Euphorbium Officinarum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the resinous juice of the Euphorbia Resinifera plant.

Known for its irritant properties, it affects the skin and mucous membranes, causing burning pains, particularly in bones and limbs, as well as paralytic weakness in the joints.

It is valuable for respiratory and skin symptoms, including severe pain associated with cancer.



Common Name: Spurge
Source: The resinous juice of Euphorbia Resinifera

Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Malpighiales
  • Family: Euphorbiaceae
  • Genus: Euphorbia
  • Species: Euphorbia resinifera
Origin and Historical Facts
  • Euphorbium Officinarum, derived from the resin of Euphorbia resinifera, is a native plant of Morocco.
  • The plant has been known since ancient times for its potent medicinal properties.
  • The resin, known as Euphorbium, was traditionally used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as a powerful purgative and irritant.
  • The resin was named after Euphorbus, the physician of King Juba II of Mauretania, who is credited with its discovery and use.
Homoeopathic Application
  • Euphorbium Officinarum is primarily used in homeopathy for its strong irritant effects on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • It is beneficial in treating various conditions characterized by burning pain and inflammation, especially in the respiratory and integumentary systems.


Euphorbium Officinarum affects the body by causing intense irritation and burning sensations, making it useful in treating similar symptoms in patients.

The remedy acts on the respiratory system, skin, and digestive tract, producing characteristic symptoms that guide its therapeutic use.


  • Severe burning pain
  • Intense hunger and thirst for cold drinks
  • Oppressed breathing and spasmodic cough
  • Erysipelatous inflammation and ulceration of the skin
  • Acute mania and violent headaches



  • Acute Mania: Characterized by extreme restlessness and hyperactivity.
  • Violent, Pressive Headaches: Intense headaches that feel like a heavy pressure, often associated with mental disturbances.


  • Acute Mania: Sudden onset of intense mental agitation and excitement.
  • Violent, Pressive Headaches: Severe headaches that cause a sensation of pressure in the head, often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and tension.


  • Erysipelas with Yellow Blisters: A bacterial infection that causes the skin to become red, swollen, and blistered, particularly with yellow fluid-filled blisters.
  • Burning Sensation, Worse on the Left Cheek: Intense burning pain, predominantly affecting the left side of the face.
  • Eyes Inflamed and Stuck Together in the Morning: The eyes become red, swollen, and glued shut with discharge upon waking.
  • Red Swelling of the Cheeks: The cheeks appear red and swollen, often with a sensation of heat.
  • Itching in the Nose with Mucous Secretions from the Nasopharynx: Persistent itching inside the nose accompanied by mucous discharge from the back of the nasal passages.


  • Intense Hunger: A strong and constant feeling of hunger.
  • Sialorrhea (Profuse Salty Saliva): Excessive production of saliva that is often salty in taste.
  • Waterbrash (Regurgitation of Sour Fluid): The backflow of sour-tasting stomach fluids into the mouth.
  • Thirst for Cold Drinks: An intense desire to drink cold beverages.


  • Sunken Appearance: The abdomen looks hollow and depressed.
  • Spasmodic, Flatulent Colic: Painful abdominal cramps caused by gas, which come and go in spasms.
  • Fermented, Profuse, Clayey Stools: Frequent bowel movements that are large in volume and have a clay-like consistency, often with a fermented odour.
  • Sensation of Hollowness: A feeling of emptiness or hollowness in the abdomen.


  • Oppressed Breathing, As if the Chest is Not Wide Enough: Difficulty breathing, with a sensation of tightness in the chest.
  • Spasmodic, Dry Cough, Day and Night, with Asthma: A persistent, dry cough that occurs both day and night, often associated with asthma-like symptoms.
  • Violent, Fluent Coryza (Nasal Discharge) with Burning and Cough: Intense nasal discharge that is accompanied by a burning sensation and persistent coughing.
  • Constant Cough with Stitches from the Pit of the Stomach to the Sides of the Chest: A continuous cough that causes sharp, stabbing pains from the upper abdomen to the sides of the chest.
  • Croup with Dry, Hollow Cough: A type of cough that is dry and hollow-sounding, often associated with croup.
  • Warm Feeling in the Chest, As if Hot Food Had Been Swallowed: A sensation of warmth or heat in the chest, similar to the feeling after consuming hot food.


  • Paralytic Pains: Severe pain that can lead to a temporary loss of muscle function in the affected limbs.
  • Pain in the Hip Joint and Coccyx (Tailbone): Intense pain located in the hip joint and tailbone area, often making movement difficult.


