Muriaticum acidum, commonly known as Muriatic Acid or Hydrochloric Acid, is a homeopathic remedy with a strong affinity for the blood, producing a septic condition similar to low fevers with high temperature and prostration.

This remedy is often indicated in cases where patients are extremely weak, so much so that they may slide down the bed due to exhaustion.

It addresses conditions involving involuntary discharges (such as stool or urine), haemorrhages, and septic fevers.



Scientific Classification
  • Chemical Formula: HCl
  • Common Name: Hydrochloric Acid
  • Muriatic acid, or hydrochloric acid, is a strong mineral acid with widespread uses in both industrial and medical fields.
  • In homeopathy, it is prepared in extreme dilutions to treat septic conditions, fevers, and profound physical weakness.
  • The remedy was introduced into homeopathic medicine to address conditions where the body’s fluids show signs of decomposition, and the tissues become weak and sensitive, particularly in the mouth and anus.


  • Muriaticum acidum acts on the blood, leading to sepsis, decomposition of body fluids, and involuntary discharges of urine and stool.
  • It is indicated in cases of typhoid fever, hemorrhages, and weakness, where the patient suffers from great prostration and is unable to hold up their strength.
  • The remedy is particularly suited for bedridden patients with symptoms of restlessness, cold extremities, and severe weakness.


  • Muriaticum acidum is suited for individuals who are exhausted, weak, and suffer from septic conditions and profound debility.
  • These patients often have involuntary discharges, such as stools or urine, and may have hemorrhages or ulcers.


  • This remedy is particularly useful for patients prone to septic fevers, hemorrhages, and involuntary evacuations.
  • It is suited for conditions with decomposition of fluids, where the body is overwhelmed by weakness and infection.


  • Muriatic acidum patients may be irritable, restless, and fretful, suffering in silence.
  • They are often sad, taciturn, and prefer to endure their symptoms without complaint.


Muriaticum acidum is associated primarily with the syphilitic miasm, characterized by the destructive, ulcerative, and septic nature of the symptoms.

Here’s how the miasm manifests:

Syphilitic Miasm

  • The syphilitic miasm reflects the deep-seated, degenerative processes and weakening of the body.
  • Patients with syphilitic miasms typically experience septic conditions, ulcerations, and breakdowns of tissues, all of which are central to Muriaticum acidum.
  • Symptoms such as severe prostration, ulcers, and involuntary discharges reflect the destructive, breaking-down nature of this miasm.

Tendency toward Decomposition and Septic States:

  • Muriaticum acidum patients often experience septic fevers, breakdown of tissues, and fluid decomposition (i.e., body fluids becoming foul or infected).
  • This tendency for the body to degenerate or break down is a hallmark of the syphilitic miasm.


The thermal state of Muriaticum acidum patients reflects a cold sensitivity, combined with general prostration and lack of vitality:

Cold Sensitivity

  • Muriaticum acidum patients typically experience cold extremities, especially during fevers.
  • They feel chilled easily, even during fevers, and their body’s capacity to maintain warmth is weakened by their overall condition of prostration and septic breakdown.

Aversion to Damp Weather

  • Symptoms often worsen in damp weather, which can exacerbate their feelings of weakness and discomfort.
  • The patient’s sensitivity to cold, combined with their overall feebleness, makes damp, cold environments particularly aggravating.

Better from Warmth and Lying on the Left Side

  • While their overall state is cold, patients often feel relief when lying on their left side, and the cold symptoms can ease when the patient is in a warmer environment or resting in a warm bed.
  • However, despite the improvement from warmth, their general state remains weak.


  • Severe Prostration and Weakness: The most striking feature of Muriaticum acidum is the extreme weakness and prostration.
  • Patients may be so weak they slide down the bed due to their inability to hold themselves up.
  • Septic Fevers: The remedy is highly effective in treating septic conditions with high fever, restlessness, and hemorrhages.
  • Patients may show signs of decomposition of body fluids and have involuntary discharges of stool or urine.
  • Mouth and Anus Affection: Muriatic acidum often targets the mouth and anus, leading to ulcers, sores, and extreme sensitivity.
  • Hemorrhoids are particularly painful and sensitive, even to the slightest touch.


The psychological profile of a Muriaticum acidum patient is dominated by extreme weakness and a tendency to withdraw into themselves.

