Nux moschata, commonly known as Nutmeg, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree.

It is particularly effective in treating conditions involving fainting spells, extreme dryness of mucous membranes, and digestive disturbances such as bloating and flatulence.

This remedy also addresses mental confusion, impaired memory, and sudden drowsiness.

It is useful in conditions where patients feel disconnected or bewildered, as if living in a dream-like state.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Magnoliales
  • Family: Myristicaceae
  • Genus: Myristica
  • Species: Myristica fragrans

Common Name: Nutmeg

  • Myristica fragrans is an evergreen tree native to the Moluccas (Spice Islands) in Indonesia, though it is also cultivated in the Caribbean, particularly in Grenada.
  • The spice nutmeg comes from the dried seed of the fruit, and its oil is traditionally used for culinary and medicinal purposes.
  • Historically, nutmeg has been used for its calming and digestive properties.
  • In homeopathy, it was introduced for its ability to address nervous disorders, digestive issues, and fainting spells.
Historical Facts
  • Nutmeg has been used since ancient times in both Ayurvedic and Unani medicine to treat indigestion, nausea, and headaches.
  • Nutmeg was a highly prized spice during the Middle Ages, often traded for gold and other valuable goods.
  • It became part of homeopathic medicine in the 19th century due to its nervous system effects and digestive-relieving properties.


  • Nux moschata primarily acts on the nervous system, causing fainting spells, mental confusion, and a dream-like state.
  • It also affects the digestive system, leading to bloating, flatulence, and difficulty expelling stool.
  • The remedy has a pronounced drying effect on the mucous membranes, leading to dryness of the mouth, nose, eyes, and throat.
  • It is also effective for individuals suffering from heart irregularities and faintness after exertion or stress.


  • This remedy is suited for individuals who are prone to fainting, mental confusion, extreme dryness in mucous membranes, and digestive sluggishness.


  • Nux moschata is ideal for individuals with a tendency toward fainting spells, hysterical conditions, and nervous system exhaustion, often triggered by cold, wind, or mental overexertion.


  • The patient is often confused, bewildered, and disoriented, with a tendency to switch between laughing and crying.
  • There is a strong emotional volatility and a tendency to feel detached from reality.


  • The thermal state of a Nux moschata patient is characterized by a strong sensitivity to cold and a preference for warmth.
Key aspects of their thermal state include:

Worse from Cold and Moisture

  • The patient is worse in cold, especially cold, moist winds, cold environments, or from cold foods and drinks.
  • Exposure to cold air or wet conditions can exacerbate both physical and mental symptoms, leading to increased discomfort, fainting spells, or mental confusion.

Better from Warmth

  • Symptoms tend to improve with warm, dry weather, warm clothing, or warm environments.
  • Patients seek warmth and may feel significantly better in a dry climate or with dry heat applied to the body, which helps alleviate rheumatic pains and cold extremities.

Dryness in Internal and External Tissues

  • Despite the sensitivity to cold, there is an overall dryness of the mucous membranes, skin, and internal organs.
  • This internal dryness contrasts with the external cold sensitivity, making Nux moschata an unusual thermal remedy that requires warmth yet suffers from internal dryness.


The miasmatic classification of Nux moschata primarily aligns with the Psoric miasm.

However, there are also elements of the Sycotic miasm, depending on the manifestation of symptoms. Here’s how the remedy fits into these miasms:

Psoric Miasm
  • The psoric element is reflected in the patient’s overall weakness, nervous exhaustion, and sensitivity to external stimuli like cold air or wind.
  • There is a general tendency toward functional disturbances without much structural damage, such as fainting fits, memory loss, and emotional volatility.
  • Psoric patients are often mentally and physically exhausted, and their symptoms are worsened by external stressors.
Sycotic Miasm (Less Prominent)
  • The sycotic traits are seen in the chronic conditions associated with Nux moschata, such as prolonged dryness of the mucous membranes and the digestive disturbances like bloating, gas, and constipation.
  • The sycotic tendency also manifests in hormonal imbalances and irregular menstruation in women, as well as the stagnation in digestive function, which can cause bloating and heaviness in the abdomen.

