Ignatia Amara, known as St. Ignatius Bean, is a widely used homeopathic remedy, particularly effective in treating emotional and psychological imbalances such as grief, disappointment, and hysteria.

Derived from the seeds of the Ignatius plant, this remedy is best suited for sensitive, emotional individuals who experience intense mental and physical reactions.

Its use is rooted in its ability to balance emotional upheavals and physical symptoms triggered by stress and nervous conditions.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Gentianales
  • Family: Loganiaceae
  • Genus: Strychnos
  • Species: Strychnos ignatii
  • The Ignatia plant, also known as Strychnos ignatii, is native to Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines.
  • The seeds, found inside the fruit of the tree, contain strychnine and brucine, both powerful alkaloids.
  • Though toxic in large amounts, the seeds are used in homeopathic dilutions to create a remedy that addresses emotional and nervous system disturbances.
Historical Facts
  • Ignatia is named after St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order.
  • The plant’s medicinal properties were discovered by Jesuit missionaries in the Philippines.
  • These missionaries observed its potent effects on emotional distress, especially in cases of grief and hysteria.
  • In the 18th century, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, introduced Ignatia into the homeopathic materia medica, emphasizing its use for emotional trauma and nervous complaints.


  • Ignatia primarily affects the nervous system and emotional sphere.
  • Its action is characterized by hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of the senses and a tendency toward clonic spasms (involuntary muscle contractions).
  • It is known to cause rapid shifts in mental and emotional states, ranging from extreme joy to deep sadness.
  • The remedy’s superficial, erratic nature reflects the inner turmoil of the individual.


Ignatia is especially suited to people who are:

  • Sensitive and emotional, easily affected by grief, disappointment, and external stimuli.
  • Often women with a delicate nervous system.
  • Dark-haired, mild-mannered individuals who tend to internalize emotional stress.


  • Emotional diathesis: Ignatia individuals are prone to emotional shocks, grief, and distress, leading to physical symptoms.
  • They may suppress their feelings, leading to hysteria or somatic complaints (physical symptoms caused by mental or emotional disturbances).


  • Nervous temperament: People who are quick to perceive and act but easily overwhelmed by emotions.
  • Contradictory nature: Patients exhibit opposite symptoms simultaneously, such as feeling both hot and cold or craving solitude while seeking company.
  • Melancholic temperament: Prone to sadness, introspection, and mood swings.


Ignatia patients are generally cold-blooded (chilly) and tend to feel worse in cold conditions. Their thermal state is marked by:

  • Cold intolerance: These individuals are often sensitive to cold and feel worse when exposed to cold air or cold drafts.
  • They may experience an aggravation of symptoms, such as muscle tension or headaches, in chilly environments.
  • Worsening in open air: Ignatia patients often feel worse when outside in open, cold air, preferring warmer indoor spaces where their symptoms might ease.
  • Desire for warmth: Though they may feel emotionally detached or unstable, their body craves warmth, and they tend to feel better with warmth or warm surroundings.


  • Grief and emotional shocks: Ignatia is the go-to remedy for grief, shock, and disappointment.
  • The individual tends to suppress emotions, leading to physical manifestations such as headaches or digestive issues.
  • Contradictory symptoms: For example, the patient may feel cold but is averse to warmth or feels hunger but cannot eat.
  • Sensitive nature: Hypersensitivity to pain, smells, sounds, and emotional disturbances.
  • Sighing and sobbing: Persistent sighing due to an inability to take deep breaths or process grief fully.
  • Spasms and tremors: Muscular spasms, especially when emotions are suppressed.


The psychological core of Ignatia Amara revolves around intense emotional sensitivity and inner turmoil.

It is often prescribed for individuals who are going through emotional distress, such as grief, shock, or disappointment, which they tend to internalize rather than express openly.

These individuals are prone to brooding, mood swings, and emotional contradictions—feeling one way but behaving in the opposite manner. The Ignatia patient is typically:

  • Highly sensitive: They may react strongly to emotional stimuli, often feeling things very deeply, whether it be sorrow, joy, or frustration.
  • Internally conflicted: The mind of an Ignatia patient is frequently torn between conflicting emotions.
  • For instance, they may laugh while grieving or cry when they’re angry.
  • Introverted and brooding: Ignatia patients tend to suppress their emotions, leading to introspection and an inability to verbalize their feelings, which can worsen their mental and physical health.
  • Hysterical reactions: These emotional disturbances may manifest in hysterical symptoms such as sobbing, sighing, or physical symptoms like a lump in the throat (globus hystericus).

