Calcarea Sulphurica, commonly known as Sulphate of Lime or Plaster of Paris, is a significant remedy in homeopathy, especially for conditions involving suppuration (formation of pus), slow-healing wounds, and various skin and respiratory ailments.

It plays a vital role in the healing process after pus has formed and needs to be eliminated from the body.

This remedy is particularly useful in cases where infections or discharges are thick, yellow, and purulent (pus-filled).



  • Kingdom: Mineral
  • Class: Sulfates
  • Chemical Formula: CaSO₄ (Calcium Sulphate)
  • Calcarea Sulphurica is derived from calcium sulphate, a naturally occurring compound found in gypsum.
  • It is commonly used in plaster and construction materials but also has medicinal properties recognized in both allopathic and homeopathic treatments.
Historical Facts
  • In homeopathy, it was introduced for its ability to aid in the healing of wounds, skin conditions, and inflammatory processes.
  • Its origins are tied to traditional medicine, where it was used for its anti-suppurative properties, helping to control and clear up infections involving pus.


  • Calcarea Sulphurica addresses issues of sluggish healing, skin eruptions, and discharges.
  • It is primarily focused on conditions where the body is struggling to rid itself of infections or unhealthy exudates, typically after abscess formation.
  • It helps in cases where the discharge becomes thick, yellow, or pus-like.
  • This remedy is effective after the body has started to discharge infections, aiding in clearing up and completing the healing process.


  • The patient requiring Calcarea Sulphurica is often prone to infections, slow healing wounds, and suppurative conditions.
  • They may have a constitution where the body’s immune response is sluggish, resulting in pus formation and chronic discharges.


  • Suppurative Diathesis: This means the patient has a tendency to form pus, and infections often become chronic with discharges that linger.
  • Scrofulous Tendencies: Patients have a predisposition toward glandular swelling and lymphatic system disorders.


  • Irritable: The patient may become easily irritated, especially when unwell.
  • Weakness: They feel weak after infections, especially in cases where discharges or abscesses linger.


  • Chilliness: Patients needing Calcarea Sulphurica are often sensitive to cold. They tend to feel chilly even in environments where others are comfortable.
  • Worse in cold, damp weather: Symptoms are aggravated in cold or damp conditions, such as cold air, cold weather, or wet climates.
  • Worse from drafts of air: The patient may feel uncomfortable when exposed to drafts of air, and it can worsen their conditions, especially respiratory and skin issues.
  • Worse from becoming overheated: Although sensitive to cold, these patients can also become worse from overheating or too much warmth, especially in cases of skin eruptions or infections.

This dual sensitivity to both cold and excessive heat is a key characteristic of Calcarea Sulphurica’s thermal state.

The patient seeks a balanced temperature, avoiding extremes.


Calcarea Sulphurica (Calcium Sulphate) is primarily associated with the psoric and sycotic miasms in homeopathy.

These miasms help explain the chronic tendencies and disease patterns that this remedy addresses.

Psoric Miasm
  • The psoric miasm is linked to conditions involving incomplete healing, chronic inflammation, and discharges.
  • Calcarea Sulphurica addresses these tendencies, especially when suppuration (pus formation) occurs but fails to resolve completely.
  • Individuals needing this remedy often have skin issues, such as abscesses, boils, or non-healing wounds that discharge pus, which aligns with the chronic nature of the psoric miasm.
  • It also helps when the body’s healing process is sluggish or when infections persist without proper resolution.
Sycotic Miasm
  • The sycotic miasm represents overproduction, excessive tissue growth, and chronic infections.
  • Calcarea Sulphurica can treat long-standing, thick, yellow, or green discharges from mucous membranes, like from the nose, ears, or respiratory tract.

This miasm manifests in recurrent infections with a tendency to develop cysts, abscesses, and purulent discharges that do not heal properly.

Calcarea Sulphurica is well-suited for such conditions, particularly those with a history of chronic or unresolved infections.

  • Calcarea Sulphurica primarily aligns with the psoric and sycotic miasms, making it useful for individuals with tendencies toward chronic suppuration (pus formation), slow or incomplete healing, and recurrent infections that involve thick, yellow discharges or persistent abscesses.
  • These miasms help explain its role in resolving chronic skin conditions, respiratory infections, and wound healing issues.


  • Suppurative conditions: The presence of thick, yellow pus.
  • Skin eruptions: Pimples, boils, or scabs that discharge yellow, purulent fluid.
  • Slow healing: Wounds or cuts that take a long time to heal and are prone to becoming infected.



  • Scalp eruptions: Calcarea Sulphurica is often indicated for children who develop scalp conditions like eczema or impetigo.
  • The scalp is covered with yellow, thick, purulent crusts.
  • These crusts are formed due to discharges that become infected, leading to pus formation.
  • The condition can be chronic and stubborn, with healing being slow.


  • Ophthalmia neonatorum: Calcarea Sulphurica is valuable in cases of eye infections in newborns (ophthalmia neonatorum), where there is a thick, yellow discharge from the eyes.
  • The infection causes the eyes to be inflamed, sticky, and often difficult to open due to the accumulation of pus.
  • Smoky cornea: Infections of the eye can lead to a dull, cloudy appearance of the cornea, commonly known as a smoky cornea.
  • This is indicative of corneal damage or infection, causing vision to become blurry or unclear.


