Ipecacuanha, commonly known as Ipecac, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the dried root of the plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha.

It is primarily used to treat persistent nausea and vomiting, respiratory issues, and bleeding tendencies.

This remedy is especially beneficial for asthmatic and digestive disorders, making it suitable for individuals prone to nausea, cough, and respiratory distress.



Scientific Classification
  • Family: Rubiaceae
  • Genus: Cephaelis
  • Species: Cephaelis ipecacuanha
  • Native to Brazil and other tropical regions of South America, Ipecacuanha has been used for centuries by indigenous people for its emetic (vomiting-inducing) properties.
  • It became well-known in Europe during the 17th century as a treatment for dysentery and later found a place in homeopathic medicine due to its broad range of applications.
Historical Facts
  • Ipecacuanha was initially popularized for treating dysentery.
  • In the 19th century, it became widely known for inducing vomiting and was used in syrup form as an emetic.
  • Homeopathic preparations of Ipecac, however, dilute its harsh emetic effects and focus on its broader therapeutic applications, particularly in respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions.


  • Primary Action: Acts on the pneumogastric nerve, which connects the chest and stomach.
  • This leads to symptoms like persistent nausea, vomiting, and spasmodic coughing.
  • Key Symptoms: Persistent nausea without relief, spasmodic respiratory conditions, excessive salivation, and respiratory distress marked by a rattling cough.


  • Constitution: Suited for individuals who are feeble, prone to colds, or sensitive to warm and moist weather.
  • Diathesis: Predisposed to spasmodic affections, asthma, and hemorrhagic conditions (bright red bleeding).


  • Mental State: Irritable and often discontent, filled with desires but unsure of what they truly want.
  • The individual may be hypersensitive, often feeling as though they are misunderstood or that nothing satisfies them.



Ipecacuanha has a particular sensitivity to warm, moist conditions, which often aggravate both mental and physical symptoms.

These individuals prefer cool, fresh air and may feel worse in a warm, humid atmosphere.

The mental irritability and confusion may become more pronounced in these conditions, as the warm, moist environment creates discomfort for them both mentally and physically.

  • Worse in warm, humid weather: This kind of weather exacerbates the irritability and general discomfort of the person.
  • Their restlessness and confusion might increase when exposed to these thermal conditions.
  • Better in cool, fresh air: The mental and emotional symptoms tend to ease when exposed to a cooler environment.
  • Fresh, cool air can relieve the feeling of suffocation and physical discomfort, which helps calm the irritability and mental agitation.

This thermal state is essential in prescribing Ipecacuanha as it aligns with both mental and physical presentations of the remedy.


  • Persistent Nausea and Vomiting: The defining symptom of Ipecacuanha is nausea that does not subside, accompanied by vomiting of food, bile, blood, and mucus.
  • Respiratory Issues: The patient may suffer from asthma, violent coughing, and hemorrhages from the lungs (bright red blood).
  • The chest may feel constricted and full of phlegm, although it is difficult to expectorate.
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Constant nausea, with the stomach feeling relaxed or as if it’s hanging down.
  • It is also used for dysentery, especially when there is gripping pain in the abdomen around the navel.
  • Bleeding: Bright-red bleeding from various parts of the body, including the lungs and uterus. The haemorrhage is often profuse and accompanied by nausea.
  • Suitable for Fat Children and Adults: Especially useful for individuals who are obese, weak, and prone to colds in warm, moist environments.


