Mygale Lasiodora, also known as the Black Cuban Spider, is a homeopathic remedy noted for its effects on the nervous system, particularly in cases of chorea (a disorder characterized by involuntary, erratic movements).

It is also used for conditions involving weakness, palpitations, nervousness, and significant sexual symptoms.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Arachnida
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Theraphosidae
  • Genus: Lasiodora
  • Species: Lasiodora parahybana
  • Mygale Lasiodora, commonly known as the Black Cuban Spider, is a large, tarantula species native to Cuba and surrounding regions.
  • It is known for its significant size and the intense effects its venom can have on the nervous system, making it a powerful homeopathic remedy.
Historical Facts
  • Discovery and Naming: The species Lasiodora parahybana was first described by German arachnologist C. L. Koch in the mid-19th century.
  • It is one of the largest tarantulas in the Theraphosidae family.
  • Use in Homeopathy: The use of spider venoms in homeopathy dates back to the early 19th century when homeopaths began exploring the medicinal properties of various arachnids.
  • The specific symptoms induced by Mygale Lasiodora venom, such as involuntary muscle movements and nervous excitability, have made it a valuable remedy for conditions like chorea.
  • Cultural Significance: In its native region, the Black Cuban Spider is often a subject of fascination and fear due to its size and appearance.
  • It has also been studied for its behavior and venom composition, contributing to the broader understanding of tarantulas.
Preparation of the Remedy

The homeopathic remedy Mygale Lasiodora is prepared from the venom of the Black Cuban Spider.

The process involves:

  1. Extraction: Venom is carefully extracted from the spider to avoid harm to the creature.
  2. Dilution and Succussion: The venom is then diluted in a series of steps, with each dilution being vigorously shaken (succussed). This process is repeated multiple times to create different potencies of the remedy.
  3. Potency Levels: The remedy is available in various potencies, typically ranging from the third (3X or 3C) to the thirtieth (30X or 30C) dilution.
Therapeutic Use

The characteristics and symptoms elicited by Mygale Lasiodora venom in proving studies (tests on healthy individuals to determine the remedy’s effects) guide its therapeutic use.

It is primarily used for treating:

  • Chorea: Involuntary, erratic movements that can resemble those seen in conditions like Huntington’s disease.
  • Nervous Disorders: Including conditions with pronounced nervousness, restlessness, and involuntary muscle twitching.
  • Sexual Symptoms: Particularly in males, such as violent erections and chordee (painful erections).


Mygale Lasiodora has a marked action on the nervous system, causing symptoms such as involuntary muscle movements, twitching, and general nervousness.

It also affects the cardiovascular and digestive systems, leading to symptoms like palpitations and nausea.


  • Nervous System: Effective in treating chorea and other conditions involving involuntary movements and nervous symptoms.
  • Sexual Symptoms: Notable for its impact on sexual functions, particularly in males.
  • General Weakness: Helps alleviate general weakness and palpitations.



  • Delirium, Restlessness, and Sadness: The patient may experience a state of mental confusion or delirium, coupled with an inability to stay still. 
  • There is a deep sense of sadness, often without a clear reason.
  • Fear of Death and Despondency: A strong, irrational fear of dying and a general feeling of hopelessness or despondency. This can lead to anxiety and panic attacks.


  • Twitching of Facial Muscles: Involuntary movements or spasms of the muscles in the face, which can be frequent and noticeable.
  • Rapid Succession of Mouth and Eyes Opening: The patient may have rapid, uncontrollable movements where the mouth and eyes open and close quickly.
  • Hot, Flushed Face: The face appears red and feels hot to the touch, indicating increased blood flow or inflammation.
  • Dry, Parched Tongue that is Difficult to Protrude: The tongue feels very dry and rough, making it hard to stick out. This can interfere with speaking and eating.
  • Head Jerked to One Side: Sudden, involuntary jerking movements of the head, often to one side.
  • Teeth Grinding at Night: The patient grinds their teeth during sleep, which can lead to dental problems and jaw pain.


  • Nausea Accompanied by Dim Vision: A feeling of sickness or the urge to vomit that is associated with blurry or impaired vision.
  • Aversion to Food: A strong dislike or repulsion towards food, leading to a loss of appetite.
  • Excessive Thirst: A persistent need to drink fluids, often feeling extremely thirsty.


  • Violent Erections: Unusually strong and persistent erections, which can be painful and disruptive.
  • Chordee (Painful Erections): A condition where erections are not only intense but also painful, often causing the penis to curve abnormally (related remedies: Kali bromatum, Camphor).


  • Unsteady Gait: Difficulty in walking straight or maintaining balance, leading to a shaky and unsteady walk.
  • Constant Movement of the Entire Body: Continuous involuntary movements of the whole body, making it hard to stay still.
  • Trembling: General shaking or trembling of the body, which can be due to nervousness or muscle weakness.
  • Intense Redness in Streaks Along Lymphatic Paths: Red, inflamed streaks visible on the skin along the lymphatic vessels, indicating an immune response or infection.
  • Limb Twitching: Sudden, involuntary spasms or jerking movements in the arms and legs.
  • Restless Hands: An inability to keep the hands still, often fidgeting or moving them continuously.
  • Convulsive, Uncontrollable Movements of Arms and Legs: Severe, involuntary jerking or convulsions affecting the limbs, which can resemble seizure activity.
  • Limbs Dragging While Walking: Difficulty in lifting the feet properly while walking, causing the legs to drag along the ground.


  • Better: During sleep.
  • Worse: In the morning.


  • Compare with: Agaricus (Agar), Tarentula (Tarant), Cuprum (Cupr), Zizia.


  • Potency: Administered from the third to the thirtieth potency.
  • Administration: Dosage and frequency should be determined by a qualified homeopathic practitioner based on individual symptoms and response.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What conditions can Mygale Lasiodora treat?

  • Mygale Lasiodora is primarily used for treating chorea, involuntary muscle movements, nervousness, palpitations, and specific male sexual symptoms such as violent erections and chordee.

How does Mygale Lasiodora help with nervous system issues?

  • It helps alleviate symptoms of nervous system disorders, including involuntary movements, muscle twitching, and general nervousness.

What are the key symptoms indicating the need for this remedy?

  • Key symptoms include twitching of facial muscles, involuntary movements, delirium, fear of death, violent erections, and general weakness.

How should Mygale Lasiodora be administered?

  • Mygale Lasiodora can be administered in potencies ranging from the third to the thirtieth.
  • The appropriate potency and frequency should be determined by a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Chorea: A disorder characterized by involuntary, erratic movements.
  • Delirium: A disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence.
  • Despondency: A state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.
  • Chordee: A painful condition of the penis during an erection.
  • Twitching: Involuntary, jerky muscle movements.
  • Palpitations: Noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat.
  • Aversion: A strong dislike or disinclination.
  • Epigastrium: The upper central region of the abdomen.