature, such as warts, gonorrhea, and vaccination reactions.

What are the side effects of Thuja in homeopathy?

  • Thuja is generally safe when taken in prescribed doses.
  • However, using it in high potencies in sensitive patients can aggravate symptoms.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Condylomata: Wart-like growths on the genitals or anus caused by infections such as HPV.
  • Hydrogenoid: A constitutional type where the body retains excess water.
  • Sycotic Diathesis: A predisposition to developing warty growths and chronic infections.
  • Ciliary Neuralgia: Nerve pain around the eye, typically associated with inflammation.
  • Pyorrhea Alveolaris: Chronic inflammation and pus discharge from the gums leading to tooth loss.
  • Induration: Hardening of tissue, often due to inflammation or fibrosis.
  • Leucorrhoea: A thick white or yellowish vaginal discharge.
  • Vaccinosis: A condition caused by adverse effects from vaccination.