Caladium Seguinum, commonly known as American Arum, is a homeopathic remedy with a significant action on the genital organs and associated symptoms.

It is especially useful for conditions such as pruritus (itching) of the genital region, impotency, asthma, and sensitivity to noise.

This remedy is derived from the Caladium plant, a member of the Araceae family, and has been extensively studied and proven by homeopathic practitioners.


Proved by: E. W. BERRIDGE


Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Caladium
  • Species: Caladium Seguinum
  • Caladium seguinum, commonly known as American Arum, belongs to the Araceae family.
  • It is native to tropical regions of the Americas, particularly found in areas like Brazil and the West Indies.
Historical Facts
  • Caladium seguinum has a long history of traditional use among indigenous communities in the Americas.
  • Historically, it has been used for various purposes, including medicinal and ceremonial.
Homoeopathic Application
  • In homeopathy, Caladium seguinum is primarily indicated for its marked action on the genital organs.
  • It is commonly prescribed for conditions such as pruritus (itching) of the genital region, impotency, and nymphomania.
  • The remedy is also used for other symptoms like asthma, fever, and pruritus of the vulva or vagina during pregnancy.
  • It is prepared as a homeopathic remedy through a process of potentization, which involves successive dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking).


  • Caladium Seguinum primarily affects the genital organs, causing symptoms such as pruritus, impotency, and relaxation of the penis during sexual excitement.
  • It also has notable effects on the respiratory system, with symptoms of asthma and breathing difficulties.
  • Sensitivity to noise and startle reactions from sleep are characteristic features of Caladium.
  • The remedy is known for its ability to destroy cravings for tobacco and its association with symptoms alternating with asthma and itching rashes.


Genital Symptoms
  • Pruritus: Persistent itching of the genital region, especially in males and during pregnancy in females.
  • Impotency: Inability to achieve or maintain an erection despite sexual desire or stimulation.
  • Relaxed Penis During Excitement: Penis remains flaccid or relaxed even in the presence of sexual arousal or excitement.
  • Absence of Erection or Orgasm During Embrace: Lack of erection or inability to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse.
Sensitivity to Noise
  • Easily startled from sleep by even the slightest noise.
  • Heightened sensitivity to auditory stimuli, leading to discomfort or disturbance.
Asthmatic Complaints
  • Difficulty in Breathing: Sensation of constriction or tightness in the chest, making breathing laborious.
  • Catarrhal Asthma: Asthmatic symptoms accompanied by increased mucus production, resulting in difficulty in clearing the airways.
Cravings for Tobacco Modified by the Remedy
  • Caladium Seguinum has the ability to modify or suppress cravings for tobacco use.
  • It is often indicated for individuals who desire tobacco but find relief from this craving after the remedy is administered.
Itching Rashes Alternating with Asthma
  • Presence of itching skin rashes that alternate with or exacerbate asthmatic symptoms.
  • The skin eruptions and asthma may manifest in a cyclical pattern, worsening or improving in tandem.



  • Headaches and mental states of smokers: Caladium Seguinum presents headaches and mental states that resemble those experienced by smokers, indicating a connection between the symptoms of this remedy and the effects of smoking.
  • Forgetfulness and confusion regarding occurrences: Patients may exhibit forgetfulness and confusion about recent events or circumstances, indicating a lack of cognitive clarity.
  • Confused headache with associated symptoms: Headaches may be accompanied by confusion and are often associated with pain in the shoulder, pressure in the eyes and forehead, and extreme sensitivity to noise.
  • Additionally, throbbing sensations may be felt in the ear, exacerbating the discomfort.


  • Gnawing sensation in the orifice of the stomach: Patients may experience a gnawing sensation at the entrance of the stomach, which can interfere with deep breathing and result in eructations (belching).
  • Eructations: There may be frequent eructations, with the stomach feeling full of dry food and a sensation of fluttering.
  • Acrid vomiting: Vomiting may occur with an acrid taste, and patients may only tolerate warm drinks. Despite vomiting, there may be no sensation of thirst.
  • Sighing respiration: Breathing may be accompanied by sighing, indicating a respiratory pattern characterized by deep inhalation followed by exhalation.


  • Pruritus: Itching sensation in the genital area.
  • Redness of glans: The head of the penis appears very red.
  • Enlarged, relaxed organs: The genital organs seem larger, swollen, and relaxed.
  • Cold sweating: Sweating of the genital area with a sensation of coldness.
  • Thickened skin of scrotum: The skin covering the testicles is thickened.
  • Erections during sleep: Erections occur when the individual is half-asleep but cease upon full awakening.
  • Impotency: Inability to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual excitement.
  • Relaxation of penis during excitement: The penis relaxes instead of becoming erect during sexual arousal.
  • Lack of emission and orgasm: Despite sexual stimulation, there is no ejaculation or orgasm during intimate encounters.


  • Pruritus of vulva and vagina: Itching sensation in the external genitalia and vaginal area.
  • During pregnancy: Pruritus occurs specifically during pregnancy.
  • Voluptuousness: Experiencing or inclined to experience luxury and sensual pleasure.
  • Cramp pains in uterus at night: Women may experience cramp-like pains in the uterus during nighttime.


  • Sweet sweat attracting flies: The sweat has a sweet odour that attracts flies.
  • Intensely burning and itching insect bites: Insect bites cause a burning and itching sensation, which can be very intense.
  • Itching rash alternating with asthma: Rash on the skin alternates with episodes of asthma.
  • Burning sensation and erysipelatous inflammation: The affected skin area experiences a burning sensation and shows signs of erysipelatous inflammation, characterized by redness, swelling, and warmth.


  • Constricted larynx: Feeling of tightness or constriction in the larynx.
  • Impeded breathing: Breathing is difficult or feels obstructed.
  • Catarrhal asthma: Asthma characterized by the presence of mucus in the airways, which is not easily expelled.
  • Patient afraid to go to sleep: The patient experiences fear or anxiety associated with falling asleep.


  • Aggravation: Symptoms worsen with motion and warmth.
  • Amelioration: Relief is experienced after sweating, after a short sleep, and from cold water.


  • Incompatible with: Arum triphyllum.
  • Complementary to: Nitricum Acidum.
  • Comparable with: Capsicum, Phosphorus, Causticum, Selenium, Lycopodium.


  • Third to sixth attenuation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main symptoms that Caladium Seguinum addresses?

  • Caladium is mainly indicated for genital symptoms like pruritus and impotency, sensitivity to noise, and asthmatic complaints.

Is Caladium Seguinum effective for asthma?

  • Yes, Caladium is known to help with asthmatic complaints, especially when associated with itching rashes or difficulty in breathing.

Can Caladium Seguinum help with tobacco cravings?

  • Yes, Caladium is known to modify cravings for tobacco, making it useful for individuals trying to quit smoking.

What are the modalities for Caladium Seguinum?

  • Symptoms worsen with motion and warmth, while they improve after sweating, short sleep, or with cold water.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Pruritus: Itching sensation.
  • Impotency: Inability to achieve or maintain an erection.
  • Catarrhal: Relating to or affected by catarrh, an inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • Attenuation: The process of diluting a substance to reduce its potency while retaining its therapeutic properties.