Irritability and Contempt
  • The individual needing Ipecacuanha displays heightened irritability, easily provoked by even minor disturbances.
  • They hold everything in contempt, which means they exhibit an attitude of disdain or scorn for their surroundings and people.
  • This irritability is not passive; it is active and evident, often showing up in the way they respond to situations and people.
  • This mental state could manifest as being short-tempered or having an attitude of dissatisfaction and disapproval toward almost everything.
Indecisiveness and Confusion
  • One of the hallmark symptoms in the mental picture of Ipecacuanha is the individual’s state of confusion and uncertainty.
  • They are “full of desires” but cannot pinpoint what exactly they want.
  • There is a constant sense of unease, dissatisfaction, and a lack of clarity in their desires.
  • This creates frustration because they feel a strong longing for something, yet are unable to articulate or define it.
  • This can lead to restlessness and dissatisfaction with life in general.
Discontent and Restlessness
  • The mental state is also characterized by a deep sense of discontent.
  • They might feel unsatisfied with themselves or their surroundings, which further aggravates their irritability.
  • The inability to fulfill or even recognize their desires adds to their sense of frustration. This constant inner conflict makes them restless and agitated.
Negative View of Themselves
  • In some cases, the individual may feel pessimistic or negative about themselves, expressing contempt not just for others but also for their own situation.
  • This mental state is often linked with physical symptoms, such as persistent nausea or discomfort in the stomach, which can make their emotional state worse.



  • Crushed or Bruised Feeling in the Skull: The person experiences intense head pain as if the bones of the skull are being crushed or bruised.
  • This sensation is often deep and severe, extending to the tissues surrounding the head.
  • Pain Extending to Teeth and Root of the Tongue: The head pain often radiates downwards, affecting the teeth and even the root of the tongue, making it a unique characteristic of Ipecacuanha.
  • This extension of pain makes it more intense, contributing to the overall feeling of discomfort.


  • Redness and Pain Through the Eyeballs: Ipecacuanha affects the eyes by causing redness and soreness through the eyeballs.
  • The individual might feel like there is a sharp pain or an aching sensation within the eyes.
  • Profuse Lachrymation (Excessive Tear Production): There is also an excessive production of tears (lachrymation), which could be continuous and uncontrollable.
  • This symptom often accompanies respiratory or allergic conditions like hay fever or nasal congestion.


  • Coryza (Nasal Congestion) with Nausea: Ipecacuanha can cause severe nasal congestion (coryza) which is often associated with nausea.
  • The nasal passages feel blocked, leading to difficulty breathing and a sensation of pressure.
  • Frequent Nosebleeds (Epistaxis): Nosebleeds may accompany the congestion, especially during episodes of coughing or sneezing, often seen in respiratory illnesses.


  • Constant Nausea and Vomiting: One of the most prominent and guiding symptoms of Ipecacuanha is persistent nausea, often leading to violent vomiting.
  • This nausea is constant, making the patient feel uneasy and sick, regardless of food intake.
  • Relaxed Stomach Sensation: The stomach feels as though it is hanging down or relaxed, contributing to the feeling of nausea and weakness.
  • The individual may describe their stomach as feeling heavy or loose.
  • Vomiting Blood, Bile, and Mucus: Vomiting can be severe and may include not just food but blood, bile, and mucus, indicating deeper irritation of the stomach lining and gastrointestinal tract.


  • Uterine Haemorrhage (Profuse, Bright Red): Ipecacuanha is also indicated in cases of uterine haemorrhage, where the bleeding is bright red and profuse.
  • This type of bleeding is often accompanied by nausea, making it distinct from other remedies.
  • It is particularly useful for conditions like menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding).


  • Asthma: Ipecacuanha is highly indicated for asthma, especially in cases where there is persistent shortness of breath, accompanied by wheezing.
  • The individual feels like they cannot get enough air, and there is a sense of tightness or constriction in the chest.
  • Whooping Cough with Bleeding: This remedy is suitable for severe cases of whooping cough, where coughing is violent, leading to bleeding from the mouth or nose.
  • The cough may be so forceful that it causes these hemorrhages.
  • Rattling Cough with Suffocation: The cough is usually rattling in nature, with a lot of mucus but difficulty in expectorating it.
  • The person may feel like they are suffocating or choking because the mucus does not come up easily.


  • Intermittent Fever with Nausea and Vomiting: In fever cases, Ipecacuanha is indicated when there are intermittent spikes of fever, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • This type of fever could be recurring or related to digestive disorders.


