In this post I am going to introduce a small but very important practice to maintain a Day Book/Record Book which is used while the proving of drug substances.
During the proving of homoeopathic drug substances, the prover upon whom the experiment is being carried out has been instructed by the physician in order to record the symptoms.
This is to collect most accurate and distinct symptoms produced by the drug substances.
The prover should keep a diary or a record book so that any symptom produced by the drug substance cannot be missed.
There are some guide lines suggested by Dr. Hahnemann which a prover should record,
- Exact time and dose of the drug substance that has taken.
- Mode of living, during proving.
- Diet and regiment during proving.
- All the altered sensations and functions.
- Exact order of the appearance of the symptoms.
- The previous state of health of mind and body both.
- Time of the appearance of the symptoms.
- Duration of the appearance of the symptoms.
- Soon after the appearance of the symptoms.
- Location, sensation, modality and concomitants of each symptoms.
- Each symptom in his/her own words (by avoiding technical terms).
- The side of the body affected.
- The extension of the course of the symptoms.
- Direction of the symptoms.
- Factors which excite the severity of the symptoms.
- Factors which diminish the severity of the symptoms.
- Prominent and characteristic symptoms with underlines.
- Doubtful and uncertain symptoms under brackets.
- Old symptoms if appears or aggravates.
- Even the alterations in the state of health.