Scientific Name: Asarum Europaeum
Common Name: European Snake Root
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Origin and Historical Background
It is a perennial herbaceous plant native to Europe, particularly found in shady and damp woodland areas across the continent.
European Snake Root has been used in traditional European herbal medicine to treat respiratory issues, digestive disorders, and skin conditions.
Additionally, it has been employed as a diuretic and to induce sweating. However, it is important to note that the plant contains aristolochic acid, which can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.
Asarum has shown efficacy in addressing conditions such as alcoholism, dysentery, eye afflictions, and nausea.
- Asarum primarily affects nerves, mucous membranes, and female reproductive organs.
- It induces a significant state of nerve oversensitivity.
- Guernsey suggests that Asarum is well-suited to individuals who tend to feel chilly and are prone to shying away from cold environments. This includes literary or sedentary individuals who experience sickness and feel cold.
- Temperament: It is beneficial for nervous, anxious, and excitable individuals.
- Miasms: It is associated with the Psoric miasm in the background.
- Over sensitiveness of Nerves: Patient experiences unbearable discomfort from scratching of linen or silk, and the sound of crackling paper (similar to Ferrum Tartaricum).
- Sensation of Lightness: Patient feels as if all limbs are light and imagines hovering in the air like a spirit (similar to Lac Caninum).
- Feeling of Compression: Sensation as if the entire body or a part of the body is being pressed together.
- Cold “Shivers” from Emotion: Emotion triggers cold shivers.
- Constant Nausea: Nausea persists after eating, accompanied by a clean tongue (similar to Ipecacuanha and Sulphur).
- Craving for Alcohol: Patient longs for alcohol, possibly due to a hereditary tendency (similar to Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Sulphuric Acid, and Syphilinum).
- Preference for Cold Air/Water: Cold air or water provides relief to the eyes, while sunlight, light, and wind are intolerable.
- Sensation of Plugged Ears: Feeling as if the ears are blocked by a foreign substance.
- Weather Modalities: Symptoms worsen in clear, fine weather and improve in damp, wet weather (similar to Causticum, Hepar Sulphuris, and Nux Vomica).
- Great Faintness and Yawning: Patient experiences profound faintness and continuous yawning.
- Increased Sensibility: Sensitivity is heightened, even from mere imagination.
- Ailments from: Bad effects of alcohol.
- This mental state shows that the person is very sensitive and aware of their surroundings and feelings, even imagining things strongly.
- They feel light in their body and like they are floating, which makes them feel disconnected from the normal world.
- They might want to break free from limitations and feel more spiritual or liberated.
- On the other hand, they also feel like their body is being squeezed, which could mean they feel trapped or restricted, despite wanting freedom.
- Feeling like their ears are blocked suggests they might want to shut out distractions and focus on their thoughts or feelings.
Overall, it shows a mix of wanting to break free from constraints and feeling disconnected from the world around them, while also wanting to shut out distractions and focus inwardly.
Eyes: Asthenopia, darting pains after operations, stiff, burning, or cold sensation. Relief in cold air or water, aggravation in sunlight and wind.
Ears: Sensation of being plugged up, catarrh with deafness, heat in external ear, and noises.
Stomach: Loss of appetite, flatulence, eructation, vomiting, desire for alcoholic drinks, bitter taste from smoking tobacco, nausea worsened after eating, clean tongue, great faintness, accumulation of cold, watery saliva.
Rectum: Passing strings of odourless, yellow mucus, diarrhea with tough mucus, undigested stools, prolapse.
Female: Early, prolonged, black menses, severe back pain, tenacious, yellow leucorrhoea.
Respiratory: Nervous, hacking cough, short respiration.
Back: Paralytic pain in muscles of the nape, weakness with staggering.
Fever: Chilliness with single parts getting icy cold, easily induced perspiration.
- Aggravation: Symptoms worsen in cold and dry weather or during clear, fine weather conditions.
- Amelioration: Relief is experienced by washing the face or bathing affected parts with cold water. Symptoms may also improve in damp or wet weather conditions (similar to Causticum).
- Similar to Causticum: Shares similar modalities.
- Similar to Aloe, Argentum Nitricum, Mercurius, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, and Sulphuric Acid: Especially in cases of stringy, shreddy stools.
- Followed by: Can be followed by Bismuth, Causticum, Pulsatilla, and Sulphuric Acid in sequential treatment.
- It is recommended to use Asarum in the third to sixth potency.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Asthenopia: Eye strain or fatigue.
- Catarrh: Inflammation of a mucous membrane with excessive mucus production.
- Leucorrhoea: Abnormal vaginal discharge.
- Psoric miasm: A classification in homeopathy representing underlying chronic, constitutional weaknesses or predispositions.