Key features include:

Irritability and Peevishness

  • The patient often feels irritable, fretful, and easily annoyed.
  • Even small disturbances or discomforts can provoke anger or displeasure, especially during the more physically exhausting periods of their illness.

Silent Suffering

  • A defining psychological trait is taciturnity (quietness) and a preference for suffering in silence.
  • These individuals tend to withdraw from others, unwilling to express their discomfort or ask for help, choosing instead to bear their symptoms quietly.

Restlessness and Anxiety

  • Patients experience restlessness, especially when confined to bed during illness.
  • Despite their weakness, they may exhibit anxiety and mental unease, often accompanied by loud moaning during more intense periods of illness.

Melancholy and Indifference

  • As the physical debility worsens, they can become sad, gloomy, and mentally detached, showing a marked indifference to their surroundings or condition.
  • This mental dullness or apathy may lead them to stop caring about their recovery or basic needs.



  • Irritability and fretfulness, with loud moaning.
  • Restlessness and taciturnity, preferring to suffer in silence.
  • Sadness and an inability to express feelings or emotions.


  • Vertigo, worse when lying on the right side, with a sensation as if the occiput is filled with lead.
  • Pain in the head, as if the brain is being crushed.
  • Intolerance to sounds, especially voices.


  • Pale, swollen, and dry tongue, with a leathery or paralyzed sensation.
  • Deep ulcers on the tongue and fetid breath.
  • Aphthous ulcers (small, painful sores) in the mouth and swollen gums.


  • Swollen uvula and ulcers in the throat, leading to spasms and choking when swallowing.
  • The throat appears dark, raw, and oedematous.


  • Aversion to meat, with the sight or thought of it causing nausea.
  • Occasional ravenous appetite and constant thirst.
  • Achlorhydria (absence of stomach acid) and fermentation of food, leading to indigestion.


  • Involuntary stools, often passed while urinating.
  • Hemorrhoids, extremely sensitive and bluish, with violent stitches and itching at the anus.
  • Prolapsed rectum during urination, with severe pain and burning.


  • Pulse rapid, feeble, and small, sometimes with an intermittent beat every third pulse.
  • General sense of circulatory weakness.


  • Involuntary urination, often associated with stool evacuation.
  • Burning and itching around the urethra.


  • Papular and vesicular eruptions that itch severely, especially on the hands.
  • Carbuncles and foul-smelling ulcers, particularly on the lower extremities.
  • Petechiae (small red spots caused by bleeding under the skin), often seen in cases of scarlet fever.


  • Typhoid-type fever, with cold extremities, heat without thirst, and profound weakness.
  • Bedsores from being bedridden, often with involuntary discharges.


  • Worse: Symptoms worsen in damp weather, before midnight, and when lying on the right side.
  • Cold extremities and weakness increase as the day progresses.
  • Better: Symptoms improve when lying on the left side and after rest.


Compare with,

  • Phosphoric acid (Phos ac): For septic conditions with extreme exhaustion.
  • Arsenicum album (Ars): For weakness, restlessness, and septic conditions.
  • Baptisia: For typhoid-like fevers with mental dullness and prostration.
  • Bryonia and Rhus toxicodendron: Preceding remedies that are often followed by Muriatic acidum when symptoms worsen.


  • Bryonia: Serves as an antidote for overuse or adverse effects of Muriatic acidum.


  • The recommended potency for Muriaticum acidum ranges from the first to third potency (1X to 3X).
  • Higher potencies may be used based on the patient’s specific symptoms and overall condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Muriaticum acidum used for in homeopathy?

  • Muriaticum acidum is primarily used to treat septic conditions, typhoid-like fevers, hemorrhoids, and extreme prostration where the patient is too weak to sit up or move properly.
  • It is also helpful for conditions involving involuntary discharges of stool or urine.

Can Muriaticum acidum help with hemorrhoids?

  • Yes, it is highly effective for bluish, painful hemorrhoids that are extremely sensitive to touch and accompanied by itching and violent stitches.
  • It is particularly useful for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

What potency should I use for Muriaticum acidum?

  • Typically, low potencies such as 1X to 3X are used, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the patient’s overall condition.

Is Muriaticum acidum effective for typhoid fever?

  • Yes, it is often prescribed for typhoid-type fevers where there is extreme weakness, involuntary discharges, and restlessness.