Viscum album, commonly known as Mistletoe, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the European mistletoe plant.

It is widely used for treating conditions related to lowered blood pressure, rheumatic and gouty complaints, and nervous system disorders such as neuralgia and epilepsy.

This remedy is particularly beneficial for patients with circulatory issues and valvular heart disease, especially when accompanied by dyspnea (shortness of breath) and other respiratory difficulties.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Santalales
  • Family: Santalaceae
  • Genus: Viscum
  • Species: Viscum album
  • Viscum album is a parasitic plant that grows on trees, such as apple, oak, and pine.
  • Historically, it has been used in various traditional medicines across Europe for treating hypertension, rheumatism, and epilepsy.


  • Viscum album primarily acts on the circulatory system, promoting the dilation of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure without directly acting on the medulla (the brainstem center that controls involuntary functions).
  • It exerts a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing neuralgic pains and addressing conditions like sciatica, epilepsy, and rheumatism.
  • Its effects are also seen in improving heart function in cases of valvular insufficiency and hypertrophy, where the heart struggles to maintain efficient circulation.


  • Suited to individuals with circulatory disorders (like valvular heart disease, hypertension, or hypertensive albuminuria) and those prone to rheumatic or gouty complaints.


  • Patients are often predisposed to heart and circulatory problems, including failing heart compensation and dyspnea.
  • This remedy is also beneficial for individuals who frequently experience spinal pains or sciatica, especially when related to uterine causes.


  • Individuals who benefit from Viscum album may have a tendency to experience nervous exhaustion, tremors, and restlessness, with worsening symptoms during cold, stormy weather.


Circulatory and Heart Issues

  • Lowered blood pressure with dilated blood vessels but no direct impact on the medulla oblongata.
  • Pulse slow due to central irritation of the vagus nerve, which affects heart rate regulation.
  • Hypertrophy of the heart with valvular insufficiency, causing low pulse tension, dyspnea, and difficulty resting in a reclining position.

Nervous System Disorders

  • Effective for neuralgia, particularly sciatica with tearing, shooting pains.
  • Helps manage epileptic symptoms like aura and petit mal seizures.
  • Useful for rheumatic deafness and facial muscle agitation.

Respiratory and Uterine Symptoms

  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath), particularly when lying on the left side.
  • Effective for metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding) and spinal pains caused by uterine issues.
  • Helpful in managing asthma, especially when linked to gout or rheumatism.



  • Sensation as if the skull is lifted up: Patients experience a strange feeling, almost as if the whole vault of the skull is being lifted.
  • Blue rings around the eyes: A noticeable discoloration or darkening around the eyes.
  • Double vision: Objects appear doubled, indicating disturbances in the visual system.
  • Buzzing and blocked feeling in the ears: A constant sensation of buzzing or stopped-up ears, often associated with hearing impairment or deafness, particularly after exposure to cold.
  • Facial muscle agitation: Involuntary twitching or constant movement in the facial muscles.
  • Persistent vertigo: A sense of dizziness or loss of balance that is ongoing and uncomfortable.


  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath): A feeling of suffocation, particularly when lying on the left side.
  • Spasmodic cough: A sudden, uncontrollable cough that may be related to gout or rheumatism.
  • Asthma: Breathing difficulties, especially in cases associated with gout or rheumatic conditions.
  • Stertorous breathing: Heavy, noisy breathing, indicating respiratory distress.


  • Haemorrhage with pain: Uterine bleeding, with bright red blood and clots.
  • This is often painful and may be associated with chronic conditions.
  • Climacteric complaints: Symptoms related to menopause, including pain, bleeding, and emotional distress.
  • This condition is often compared to the effects of Lachesis and Sulphur.
  • Sacral pain radiating into the pelvis: Pain originating from the sacrum and extending into the pelvis, characterized by tearing and shooting sensations.
  • Retained placenta: Used in cases of placental retention post-childbirth, often compared to Secale.
  • Chronic endometritis: Inflammation of the uterine lining that persists over time.
  • Metrorrhagia: Abnormal uterine bleeding occurring outside the normal menstrual cycle.
  • Ovaralgia: Pain in the ovaries, particularly on the left side.