In summary, Nux moschata primarily belongs to the Psoric miasm, focusing on nervous weakness, sensitivity to cold, and functional disturbances, but it can exhibit sycotic traits in more chronic cases, especially in digestive and mucous membrane issues.


Fainting and Drowsiness

  • One of the most significant symptoms of Nux moschata is fainting fits, often triggered by mental exertion, emotional stress, or heart irregularities.
  • The patient may experience irresistible drowsiness with sudden moments of unconsciousness.

Extreme Dryness of Mucous Membranes

  • The remedy is characterized by extreme dryness of the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and skin.
  • This dryness is often accompanied by loss of thirst, even when the patient’s mouth feels parched.

Mental Confusion and Bewilderment

  • The patient often feels as if they are in a dream-like state, with memory problems and a general sense of being detached from reality.
  • This is often accompanied by a sensation that they have two heads or a floating feeling.

Digestive Disturbances

  • Bloating and flatulence are prominent symptoms, with the stomach feeling excessively distended.
  • Despite soft stool, the patient may be unable to expel it, leading to prolonged straining and feelings of faintness after bowel movements.


Nux moschata is deeply connected to the psychological state of confusion, dissociation, and emotional instability.

It primarily affects individuals who are prone to emotional exhaustion, mental disorientation, and a dream-like state of mind.

The psychological profile of a Nux moschata patient often includes the following elements:

Detachment and Dissociation
  • Patients exhibit a detached mental state, feeling as though they are not fully present in their surroundings.
  • They may describe their experiences as being disconnected from reality, as if they are observing themselves from a distance.
  • This dissociative state can be alarming and disorienting, leading to feelings of floating or being in a dream.
Confusion and Memory Loss
  • Mental confusion is a key feature of Nux moschata.
  • The patient may experience impaired memory, difficulty focusing, and an inability to retain information.
  • This sense of confusion often makes everyday tasks challenging, and the person may feel as if their thoughts are clouded or foggy.
Emotional Volatility
  • The patient tends to experience sudden mood swings, alternating between extremes of laughing and crying.
  • These emotional shifts may be unpredictable and are often disconnected from external circumstances, suggesting an underlying emotional instability.
Fainting and Nervous Collapse
  • The psychological background often includes episodes of fainting or the sensation of nearly fainting, which can occur during periods of emotional stress or mental overexertion.
  • This faintness is sometimes accompanied by heart palpitations or a sense of impending collapse, reflecting the patient’s overall nervous exhaustion.
Psychosomatic Symptoms
  • Nux moschata patients may experience physical symptoms that are closely linked to their mental state, such as dryness of mucous membranes, bloating, and digestive issues, which are triggered or exacerbated by emotional stress.
  • The mental confusion and emotional swings often parallel these somatic complaints, indicating a deep connection between the mind and body.
Exaggerated Impressions and Perceptions
  • Patients may report feeling that objects appear larger or more distant than they really are, or they may experience sensations of expansion or cracking in the head.
  • These exaggerated perceptions reflect a distortion in mental processing, where the mind fails to accurately interpret sensory input.
Psychological Profile

Nux moschata suits individuals who are sensitive, prone to overwhelm, and experience mental exhaustion easily.

These patients may have difficulty processing emotional experiences and may retreat into a dreamy, disconnected state when faced with stress or anxiety.

This remedy is particularly helpful for those whose psychological and emotional turmoil manifests in fainting fits, nervous collapse, and emotional instability.

Overall, Nux moschata addresses psychological imbalances that stem from nervous weakness, emotional exhaustion, and a blurred perception of reality, helping to restore mental clarity and emotional stability.



  • Vertigo and dizziness, especially when walking in the open air.
  • Headaches from eating too much, with a feeling of the head expanding or bursting.
  • Cracking sensations in the head, particularly with pressure sensitivity.


  • Objects appear larger, far away, or they vanish altogether.
  • Mydriasis (dilated pupils) and flickering before the eyes.
  • Dryness of the eyes, with a feeling that they are too large for their orbits.


