Arum Dracontium, commonly known as Green Dragon, is a homeopathic remedy primarily indicated for pharyngitis with a sore, raw, and tender throat.
This remedy is derived from the fresh root of the Arum Dracontium plant native to North America.
It finds its application in addressing various symptoms related to the head, throat, urinary, and respiratory systems.

- Botanical Name: Arum Dracontium
- Common Name: Green Dragon
- Family: Araceae
- Part Used: Fresh root
Botanical Origin
It is native to North America and is commonly found in wetlands, marshes, and wooded areas.
The plant is characterized by its distinctive hood-like structure, known as a spathe, surrounding a central spike, which is called a spadix.
Arum Dracontium is recognized for its unique appearance and is part of the diverse flora in its native regions.
- Arum Dracontium is associated with inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes.
- It prominently affects the head and throat, causing the characteristic soreness, rawness, and tenderness.
- The remedy is known for its affinity to the urinary and respiratory systems, with specific symptoms like burning and smarting in urine and asthmatic conditions at night.
- Head: Heavy sensation, shooting pain in ears, and aching pain behind the right ear.
- Throat: Dry, sore, worse swallowing; raw and tender throat; persistent need to clear the throat; croupy, hoarse cough with a sore throat.
- Urinary: Irresistible desire to pass urine with burning and smarting sensations.
- Respiratory: Hoarseness, excessive mucus in the larynx, asthmatic symptoms at night, and expectoration that is thick and heavy.
- Arum Italicum: Shares indications of brain-fag with a headache in the occipital region.
- Arum Maculatum: Indicated for inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes, nasal irritation with polypus.
- The recommended dose of Arum Dracontium is the first potency, following the principles of homeopathic practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Arum Dracontium used for in homeopathy?
- Arum Dracontium is primarily used for pharyngitis with a sore, raw, and tender throat, along with associated symptoms in the head, urinary, and respiratory systems.
Can Arum Dracontium be used for cough and respiratory issues?
- Yes, Arum Dracontium is indicated for a croupy, hoarse cough with a sore throat, and it addresses respiratory symptoms such as hoarseness and excess mucus in the larynx.
What are the key characteristics of Arum Dracontium?
- Key characteristics include a heavy sensation in the head, shooting pain in the ears, dry and sore throat, and an irresistible desire to pass urine with burning sensations.
Meaning of Difficult Words
- Affinity: A natural liking or attraction towards a particular thing.
- Mucous Membranes: The moist linings of various cavities in the body that produce mucus, such as those in the respiratory and digestive systems.
- Polypus: An abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane, often seen in the nasal passages.