The mind rubrics in Kent’s Repertory relate to various emotional and mental states. Here are some of the key mind rubrics from G alphabet series, along with their most indicated remedies.
Dr. J.T. Kent’s Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica is a valuable tool for homeopathic practitioners to find the appropriate remedy for a particular patient’s symptoms.
Each rubric will be explained in simple terms, accompanied by a graphical representation to aid in understanding. Additionally, I have provided the most indicated remedies for each rubric to give hints for treatment.
Table of Contents
ToggleSynonyms: Signal, Indication, Sign, etc.
Gesture is a movement of hands, head or other body parts in order to communicate an idea, feeling, meaning or attitude.
Here are some types of gestures so you can understand better.
Remedies: Bell., Cicc., Hyos., Stram., Tarent.
Synonyms: Atheistic, Non-theistic, Sceptical etc.
A person who does not believe in existence of God or goddesses is known as godless person.
Remedies: Anac., Coloc., Croc.
To go out means leaving home to do something enjoyable that may be partying with friends, have a meal or watching movie at theatre.
Remedies: Am-c., Anth-n., Clem., Cycl.
Gossip is a shallow talk or rumour mainly about the private affairs of others.
Based on research, here are the reasons for why people get involved in gossip,
Remedies: Hyos., Stram., Verat.
This is a facial expression to show feeling of disgust, pain or disagreement.
Person twists his face in an ugly way typically by projecting lower jaw forward and upward in much possible way along with covering the upper lip with the lower lip.
Remedies: Cupr., Stram.
To make a low, long and rough sound from throat to show angriness or unfriendliness.
Remedies: Alum., Bell., Hell.
A grunt is a short and deep sound.
Here are some examples of grunting sound.
Remedies: Bell., Puls.
Sleep, during: Ign.
By learning careful and easy interpretation of mind rubrics, practitioners can better understand how these rubrics relate to a patient’s symptoms and able to provide more effective treatment.