  • Hypertrophy with valvular insufficiency: The heart muscle becomes enlarged, and the valves fail to close properly, leading to weak pulse and low blood pressure.
  • Palpitation during coitus: Irregular heartbeats or palpitations during sexual intercourse.
  • Low blood pressure: A condition of low tension, often accompanied by dyspnea and difficulty resting in a reclining position.
  • Weight and oppression in the heart: A sensation as if the heart is being squeezed, often accompanied by a tickling feeling in the chest.


  • Alternating joint pains: Pain shifts between the knee and ankle, and the shoulder and elbow.
  • Sciatica: Tearing, shooting pains along the sciatic nerve, often affecting the thighs and upper extremities.
  • Glow and burning sensation: A sensation of heat rising from the feet to the head, making the person feel like they are on fire.
  • Periodic pains: Pains originating from the sacrum, extending to the pelvis, thighs, and upper extremities, often worse when lying in bed.
  • General tremor: A feeling of trembling, as if all the muscles are undergoing fibrillary contraction (tiny muscle twitches).
  • Dropsy of extremities: Swelling or oedema in the hands and feet.
  • Spider-crawling sensation: The feeling of a spider crawling on the back of the hand or foot.
  • Itching all over: Itching sensations that are widespread.
  • Compressing pain in feet: A feeling of tightness or compression in the feet.



  • Symptoms are aggravated by cold, stormy weather, winter, movement, and lying on the left side.
  • The condition tends to worsen in bed, particularly with pain radiating into the pelvis and thighs.


  • Symptoms improve with warmth and rest, particularly when avoiding cold environments and movement.



  • Secale: Used for convulsive conditions and circulatory problems.
  • Convallaria: Another heart remedy, useful for heart failure and dyspnea.
  • Bryonia: Helps with joint pain, especially when worsened by movement.
  • Pulsatilla: Addresses issues related to circulation and hormonal imbalances.
  • Rhododendron: Used for rheumatic pains and issues related to weather changes.
  • Guipsine: The active principle of mistletoe, which enhances the hypotensive properties of Viscum album.
  • Hedera helix (Ivy): Useful for relieving intracranial pressure and related symptoms.


  • Viscum album is most commonly prescribed in tincture and lower potencies.
  • The specific dosage depends on the patient’s condition, with lower potencies often used for acute conditions like rheumatism, sciatica, and circulatory disorders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Viscum album used for in homeopathy?

  • Viscum album is primarily used for treating circulatory disorders, such as lowered blood pressure, valvular heart disease, and hypertension.
  • It is also effective for managing rheumatic pain, neuralgia, and conditions like epilepsy.

Can Viscum album help with sciatica?

  • Yes, Viscum album is particularly beneficial for sciatica, especially when the pain is tearing or shooting, and when it alternates between the legs and arms.

What potency of Viscum album is recommended?

  • The remedy is often used in tincture or low potencies, such as 6X or 30C, depending on the condition.
  • Lower potencies are generally preferred for more acute symptoms.

Is Viscum album helpful for heart conditions?

  • Yes, it is highly effective for treating heart conditions like valvular insufficiency, hypertrophy, and low blood pressure, particularly when accompanied by dyspnea and palpitations.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Valvular insufficiency: A condition where the heart valves do not close properly, leading to inefficient blood circulation.
  • Metrorrhagia: Abnormal bleeding from the uterus, outside of the normal menstrual cycle.
  • Sciatica: Pain along the sciatic nerve, which runs down the lower back and legs.
  • Hypertrophy: Abnormal enlargement of an organ, typically the heart.
  • Dyspnea: Difficulty or laboured breathing.