  • Erysipelatous Inflammation, Especially on the Cheek: A type of skin infection that causes redness, swelling, and inflammation, particularly affecting the cheeks.
  • Biting and Stinging Sensations, Red, Swollen Skin: The skin feels as if it is being bitten or stung, and appears red and swollen.
  • Vesicular Erysipelas (Blisters): Erysipelas characterized by the presence of small blisters on the skin.
  • Carbuncles and Old, Torpid Ulcers with Lancinating Pain: Large, painful boils that penetrate deep into the skin, along with old, slow-healing ulcers that cause sharp, stabbing pain.
  • Ulcerating Carcinoma (Cancer) and Epithelioma of the Skin: Cancerous and precancerous skin lesions that ulcerate and become open sores.


  • Worse: Symptoms worsen with touch and exposure to cold air.
  • Better: Symptoms improve with warmth and rest.


Euphorbium Officinarum has relationships with several other drugs in homeopathy.

These relationships can help practitioners choose appropriate remedies based on overlapping symptoms and therapeutic effects.

Comparisons with Other Euphorbia Species


  • Indications: Useful for pain in the antrum (sinus area), illusion of smell (phantosmia), and disturbances in the sense of taste.
  • Symptoms: Blunted sense of taste, diarrhea, difficult stools with painful anal spasm, and sensation of the odour of mice.


  • Indications: Effective in gastroenteric disturbances, severe nausea, and vomiting.
  • Symptoms: Vomiting of food, water, and mucus with copious evacuations. Symptoms recur after short intervals. There is a feeling of clawing in the stomach and cold sweats, similar to those seen in Veratrum album cases.


  • Indications: Known for producing skin symptoms similar to those caused by Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox).
  • Symptoms: The honey from the flowers is toxic and can be identified by its hot, acrid taste. The milky juice causes skin reactions such as irritation and rash.


  • Indications: Used in the treatment of humid asthma, cardiac dyspnea (shortness of breath related to heart issues), hay fever, and bronchitis.
  • Symptoms: Urethritis with intense pain during urination, frequent urging, and acrid leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), which worsens with even slight movement. It also helps with hemorrhages due to sunstroke and trauma.

Other Related Remedies


  • Indications: Employed for managing pain associated with cancer, ulcers, and intense itching (pruritus).
  • Symptoms: Offensive leucorrhea (vaginal discharge), uterine tumors, and general pruritus.


  • Indications: These remedies share some overlapping symptoms with Euphorbium Officinarum and are used for various gastrointestinal and skin conditions.



  • Indications: Acts as a counteragent for severe reactions to Euphorbium Officinarum.
  • Symptoms: Can help alleviate intense irritation and other adverse effects.


  • Indications: Used to mitigate severe pain and irritation that might arise from Euphorbium Officinarum.
  • Symptoms: Effective in managing acute pain, calming the nervous system, and reducing irritation.


  • Typically administered in the third to sixth potency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Euphorbium Officinarum used for?

  • Euphorbium Officinarum is primarily used for treating severe skin and respiratory symptoms, such as burning pains, erysipelas, chronic cough, and asthma.
  • It is also used for pain management in cancer patients.

Q: How should Euphorbium Officinarum be taken?

  • Euphorbium Officinarum should be taken in the potency prescribed by a homeopathic practitioner, typically in the third to sixth potency.
  • The dosage and frequency depend on the individual’s symptoms and overall health condition.

Q: Are there any side effects of Euphorbium Officinarum?

  • When used in the prescribed homeopathic doses, Euphorbium Officinarum generally does not have side effects.
  • However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopath before starting any new remedy.

Q: Can Euphorbium Officinarum be used during pregnancy?

  • It is essential to consult a healthcare provider or homeopathic practitioner before using Euphorbium Officinarum or any other homeopathic remedy during pregnancy.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Erysipelas: A bacterial skin infection characterized by red, swollen, and painful skin.
  • Sialorrhea: Excessive production of saliva.
  • Waterbrash: Regurgitation of sour fluid from the stomach into the mouth.
  • Coryza: Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose, causing a runny nose.
  • Dyspnea: Difficult or labored breathing.
  • Epithelioma: A type of tumor that originates from the epithelial tissue.
  • Paralytic: Relating to or causing paralysis.
  • Lancinating: Piercing or stabbing (pain).
  • Carbuncle: A cluster of boils caused by bacterial infection.


Euphorbium Officinarum, derived from the resinous juice of the Euphorbia Resinifera plant, is known for its powerful irritant properties, affecting both the skin and mucous membranes.

It is especially noted for causing intense burning pains and severe inflammation.

The remedy is useful for a range of conditions, particularly those involving the respiratory system and skin.

This remedy can address severe mental and physical symptoms, including acute mania and intense headaches, and can be effective in treating painful skin conditions such as erysipelas and ulcers.

It also has applications in alleviating severe hunger pangs and digestive issues, as well as respiratory conditions like asthma and croup.

The effectiveness of Euphorbium Officinarum is enhanced by understanding its key modalities, noting that symptoms typically worsen with touch and cold air, but improve with warmth and rest.

By comprehending these detailed symptoms and characteristics, homeopathic practitioners can better utilize Euphorbium Officinarum in their treatment protocols to alleviate a wide range of ailments.