Magnesium Phosphoricum, or phosphate of magnesia, is one of the twelve tissue remedies identified by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler.
Known as the “great anti-spasmodic remedy,” it is primarily used to relieve neuralgic pains, cramps, and spasms.
It is particularly suited for individuals who are tired, languid, and mentally exhausted, offering relief through warmth and gentle pressure.

Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
- Common Name: Phosphate of Magnesia
- Chemical Formula: MgHPO₄
- Family: Inorganic salt
- Magnesium phosphoricum is derived from the combination of magnesium and phosphoric acid, forming a compound essential to muscle function and nerve signaling.
- Magnesium is naturally found in the Earth’s crust, seawater, and living organisms.
- It is an essential mineral for biological processes, including nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and enzyme activation.
- Phosphoric acid is derived from phosphate minerals, such as apatite.
- Magnesium phosphate was identified for its therapeutic properties in managing cramps, spasms, and neuralgia by Schuessler in the late 19th century.
Historical Facts
- Dr. Schuessler introduced Magnesium Phosphoricum in his system of biochemistry, believing that deficiencies in tissue salts disrupt cellular functions.
- Historically, it has been used to address complaints like menstrual cramps, colic, and neuralgia, often in traditional and homeopathic medicine.
- Magnesium Phosphoricum acts on smooth and striated muscles, alleviating cramping and spasmodic pain.
- It is highly effective in neuralgic pain characterized by darting, shooting, or radiating sensations.
- It relaxes the nervous system and is most useful for conditions aggravated by cold and relieved by warmth.
- Lean and thin individuals with a tendency toward nervous exhaustion.
- Often suited for those with delicate, hypersensitive constitutions.
- Predisposed to conditions involving spasm, cramp, neuralgia, and exhaustion.
- Nervous and irritable.
- Easily overwhelmed by physical or mental exertion.
- Inclined to introspection and anxiety.
- Worse: Cold, drafts, and cold applications.
- Better: Warmth, hot drinks, and warm applications.
- Primarily psoric, with tendencies to manifest in functional rather than structural disturbances.
- Anti-spasmodic action: Relieves cramps and spasms in muscles.
- Neuralgia relief: Effective for sharp, darting, or shooting pains, particularly on the right side.
- Digestive support: Alleviates colicky pains and flatulence.
- Mental effects: Reduces mental exhaustion and confusion.
Mental and Emotional Characteristics
Laments About Pain
- Individuals who need Mag Phos often display a heightened sensitivity to physical discomfort, constantly vocalizing their distress.
- They are emotionally expressive about their ailments, which can manifest as persistent complaints.
Inability to Think Clearly
- Mental fog or a lack of clarity is a hallmark.
- These individuals struggle to focus, particularly after exertion or when burdened by stress.
- The mind feels tired, reflecting their body’s tendency toward exhaustion.
Sleeplessness Due to Indigestion
- Anxiety and digestive issues frequently disturb their sleep, creating a vicious cycle of physical and mental fatigue.
- This sleeplessness often stems from worrying about their health or circumstances.
Over-Sensitive to Stimuli
- They are easily overwhelmed by external factors such as noise, bright lights, or even touch.
- This hypersensitivity can extend to emotional stimuli, making them prone to irritability or nervous tension when under pressure.
Core Personality Traits
Overworked and Exhausted
- Mag Phos personalities are commonly found among those who overextend themselves mentally and physically, often leading to burnout.
- This exhaustion contributes to their irritability and impatience.
Need for Comfort and Warmth
- They instinctively seek warmth and gentle reassurance, both physically and emotionally.
- For example, warm applications soothe their neuralgic pains, and emotional warmth helps balance their irritability.
Nervous Irritability
- These individuals can be easily annoyed or reactive, reflecting their heightened sensitivity.
- This irritability often masks underlying fatigue or a sense of being overwhelmed.
Fatigue-Induced Indifference
- In advanced states of exhaustion, they may become indifferent, appearing detached or disengaged due to sheer mental and physical depletion.
How Magnesium Phosphoricum Impacts the Mind
- Mag Phos serves as a nerve relaxant, addressing the underlying spasm or tension causing both physical pain and mental irritability.
- It is especially suited to individuals with a nervous temperament, those prone to “burning the candle at both ends,” and people whose stress manifests physically through spasms or cramps.
- Vertigo: Aggravated by movement and experienced as a forward fall on closing the eyes.
- Walking in the open air alleviates symptoms.
- Headaches: Triggered by mental exertion and accompanied by chilliness, always relieved by warmth.
- Sensations: A peculiar feeling as if the brain contents are liquid or shifting, or a cap tightly placed on the head, indicative of nervous strain or spasm.
