These two words Similimum and Similar seems to be same but their minor difference can resolute the most important dynamic concept upon which the foundation of homoeopathic system of medicine is built.
Homoeopathic system of medicine is based on “The law of similar” that is “SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTER”.
For proper understanding and application of this law we need to understand the exact meaning of two simple words Similimum and Similar.
And also, we should understand how they differ from one another?
So, let’s get started.
The word “SIMILIMUM” is a Latin derivative of ‘SIMILIS’ which means having absolute likeness of one thing to another.
It simply means having similarity in all the aspects.
Dr. Hahnemann used this word in Footnote of Aphorism 56 of Organon of medicine.
The similimum is the most similar remedy (in homoeopathy) in a given case, which covers all the totality of the symptoms.
While selecting the similimum for a patient, we need to select the one which is most similar that covers all the totality of the symptoms.
This is why, discovery of most similimum is not always possible.
For this difficulty, the medicine we select should be similar with the disease in following aspects.
- The medicine should be similar with the seat of the disease.
- The Pathophysiology of the disease and medicine should be similar.
- The causative factors of medicine and disease should be similar.
- The modifying factors (modalities) of both should be similar.
- The characters of sensations of both the medicine and disease should be matched.
- Their concomitant symptoms should be similar.
- The sequence of the appearance of the symptoms should be compared.
- The underlying Miasmatic background should be similar.
- The selection of the dose and potency should be sufficient to stimulate the susceptibility of the patient.
- The individuality of the patient should be similar with the source group of medicine.