  • Over-sensitivity to smells; the slightest odor may provoke discomfort.
  • Nosebleeds with dark blood, often accompanied by dryness and a blocked nose.


  • Extreme dryness of the mouth and throat, with the tongue sticking to the roof of the mouth.
  • Cotton-like saliva, often with a numb, paralyzed tongue.
  • Dryness of the throat with no desire for water, despite feeling parched.


  • Excessive bloating and a sensation of being overfilled with gas.
  • Flatulent dyspepsia, with a strong desire for spicy or highly-seasoned foods.
  • Paralytic weakness of the intestines, causing soft stool that is difficult to expel.


  • Fluttering and trembling sensations around the heart.
  • Irregular heartbeat, with palpitations and intermittent pulse.


  • Pain in the right hip, extending to the knee, worsened by movement, especially when going upstairs.
  • Rheumatic pains from getting feet wet or exposure to drafts, relieved by warm, dry clothes.


  • Chilliness starting in the left hand.
  • Dry skin with a lack of sweating, often with alternating chills and heat.



  • Symptoms are aggravated by cold, moist wind, cold food, lying on the painful side, motion, and cold washing.


  • Symptoms improve with warmth, dry weather, and rest.


Oleum myristicae (Oil of Nutmeg)

  • This is used as a remedy for boils, felons (infections around the nails), and poisonous ulcers.
  • It is typically prescribed in low potency (2x).
  • It shares similarities with Nux moschata in treating ulcerative tendencies and skin conditions.


  • Known for treating flatulence and a swollen feeling across the lower chest, Ornithogalum is especially useful for patients who feel like they have a bag of water moving inside when turning in bed.
  • It is also indicated for gastric ulcers and even cancer of the stomach.

Myristica Sebifera

  • Effective in treating phlegmonous (inflammatory) conditions and hastening suppuration (formation of pus), Myristica sebifera is a powerful antiseptic.
  • It is used in ulcerative tendencies affecting all tissues and is considered to act more powerfully than Hepar and Silica in treating suppurative and infected tissues.

Nux vomica (Nux v)

  • Similar to Nux moschata, Nux vomica addresses digestive issues and nervous system disturbances, especially in individuals with irritability and overindulgence in food or alcohol.

Pulsatilla (Puls)

  • Pulsatilla is indicated for individuals with emotional volatility, especially women who are prone to mood swings.
  • It is similar to Nux moschata in treating emotional and digestive issues, but Pulsatilla patients seek fresh air and are generally warmer in temperament.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox)

  • Like Nux moschata, Rhus tox treats rheumatic pains, especially those aggravated by cold and damp weather.
  • However, Rhus tox patients tend to feel better with movement, while Nux moschata patients prefer rest.

Ignatia (Ign)

  • Ignatia is used for emotional stress, grief, and fainting spells like Nux moschata.
  • However, Ignatia is more focused on emotional trauma, while Nux moschata deals with mental confusion and dream-like states.

Asafoetida (Asaf)

  • Asafoetida is effective for nervous hysteria and bloating, similar to Nux moschata, but it is especially indicated for patients with irritability and digestive disturbances, often caused by suppression of emotions or other mental conflicts.

Camphor (Camph)

  • Used as an antidote in cases of overuse or adverse reactions to Nux moschata.
  • It helps to calm down acute symptoms of fainting, nervous excitement, and digestive upset.

Gelsemium (Gels)

  • An antidote for nervous exhaustion, fainting, and emotional stress, Gelsemium is useful when the patient experiences trembling, weakness, and a desire to escape stressful situations.

Valeriana (Valer)

  • Known for its nervous system calming effects, Valerian serves as an antidote for emotional stress and nervous tension caused by overstimulation or stress, often related to the psychological symptoms treated by Nux moschata.


  • Nux moschata is typically prescribed in 1st to 6th potencies, depending on the severity of symptoms.
  • Lower potencies are used for acute conditions, while higher potencies are reserved for chronic issues.