Chimaphila Umbellata, commonly known as Pipsissewa, is a perennial herb that primarily acts on the kidneys and genito-urinary tract.

It also affects the lymphatic system, mesenteric glands, and female mammary glands.

It is particularly suited for plethoric women (those with a ruddy complexion, fullness of blood) who experience urinary troubles.

The remedy is also known to benefit individuals with conditions like hepatic and renal dropsies and chronic alcoholism.

In homeopathy, Chimaphila is frequently used for treating bladder issues, such as catarrh (inflammation of the mucous membranes), prostatic enlargement, and urinary infections where the urine contains ropy, muco-purulent sediment.



Common Name: Pipsissewa

Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Ericales
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Genus: Chimaphila
  • Species: Chimaphila Umbellata
Origin and Historical Facts
  • Chimaphila Umbellata has a long history of use in Native American traditional medicine for treating urinary problems and kidney disorders.
  • The plant’s antiseptic and diuretic properties made it valuable in treating urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and as a general tonic for bladder health.
  • It was later introduced into European herbal medicine and eventually incorporated into homeopathy due to its specific effects on the urinary and lymphatic systems.


  • Chimaphila Umbellata causes symptoms related to urinary tract discomfort, such as burning and scalding during urination, as well as scanty urine loaded with mucous or bloody sediment.
  • It acts on conditions related to urinary retention, prostate enlargement, and scanty urine output.
  • It also creates discomforts such as a feeling of a ball in the perineum and straining to urinate.


  • Most often indicated in plethoric individuals (those with a flushed complexion, excess blood volume).
  • Particularly beneficial for fleshy women with large breasts who suffer from urinary and breast-related issues.

DIATHESIS (Predisposition to Disease)

  • Individuals prone to urinary infections, prostatic issues, or glandular swelling.
  • Suitable for people with a tendency toward chronic bladder problems, scrofulous ulcers, and lymphatic enlargement.


  • People requiring Chimaphila Umbellata may exhibit irritability and discomfort due to persistent bladder issues.
  • They may also show signs of fatigue and restlessness because of chronic inflammation or pain.


  • Genito-urinary tract disorders: Burning, stinging sensations during urination, retention of urine, scanty output, and mucous or bloody urine.
  • Prostatic enlargement: Chronic irritation of the prostate, difficulty starting urination, and a sensation of fullness or a ball in the perineum.
  • Breast symptoms: Tumor in mammary glands, pain, swelling, and rapid atrophy of breasts.
  • Glandular swelling: Lymphatic swelling, scrofulous ulcers, and general glandular enlargements.



  • Pain in left frontal protuberance.
  • Halo around lights.
  • Itching of eyelids.


  • Toothache: Worsened after eating and exertion, relieved by cool water.
  • Sensation: Feels as if the tooth is being gently pulled.


  • Urging to urinate: The sensation of needing to urinate frequently, often accompanied by discomfort.
  • Turbid and offensive urine: The urine is cloudy and has a foul smell, indicative of an infection or inflammation in the urinary tract.
  • Ropy or bloody mucus in urine: The presence of thick mucus or blood in the urine points to significant irritation or infection, possibly chronic in nature.
  • Burning and scalding during micturition: A common symptom of urinary infections or inflammation, where urination causes a painful, burning sensation.
  • Straining during and after urination: Difficulty initiating or completing urination, requiring effort, often associated with conditions like prostatitis or bladder inflammation.
  • Scanty urine: Only small amounts of urine are passed, which can indicate urinary retention or incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Acute prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate gland, leading to symptoms like urinary retention and the feeling of a ball in the perineum.
  • Fluttering in the region of the kidneys: This suggests irritation or inflammation in the kidneys, possibly related to infection or chronic inflammation.
  • Sugar in urine: Presence of sugar in the urine can indicate metabolic disorders like diabetes.
  • Unable to urinate without standing wide apart: A peculiar symptom where the patient finds relief or ability to urinate only when standing with feet apart and body leaning forward. This is indicative of prostatic obstruction or severe bladder irritation.


  • Inflamed and swollen labia: Often linked to infections or irritations of the external genitalia, this symptom indicates inflammation of the labia.
  • Vaginal pain: Discomfort in the vaginal area, which may accompany urinary or reproductive system disorders.
  • Hot flashes: Sudden feelings of warmth, often related to hormonal changes, especially in menopausal or premenopausal women.
  • Painful tumor of the mammary glands: The presence of painful lumps in the breast, not yet ulcerated, but accompanied by discomfort and a sharp, piercing pain.
  • Undue secretion of milk: Abnormal lactation when not breastfeeding, which can be associated with hormonal imbalances or glandular disorders.
  • Rapid atrophy of breasts: Unexplained shrinking or reduction in the size of the breasts, indicating underlying hormonal or glandular issues.
  • Sharp pain in large breasts with tumors: Women with large breasts, particularly those who have breast tumors, experience sharp, piercing pain through the breast tissue, indicating the need for attention to the mammary glands.


  • Smarting in the urethra: Sharp, stinging pain in the urethra, especially from the neck of the bladder to the urethral opening, often seen in infections or urethritis.
  • Gleet: Chronic discharge from the urethra, often indicating a longstanding infection or inflammation.
  • Loss of prostatic fluid: Involuntary leakage of prostatic fluid, which can occur with prostatitis or prostate irritation.
  • Prostatic enlargement and irritation: This can cause difficulties with urination, including straining and a sensation of fullness or pressure in the perineum.


  • Scrofulous ulcers.
  • Glandular swellings.


  • Feeling of a tight band above the left knee.


  • Worse in damp weather, sitting on cold surfaces, and on the left side.


Compare with,

  • Chimaphila Maculata: Similar symptoms of urinary tract issues with gnawing hunger and burning fever.
  • Uva Ursi, Ledum, Epigea: Related remedies for urinary and bladder conditions.


  • Commonly administered in tincture form, or up to third attenuation for chronic conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What conditions does Chimaphila Umbellata primarily treat?

  • It is primarily used for urinary tract infections, bladder catarrh, prostatic enlargement, and glandular swellings.

Can Chimaphila Umbellata help with prostate issues?

  • Yes, it is beneficial for chronic prostatitis and prostatic enlargement with symptoms like straining to urinate and a sensation of fullness in the perineum.

Is Chimaphila Umbellata safe for women with large breasts?

  • Yes, this remedy specifically addresses issues in women with large breasts, such as tumors and rapid breast atrophy.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Plethoric: Having a ruddy complexion due to excess blood volume.
  • Scrofulous: A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially in the neck.
  • Atrophy: The wasting away or decrease in size of an organ or tissue.
  • Catarrh: Inflammation of the mucous membranes, often producing excess mucus.
  • Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate gland.