This post is about Organon of medicine and Homoeopathic Materia medica along with relation between them.
Organon of medicine is a book written by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in German language.
While Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a symptom register obtained from drug proving on healthy human beings (You can read the Evolution of homoeopathic materia medica here).
Organon of medicine contains a set of rules established by Dr. Hahnemann for the guidance of the theoretical and practical methods to apply medicines written in Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Organon of Medicine was written after many years of careful experiments and observations of Dr. Hahnemann.
While homoeopathic Materia medica is a systemic record of clinical experiences, uses, effects, mode of actions etc. obtained from drug proving written in patient’s language.
There are 6 Editions of Organon of medicine written by Dr. Hahnemann.
Where as approximately more than 400 books of Materia medica in English and other languages have been written by a number of Homeopaths all over the world (you can read the classification and types of homoeopathic materia medica here).
Organon of medicine also contains the guidelines for preparation and application of Homoeopathic drug substances.
The pharmacological concepts like, Selection of Dose and Potency, Susceptibility, Minimum dose, Law of simplex including the introduction to 50 millesimal scale are covered in Organon of medicine.
WISDOM is knowing what to do next?
SKILL is knowing how to do it?
VIRTUE is doing it.
-David Starr Jordan
We can say from above mentioned quote that,
- Organon of medicine is a source of wisdom for Homoeopathy (example- Cardinal principles of homoeopathy).
- Homoeopathic pharmacy is a tool to develop skill in order to apply this wisdom (helps to apply medicines effectively).
- Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a virtue in order to cure the patients in Holistic way (selecting the exact similimum by following the principles of homoeopathy).