Carcinosinum is a nosode prepared from carcinoma tissue. It is used homeopathically to treat conditions that either have a history of cancer or exhibit symptoms suggesting the presence of cancerous processes.

This remedy is particularly beneficial in cases where there is great pain, induration (hardening) of the glands, and conditions associated with cancerous cachexia (general weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness).



Scientific Classification
  • Type: Nosode
  • Source: Derived from carcinoma (cancerous tissue), primarily from the mammary glands and uterus.

The remedy is made from the diseased tissue of a cancerous tumor, which undergoes potentization to remove any toxicity while preserving its therapeutic properties.

Indications for Use

Carcinoma of the Mammary Glands

  • Pain: Severe pain associated with breast cancer.
  • Induration: Hardening of the mammary glands, often associated with tumor formation.

Carcinoma of the Uterus

  • Offensive discharge: Foul-smelling vaginal discharge, often seen in advanced cases of uterine cancer.
  • Haemorrhage: Heavy bleeding, common in uterine tumors.
  • Pain relief: Carcinosinum is known to alleviate the severe pain often associated with cancer of the uterus.

Indigestion and Gas Accumulation

  • Chronic digestive issues such as indigestion and excessive gas in the stomach and intestines, particularly in individuals with a cancerous history or predisposition.


  • Joint pain and stiffness, often associated with cancerous cachexia or general weakness in cancer patients.


  • Carcinosinum is suitable for individuals with a family history of cancer, especially when they exhibit chronic digestive issues, induration of glands, or cachexia (a condition where the body weakens and wastes away).
  • These patients may have a tendency toward low vitality, chronic infections, and a general weakness in the body’s systems.


Carcinosinum is a homeopathic remedy primarily associated with the cancer miasm, but it also has elements of the sycotic, psoric, and tubercular miasms.

The cancer miasm represents a more advanced state of chronic disease and can involve a combination of tendencies from other miasms, especially sycosis and tuberculosis.

Cancer Miasm
  • The cancer miasm is characterized by a deep-seated, chronic pathology that reflects a tendency toward self-destruction and suppression of emotions.
  • This miasm often manifests in individuals with a history of severe emotional stress, over-responsibility, and perfectionism, leading to eventual physical breakdown, such as cancer or autoimmune diseases.
  • People needing Carcinosinum often show signs of suppressed emotions like fear, grief, and anger, which can manifest in chronic health issues.
  • This miasm is linked to a strong genetic predisposition to cancer, diabetes, asthma, tuberculosis, and other chronic illnesses in the family history.
Sycotic Miasm
  • The sycotic element in Carcinosinum manifests through tendencies toward overgrowth, such as warts or tumors, and chronic inflammation.
  • Individuals with this miasm might exhibit anxiety, rigidity, or obsessiveness, which can suppress natural emotional expression.

Carcinosinum addresses chronic states of overwork and perfectionism that lead to physical and mental fatigue, similar to the sycotic miasm’s patterns of overcompensation and stagnation.

Psoric Miasm
  • The psoric miasm in Carcinosinum is reflected in feelings of inadequacy or hypersensitivity.
  • Individuals with a psoric tendency may experience anxiety, a lack of confidence, and chronic skin issues like eczema or acne.
  • These emotional and physical symptoms are often suppressed over time, creating the internal tension characteristic of the cancer miasm.
Tubercular Miasm
  • The tubercular miasm in Carcinosinum is marked by restlessness, anxiety, and a need for change.
  • People with tubercular traits have a constant drive for freedom and movement, but they also suffer from a sense of confinement or stagnation in life, which can lead to breakdowns in the immune system, recurrent infections, and general debility.

Carcinosinum is indicated for those with a tubercular diathesis who are prone to respiratory complaints, exhaustion, and a sense of being overwhelmed.


  • Carcinosinum is primarily associated with the cancer miasm, a complex miasm involving suppressed emotions, perfectionism, and tendencies toward chronic, degenerative diseases like cancer.
  • It also reflects elements of the sycotic miasm (overgrowth, rigidity), the psoric miasm (hypersensitivity, anxiety), and the tubercular miasm (restlessness, recurrent infections).
  • Carcinosinum is used to address deep-seated physical and emotional issues that stem from a lifetime of emotional suppression, chronic stress, or hereditary predisposition.


Glandular Induration

  • Hardening of the glands, especially in the mammary or uterine regions.

Pain and Haemorrhage

  • Severe pain in areas affected by carcinoma, such as the breasts or uterus.
  • Heavy bleeding, particularly related to uterine cancer.

Digestive Disturbances

  • Indigestion and gas buildup in the stomach and bowels, common in individuals with cancerous tendencies.

Cachexia and Weakness

  • Wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness, commonly seen in individuals with cancer or severe chronic conditions.
  • General weakness and fatigue that persist over time.


  • Better: With rest and after discharge of fluids from the body (e.g., after heavy menstruation or pus drainage).
  • Worse: During periods of stress, after eating, and when overworked.


Compare with,

  • BUFO: Used for cancerous and tumorous conditions, particularly of the breasts.
  • CONIUM: For glandular swellings and cancer of the breasts and uterus.
  • PHYTOLACCA: For hard and painful glands, especially in cases of mastitis and breast cancer.
  • ASTERIAS: Used for breast cancer and conditions of the nervous system.


  • Potency: Usually prescribed in the 30th and 200th potencies.
  • Frequency: A single dose at night, or less frequently, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the chronicity of the case.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What conditions does Carcinosinum treat?

  • It is primarily used for cancerous conditions, especially in the breasts and uterus, as well as for digestive disturbances and chronic weakness in individuals with a family history of cancer.

Can Carcinosinum be used in non-cancerous conditions?

  • Yes, it is also indicated for digestive issues, glandular swellings, and conditions where there is chronic pain or weakness, even without a confirmed diagnosis of cancer.

How is Carcinosinum different from other cancer nosodes?

  • Carcinosinum focuses on the pain, induration, and offensive discharges associated with cancer.
  • It is particularly suited for breast and uterine cancers, whereas other nosodes may target different cancer types or stages.

Carcinosinum is a powerful remedy for addressing cancerous conditions, particularly when there is severe pain, glandular induration, or a family history of cancer.

It is used both as a palliative remedy to relieve pain and symptoms, as well as in the treatment of chronic conditions associated with cancerous cachexia and weakness.