- Supraorbital Pain: Most prominent on the right side and relieved by external warmth, aligning with neuralgic characteristics.
- Increased Lachrymation: Excessive tearing with strained, tired eyes.
- Twitching and Disorders: Includes twitching of eyelids, nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), strabismus (misalignment of eyes), and ptosis (drooping eyelid).
- Vision: Blurred, accompanied by the appearance of coloured lights, signalling eye muscle fatigue.
- Neuralgic Pain: Behind the right ear, worsened by exposure to cold air or washing with cold water.
- Toothache: Eased by heat or hot liquids. Common in teething children.
- Ulceration: Affects teeth and causes swelling in the face, throat, neck, and tongue.
- Spasms: Not accompanied by fever, hinting at nervous origin.
- Soreness and Stiffness: Primarily on the right side, often described as puffy with aching and chilliness.
- Hiccough: Persistent, often accompanied by retching, and a desire for very cold drinks.
- Enteralgia (Colic): Cramping pain relieved by warmth, pressure, or bending double.
- Flatulence: Causes bloating and forces patients to loosen clothing and pass flatus without relief.
- Constipation: Seen in rheumatic individuals due to digestive sluggishness.
- Menstrual Issues: Includes cramps, early and dark stringy menses, and membranous dysmenorrhea.
- Ovarian Neuralgia: Sharp, radiating pains in ovaries.
- Vaginismus: Painful spasms of vaginal muscles.
- Swelling: Of external reproductive parts.
- Asthmatic Oppression: Constriction and difficulty breathing.
- Coughs: Dry and spasmodic, particularly problematic when lying down. Whooping cough is a notable indication.
- Voice and Larynx: Hoarseness with soreness and raw sensations in the throat.
- Angina Pectoris: Nervous spasmodic chest pain, often described as constriction.
- Palpitations: Triggered by nervous excitement, indicative of nervous heart involvement.
- Chilliness: Felt after meals or in the evening. Accompanied by shivering and chills running down the back.
- Suffocation Sensation: During fever episodes, highlighting the nervous involvement.
- Cramps: Common in calves, fingers, and feet.
- Sciatica: Pain along the sciatic nerve, with tender feet.
- Twitching and Spasms: Include involuntary hand shaking, chorea (uncontrolled movements), tetanic spasms, and writer’s cramp.
- Weakness: Affects arms, hands, and fingertips, leading to stiffness and numbness.
- Worse: Cold air, touch, and nighttime.
- Better: Warmth, pressure, bending double, and gentle friction.
Comparative Remedies
- Both remedies are excellent for nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, and muscle weakness.
- While Kali Phos acts deeply on the nervous system for debility and mental fatigue, Magnesium Phos is more effective for cramping and spasms.
Colocynthis (Colocy)
- Effective for neuralgic and colicky pains, particularly abdominal pain relieved by bending double.
- Colocynthis focuses on sharp spasmodic pains in the abdomen, similar to Magnesium Phos.
Silicea (Silica)
- Both remedies act on hypersensitive, chilly individuals.
- Silicea deals more with suppuration and chronic conditions, while Magnesium Phos addresses acute spasmodic and neuralgic pain.
Zincum (Zinc)
- Related to twitching and spasms of muscles.
- Zincum also covers symptoms of restless legs and nerve weakness, complementing Magnesium Phos in neurological disorders.
- Known for its effectiveness in colic that is not relieved by bending double but by stretching backward, differing from Magnesium Phos.
Belladonna (Bell)
- Can counteract overstimulation or aggravation from Magnesium Phos, especially in cases of nerve hypersensitivity and intense spasms.
Gelsemium (Gels)
- Useful for relaxing overstimulated nerves or mitigating spasms not relieved by Magnesium Phos.
Lachesis (Lach)
- Antidotes certain nervous or circulatory complaints where Magnesium Phos might exacerbate symptoms, particularly those involving heat or constriction.
- Potency Range: 6X to 30X or higher.
- Administration: Often dissolved in hot water to enhance absorption.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Magnesium Phosphoricum be used for menstrual cramps?
- Yes, it is highly effective for menstrual colic and neuralgia during menses, especially with stringy, dark flow.
Why is it dissolved in hot water?
- Dissolving in hot water enhances its action, making it more effective for spasmodic conditions.
Can children use it?
- Yes, especially for teething discomfort and colicky pains.
What is the role of Magnesium Phosphoricum in neuralgia?
- It soothes sharp, shooting pains, particularly on the right side of the body, by relaxing the nerves.
Meanings of Difficult Words
- Neuralgia: Pain along a nerve.
- Colic: Severe abdominal pain caused by gas or intestinal spasms.
- Ptosis: Drooping of the eyelid.
- Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation.
- Spasm: Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction.