Oxalicum Acidum, commonly known as Sorrel Acid, is a potent homeopathic remedy used to treat various neurological, rheumatic, and urinary complaints.
Although oxalates are naturally found in plants and the human body, in large doses, this acid can act as a violent poison, causing severe symptoms such as gastro-enteritis, motor paralysis, and collapse.
Its homeopathic use focuses on its ability to influence the spinal cord and produce motor paralysis, among other symptoms.

Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Family: Oxalidaceae
- Genus: Oxalis
- Species: Oxalis acetosella (Primary source of oxalic acid)
- Oxalic acid is derived from various plants, including sorrel, rhubarb, and wood-sorrel, commonly found in nature.
- It is an organic compound known for its role in forming oxalates, which can lead to kidney stones when accumulated in the body.
Historical Facts
- Discovery and Uses: Oxalic acid was first isolated in the 17th century and has been used in various industries, including textile and cleaning products.
- Introduction into Homeopathy: Homeopaths recognized the toxic effects of oxalic acid and, through potentization, developed a remedy to treat conditions associated with uric acid buildup, spinal cord disturbances, and rheumatism.
- The primary action of Oxalicum Acidum is on the nervous system, particularly the spinal cord, leading to motor paralysis and neurological dysfunction.
- It also influences the urinary and digestive systems, with marked action in conditions of gastro-enteritis, neuralgia, and rheumatism.
- Patients prone to uric acid buildup, neurological disorders, and rheumatic conditions may benefit from Oxalicum Acidum.
- Best suited for individuals who experience symptoms triggered or worsened by thinking about their ailments, leading to increased physical discomfort.
- Pain in Spots: Pains that are very localized and occur in small, specific areas, similar to the nature of Kali Bichromicum.
- Worsened by Thought: Many symptoms, including urinary and cardiac conditions, are worsened when the patient focuses on them mentally.
- Motor Paralysis: The remedy has a strong action on the spinal cord, producing motor paralysis, especially in the extremities, with tingling and numbness.
- Spasmodic Symptoms: Involuntary spasms, especially in the throat and chest, often accompany the remedy’s picture, making it useful for respiratory complaints like aphonia (loss of voice) and dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
- Sense of Heat: The head often feels hot, and there is a sense of confusion and vertigo.
- Headaches: Common, especially before and during stool.
- Severe Pain: Eyes feel as though they are expanded or enlarged, with hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of the retina.
- Violent pain in the epigastrium (upper stomach): The remedy is effective in reducing severe pain in the stomach, especially when the discharge of gas (flatus) brings relief.
- Gastralgia (stomach pain) and Pyrosis (heartburn): There is a burning sensation and pain, especially below the epigastrium (upper abdomen), extending upwards.
- This can be aggravated by the slightest touch, making the area extremely sensitive.
- Eructation (belching): Bitter and sour burping is worse at night.
- The remedy is beneficial for those who cannot tolerate strawberries.
- Flatulence and Pain: After eating, particularly two hours later, pain can arise in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by a lot of gas.
- Colic: There may be stabbing or shooting pains in the liver, and burning sensations in small, localized areas of the abdomen.
- Diarrhea: This is particularly triggered by coffee consumption.
- Neuralgic pain in the spermatic cord: Severe, sharp pain extending along the spermatic cord, which is unbearable at times.
- Testicular Pain: The testicles may feel sore and heavy, as if they are bruised.
- Seminal Vesiculitis: Inflammation of the seminal vesicles may be accompanied by pain and discomfort.
- Frequent and Copious Urination: There is a need to urinate often, with large amounts of urine being passed. The thought of urination can trigger the urge.
- Burning Sensation: A burning pain occurs in the urethra, with an accompanying pain in the glans (tip) of the penis.
- Oxalates in Urine: The urine contains oxalates, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
- Nervous Aphonia: Loss of voice due to nervous conditions, which may be connected to cardiac (heart) problems.
- Spasmodic Breathing: Breathing becomes jerky and spasmodic due to constriction of the larynx and chest.
- Burning Sensation: There is a burning feeling that extends from the throat downwards.
- Left Lung Pain: The left lung is often painful, with sharp pains extending from the lower region of the lung down to the epigastrium.
- Palpitations and Dyspnea: The heart symptoms often include palpitations and difficulty breathing, especially in cases of organic heart disease.
- Worse when thinking about it: The heart symptoms are aggravated when the patient dwells on their condition.
- Aortic Insufficiency: The remedy may be beneficial in managing symptoms related to aortic insufficiency, such as sharp, stabbing pain in the chest that radiates to the left shoulder.
- Precordial Pains: Pain around the chest area (in front of the heart) that may dart toward the left shoulder.
- Numbness and Weakness: There is a tingling sensation, numbness, and weakness in the limbs.
- Lancinating Pains: Sharp, shooting pains often begin at the spine and extend through the extremities, including the arms and legs.
- Muscular Prostration: A general feeling of muscular weakness and fatigue, with back pain and soreness in the wrist (as if sprained).
- Coldness and Insensibility: The lower extremities can become cold, blue, and lack sensation.
- Multiple Sclerosis: The remedy has been used for cases of multiple cerebral and posterior spinal sclerosis, characterized by sharp, jerking pains and numbness.
- Worse: Symptoms are exacerbated by thinking of them, slight touch, shaving, light, and cold weather.
- Better: Warmth and gentle movement may provide relief.
Compare with,
- Arsenicum Album (Ars): Similar for its use in neuralgic pain and restlessness.
- Colchicum (Colch): Both remedies are useful for rheumatic pains.
- Argentum Nitricum (Arg): Shares indications for neurological symptoms and tremors.
- Cicer Arietinum (Chick-pea): Effective in cases of kidney stones and jaundice.
Antidote: Lime Water acts as an antidote in cases of oxalic acid poisoning.
- The usual recommended potency is sixth to thirtieth potency (6C to 30C), depending on the severity and chronicity of the symptoms.
- Acute cases may require frequent doses of lower potencies.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Oxalicum Acidum used for in homeopathy?
- It is primarily used for motor paralysis, neuralgic pains, urinary issues, and rheumatism.
- It is also effective in treating conditions related to oxalate accumulation in the urine.
Can Oxalicum Acidum help with kidney stones?
- Yes, it is used in cases where oxalates are present in the urine, which is a key symptom of uric acid stones or renal calculi.
What are the main nervous system symptoms it treats?
- It treats numbness, weakness, and lancinating pains that often start from the spine and extend into the extremities.
What potency should I use for paralysis symptoms?
- For neurological symptoms like motor paralysis, the 6C to 30C potencies are most commonly prescribed.
- Always consult a homeopathic practitioner for the appropriate dose.
Glossary of Difficult Terms
- Epigastrium: The upper central region of the abdomen.
- Motor Paralysis: Loss of voluntary muscle function due to damage to the nervous system.
- Neuralgia: Sharp, shooting pain along a nerve.
- Hyperesthesia: Increased sensitivity to stimuli, especially touch.
- Aphonia: Loss of voice, typically due to nerve dysfunction or stress.
- Dyspnea: Difficulty or labored breathing.
- Uric Acid Diathesis: A predisposition to developing high levels of uric acid, leading to kidney stones.
Oxalicum Acidum is an essential remedy in treating severe neuralgic and urinary symptoms, especially those involving oxalates in the urine and motor paralysis.
Always seek advice from a qualified homeopath before starting treatment.