Mood Swings

  • Individuals requiring Ignatia experience rapid emotional shifts, moving quickly from feelings of joy to despair.
  • This is especially prevalent in those who are grieving or feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
  • These sudden mood changes reflect an internal struggle, often causing emotional instability.

Brooding and Introspection

  • Patients tend to internalize their emotions, keeping their grief or disappointment to themselves.
  • They may spend a lot of time thinking deeply or silently reflecting on their problems.
  • This constant introspection often leads to physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, or general bodily discomfort.
  • The mind’s inability to release emotions causes stress, which manifests physically.

Grief and Disappointment

  • Ignatia is one of the most commonly used remedies for dealing with emotional trauma.
  • It is especially effective for individuals who have experienced grief, shock, or disappointment, and who are unable to express or process their emotions effectively.
  • Emotional distress under these circumstances can lead to mental restlessness, sadness, and even physical symptoms like chest tightness or a lump in the throat.

Ignatia addresses these deep emotional disturbances by helping the person balance their internal emotional response, preventing their grief or distress from overwhelming their physical and mental health.



  • Headaches: The pain may feel as if a nail is being driven through the side of the head, often caused by stress, or suppressed emotions.
  • Congestion: Blood rushes to the head during emotional upsets, causing a sensation of heaviness or hollowness.


  • Spasms of the eyelids: Due to stress or emotional turmoil, patients may experience twitching or spasms around the eyes.


  • Sensation of a lump: Often described as “globus hystericus,” a feeling of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed, commonly seen in emotionally distressed patients.


  • Sour eructations (belching) and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach are common, especially after grief or stress.
  • Craving for indigestible foods: The person may desire unusual or hard-to-digest foods, yet feel unsatisfied.


  • Constipation with painful constriction: The patient may feel that the stool is difficult to pass, often worsened by stress or anxiety.
  • Prolapse of the rectum: Due to physical strain or emotional tension.


  • Dry, spasmodic cough: Often a reflex reaction to emotional stress, the cough can become persistent, especially in the evening.


  • Menstrual irregularities: Ignatia is helpful in women experiencing irregular, painful, or suppressed menses due to emotional stress.


  • Insomnia: Restlessness and inability to sleep, especially after emotional distress, are common.
  • The mind races with thoughts, preventing restful sleep.


  • Worse: Morning, after meals, from emotional stress, coffee, smoking, and external warmth.
  • Better: While eating, changing positions, and in open air.


  • Complementary: Natrum Muriaticum (used in emotional upsets).
  • Incompatible: Coffea, Nux vomica, Tabacum.
  • Antidotes: Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Cocculus (for overdoses or improper use of Ignatia).


  • Typically administered in potencies ranging from the 6th to the 200th potency, depending on the individual’s sensitivity and severity of symptoms.
  • A higher potency is recommended for deeply seated emotional issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Ignatia used for?

  • Ignatia is used for emotional conditions such as grief, disappointment, nervousness, and hysteria.
  • It is especially effective for people experiencing emotional turmoil.

How does Ignatia help with grief?

  • Ignatia helps process emotional trauma by preventing the suppression of feelings, which can lead to physical symptoms.
  • It allows emotional healing by relieving the associated physical manifestations.

Is Ignatia safe to use?

  • Yes, in homeopathic dilutions, Ignatia is safe.
  • However, it should be used under the guidance of a homeopath, especially in higher potencies.

Can I take Ignatia for stress?

  • Yes, Ignatia is one of the best remedies for emotional stress, especially when it is linked to grief or disappointment.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Hyperesthesia: Increased sensitivity to stimuli.
  • Clonic spasms: Involuntary muscle contractions that occur in quick, jerking movements.
  • Diathesis: A predisposition or susceptibility to certain conditions or diseases.
  • Globulus hystericus: A sensation of a lump in the throat, often linked to emotional distress.
  • Eructations: Belching.

Ignatia Amara is a profound remedy in homeopathy, addressing both emotional and physical aspects, particularly when emotions like grief and disappointment overwhelm the individual.