Niccolum Sulphuricum, commonly known as Sulphate of Nickel, is a homeopathic remedy used to address climacteric disturbances and periodic neuralgias of malarial origin.
It is indicated for individuals who experience increased urine and saliva, a coppery taste in the mouth, and who are generally weak, asthenopic, with weak digestion and constipation.
Symptoms worsen in the morning and include periodic headaches and hoarseness.

- Kingdom: Mineral (Chemical compound)
- Chemical Formula: NiSO₄
Origin and Historical Facts
- Origin: Niccolum Sulphuricum is derived from Nickel combined with Sulphuric acid to form Nickel Sulphate.
- Historical Facts: In homeopathy, the use of Niccolum Sulphuricum is based on its mineral properties and its effects observed in individuals suffering from specific neurological and metabolic disorders.
- It has been used traditionally to alleviate symptoms related to malarial conditions and climacteric disturbances.
Niccolum Sulphuricum affects the nervous system and metabolism.
It is particularly noted for its impact on neurological symptoms such as periodic headaches, occipital pain extending down the spine, and soreness in the eyes.
It also influences menstrual and climacteric symptoms in women, including dull aching in the ovaries and episodes of hot flashes followed by unusual perspiration patterns.
- Nervous, uneasy, desire to recline: Restless and anxious, preferring to lie down, unable to concentrate on any task.
- Periodic headaches, occipital pain: Recurrent headaches with pain at the back of the head (occiput) extending down the spine.
- Worse lying on back; sore pain in eyes: Symptoms aggravated when lying on the back, accompanied by eye discomfort.
- Stiff, numb sensation, worse in neck: Feeling of stiffness and numbness, particularly in the neck area.
- Sore spine: Sensitivity and soreness along the spine.
- Morning awakening with burning soles: Waking up with a sensation of burning on the soles of the feet.
- Spinal pains; heavy and weak legs and arms: Pain in the spine, with heaviness and weakness in the limbs, discomfort lying on the back.
- Dull aching in ovaries: Persistent, dull pain in the ovaries.
- Sensation of impending menses: Feeling as if menstruation is about to begin.
- Hot flashes with unique perspiration pattern: Sudden waves of heat followed by sweating where skin touches, with dryness upon separation.
- Worse: In the morning, lying on the back.
- Second trituration.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What conditions can Niccolum Sulphuricum treat?
- It is used for climacteric disturbances, periodic neuralgias of malarial origin, and symptoms like periodic headaches, sore eyes, and peculiar menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
How does Niccolum Sulphuricum affect women?
- It addresses dull ovarian aches, sensations of imminent menses, and hot flashes followed by unique sweating patterns.
What potency is commonly used for Niccolum Sulphuricum?
- It is typically used in the second trituration.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Asthenopic: Having weak eyesight or eye strain.
- Climacteric: The period of life when reproductive capacity declines, often around menopause.
- Neuralgia: Intense, typically intermittent pain along the course of a nerve.
- Trituration: The process of grinding substances into fine particles, a method used in preparing homeopathic remedies.