  • Deafness: Calcarea Sulphurica can help with cases of chronic ear infections where the patient experiences hearing loss due to discharge from the middle ear.
  • The discharge may be pus-like, yellow, and sometimes mixed with blood, indicating an ongoing infection or damage to the ear structures.
  • Pimples around the ear: The remedy also addresses skin eruptions around the ears, such as pimples that can become infected and form pus, leading to discomfort and further irritation.


  • Thick, yellow purulent discharge: The patient often suffers from chronic nasal infections characterized by a thick, yellow discharge from the nose.
  • This discharge may be blood-tinged and can be accompanied by sore nostrils, as the constant flow of irritating mucus causes rawness and pain around the nostrils.
  • Sore nostrils: Continuous wiping and irritation from the thick discharge can cause cracked and sore edges of the nostrils, which may be painful and slow to heal.


  • Sores on the lips and inside the mouth: Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated for painful sores or ulcers inside the mouth and on the lips.
  • These sores may have a tendency to become infected, with a slow healing process.
  • Yellow coating on the tongue: The tongue may be coated with a yellow film, particularly at the base.
  • This is often accompanied by a sour or soapy taste, indicating an imbalance in the digestive or respiratory system.


  • Ulcerated sore throat: The remedy is effective in treating ulcerated throats, especially in the suppurative stage (formation of pus).
  • The ulcers produce a yellow discharge, and the patient may experience pain and difficulty swallowing.
  • Suppurating tonsillitis: When the tonsils become infected and form abscesses, leading to the discharge of pus, Calcarea Sulphurica helps manage the infection, promoting drainage and healing of the affected tissue.


  • Liver pain: The patient may experience pain in the liver area, particularly on the right side, which can be accompanied by nausea and a general sense of weakness.
  • This symptom is often seen after a digestive upset or infections that affect the abdominal organs.
  • Purulent diarrhea: The patient may suffer from diarrhea, with pus-like, slimy discharges that are sometimes mixed with blood.
  • This symptom often arises after consuming foods that do not agree with the body, like maple sugar, or due to changes in weather.


  • Late and prolonged menstruation: Women needing Calcarea Sulphurica often experience delayed menstrual cycles.
  • When the menses finally start, they can last longer than usual and be accompanied by headaches, weakness, and a general sense of fatigue.
  • Menses with yellowish vaginal discharges: The remedy is useful when vaginal discharges during or after menstruation are yellowish and pus-like, indicating an underlying infection or irritation.


  • Cough with purulent sputum: The patient suffers from a persistent cough, which produces thick, yellow, or pus-like mucus.
  • This cough may be accompanied by a hectic fever (fever with exhaustion), indicating a chronic lung infection.
  • Empyema: Calcarea Sulphurica is beneficial in cases of empyema, where there is a collection of pus in the pleural cavity (the space between the lungs and the chest wall).
  • This condition results in difficulty breathing and significant discomfort.


  • Burning-itching of the soles of the feet: The patient may experience intense itching and a burning sensation in the soles of the feet, especially during rest or at night, making it difficult to relax or sleep.


  • Slow-healing wounds: Calcarea Sulphurica helps in cases where cuts, bruises, and other wounds are slow to heal and tend to discharge pus.
  • The body struggles to recover, and the wounds remain open and infected for longer than normal.
  • Eczema with yellow scabs: The remedy is particularly useful in children with eczema.
  • The skin forms yellowish, purulent crusts that are slow to heal, often leaving the skin irritated and sensitive.
  • Pustules and abscesses: Calcarea Sulphurica treats pustular eruptions and abscesses that form on the face, scalp, and other parts of the body.
  • These abscesses are often filled with pus, and the skin may be inflamed and painful to the touch.


  • Worse: From cold and damp weather, especially after exposure to cold air.
  • Better: From warm weather and dry conditions.


Compare with,

  • Hepar Sulph: Both remedies deal with suppuration and pus formation, but Hepar acts more strongly before the pus has matured.
  • Silica: Effective for deep, slow-developing abscesses and infections, similar to Calcarea Sulphurica, but focused more on chronic suppuration and deeper tissue healing.


  • Remedies that follow well after Calcarea Sulphurica include Silicea for deep-seated infections and Hepar Sulphuris for managing pus before it fully forms.


  • Common potencies include 2X to 12X trituration. In cases of Lupus or other deep skin conditions, the twelfth potency has been found effective.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Calcarea Sulphurica primarily used for?

  • It is used for suppurative conditions such as abscesses, pus-filled skin eruptions, slow-healing wounds, and chronic discharges.

Can Calcarea Sulphurica be used in children?

  • Yes, especially for children who have scalp eruptions, eczema, or suffer from slow healing after skin infections.

Is Calcarea Sulphurica useful in respiratory conditions?

  • Yes, it helps with chronic coughs that involve purulent expectoration (yellow, pus-like mucus) and conditions like empyema.

What potency should be used for skin conditions?

  • Second or third trituration (2X to 3X) is often recommended for treating skin conditions such as eczema or pustules.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Suppuration: The formation or discharge of pus.
  • Empyema: A collection of pus within a body cavity, particularly the pleural cavity of the lungs.
  • Hectic Fever: A recurrent fever often seen in conditions like tuberculosis, characterized by sweating and weakness.
  • Ulcerated: Having sores that result from the breakdown of tissue.
  • Eczema: A skin condition characterized by redness, itching, and the formation of scabs or blisters.
  • Lupus vulgaris: A form of tuberculosis affecting the skin.