  • Worse: Periodically; from veal; warm, moist weather; lying down.
  • Better: In fresh air, after vomiting.




  • Emetine is the principal alkaloid found in Ipecacuanha and is a powerful amebicide (destroys amoebas).
  • However, it is not a bactericide.
  • It is highly effective in the treatment of amebiasis (infection caused by amoebas), especially in amoebic dysentery, where it helps to eliminate the parasite.
Other uses of Emetine
  • Pyorrhoea: Emetine is used in the treatment of pyorrhoea (gum infection), with dosages of ½ grain daily for three days.
  • Psoriasis: Emetine given in ½ grain hypodermically (under the skin) is useful in psoriasis.
  • Endamoebic dysentery: Emetine hydrochloride (2x) is helpful in cases of diarrhea with colicky abdominal pain and nausea, making it a close comparison to Ipecac.
  • Careful Monitoring in Physiological Doses: Emetine, in large doses, needs to be watched carefully as it may cause severe adverse effects such as hepatization of the lungs (a stage of pneumonia where the lung tissue solidifies), rapid heart action, and lobar pneumonia.
  • Haematemesis: For vomiting of blood, comparison is drawn with Gelatine, which influences blood clotting. Gelatine can be administered hypodermically or orally as a 10 percent jelly.
Other Remedies to Compare
  • ARSENICUM ALBUM (Arsenic): Similar in its actions on gastrointestinal and respiratory systems, especially in treating nausea, vomiting, and breathing difficulties.
  • CHAMOMILLA (Chamomile): Similar in irritability and respiratory complaints, particularly in children.
  • PULSATILLA: Known for its use in intermittent fevers and respiratory ailments, as well as its relationship to female reproductive issues, much like Ipecacuanha.
  • TARTAR EMETIC (Antimonium tartaricum): Shares similarities with Ipecacuanha in cases of nausea, vomiting, and respiratory conditions, particularly with mucus build-up in the chest.
  • SQUILL: Useful in persistent, spasmodic coughs similar to Ipecac.
  • CONVOLVULUS: Beneficial for colic and diarrhea, conditions that Ipecacuanha also addresses.
  • TYPHA LATIFOLIA (Cat-tail flag): Compared for dysentery and diarrhea in summer complaints, conditions where Ipecac is effective.
  • EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA (Garden Spurge): Similar to Ipecac in affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, as well as the female organs.
  • LIPPIA MEXICANA: Particularly useful in cases of persistent dry, hard bronchial cough, asthma, and chronic bronchitis, making it comparable to Ipecacuanha.
  • For asthma, Ipecacuanha can be compared to Blatta orientalis, a remedy commonly used in treating chronic asthma and related respiratory complaints.
  • ARSENICUM ALBUM (Arsenic): Acts as an antidote to Ipecacuanha in cases of poisoning or overdose, particularly in gastrointestinal issues.
  • CHINA: Used to counteract the side effects of Ipecacuanha, especially in digestive complaints.
  • TABACUM: Known as an antidote to Ipecac in cases where the nausea is extremely severe.

Complementary Remedies

  • CUPRUM: Complements Ipecac well, particularly in treating severe respiratory conditions with spasms, such as asthma or whooping cough.
  • ARNICA: Works synergistically with Ipecacuanha, particularly in respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints, and where there is trauma or bleeding involved.


  • Potency: Typically prescribed in the third to 200th potency depending on the severity of symptoms and individual constitution.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Pneumogastric nerve: A nerve connecting the chest and stomach, responsible for various autonomic functions.
  • Coryza: Nasal congestion or inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose.
  • Lachrymation: Excessive tear production.
  • Haemorrhage: Profuse bleeding.
  • Whooping cough: A contagious bacterial disease-causing severe coughing fit.
  • Dysentery: Infection causing severe diarrhea with the presence of blood.