Calcarea Iodata is a homeopathic remedy primarily indicated for scrofulous conditions, especially involving the lymphatic and glandular systems.

It is useful in cases where there is glandular enlargement, particularly in children and adolescents, along with various respiratory and skin complaints.

Calcarea Iodata, also known as Iodide of Lime, is commonly prescribed for conditions where glandular swellings, such as enlarged tonsils, adenoids, or thyroid, are prominent.

It is particularly beneficial for flabby, weak children who are prone to recurrent colds, respiratory issues, and enlarged glands during puberty.

The remedy is also useful in treating certain skin conditions, such as ulcers and eruptions.



Scientific Classification
  • Chemical Composition: Calcarea Iodata is a combination of calcium and iodine.
  • Source: It is chemically derived from the combination of lime (calcium) and iodine, both essential minerals that support thyroid and glandular health.
Historical Facts
  • Calcarea Iodata has been used in homeopathy since the late 19th century.
  • It gained popularity in treating scrofulous (tuberculosis of the lymph glands) and glandular diseases.
  • Its reputation grew for its success in resolving chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, and other conditions affecting children.


  • The remedy acts deeply on the glandular, lymphatic, and respiratory systems.
  • It helps in reducing glandular swelling and draining chronic discharges, especially in cases of enlarged tonsils, thyroid, and lymph nodes.
  •  Calcarea Iodata also addresses respiratory symptoms like chronic cough and pneumonia, along with skin conditions such as ulcers and eruptions.


  • Type: Suited for children and adolescents who are flabby, weak, and prone to frequent respiratory infections.
  • Diathesis: Scrofulous constitution, meaning there is a tendency towards glandular swellings and respiratory complaints.
  • Temperament: Ideal for children who are cold-blooded and tend to catch colds easily, particularly when exposed to cold and damp environments.


Calcarea Iodata (Calcium Iodide) primarily relates to the sycotic and tubercular miasms in homeopathy.

Sycotic Miasm
  • The sycotic miasm is associated with overgrowths, excesses, and chronic inflammations, which align with the glandular swellings and hypertrophies often seen in individuals needing Calcarea Iodata.
  • It often manifests in people with a tendency to develop warts, fibroids, chronic catarrh (mucous membrane inflammation), and glandular enlargements (like thyroid or lymph nodes).
  • Sycotic individuals tend to have recurring infections and a predisposition to overproduction of tissue (e.g., polyps or other growths).
Tubercular Miasm
  • The tubercular miasm reflects a more destructive and consumptive process, where there is tissue breakdown, frequent colds, coughs, and respiratory issues.
  • Calcarea Iodata aligns with this miasm because of its action on the lymphatic and glandular systems, especially for those who have a tendency toward tuberculosis, bronchitis, or respiratory problems with frequent colds, sore throats, and glandular swellings.
  • It is suited for children who are malnourished or have a scrofulous constitution, meaning they have enlarged lymph nodes and are susceptible to respiratory infections.

In summary, Calcarea Iodata is linked with both sycotic and tubercular miasms, addressing glandular swellings, overgrowth tendencies, chronic infections, and respiratory weaknesses.

It is useful for individuals with tendencies to excess tissue growth and susceptibility to infections, especially involving the respiratory system and lymph nodes.


  • Enlarged Glands: Particularly useful for swollen tonsils, adenoids, and thyroid.
  • Scrofulous Conditions: Tendency for glandular enlargements during childhood and adolescence, accompanied by general weakness and sluggish lymphatic drainage.
  • Respiratory Symptoms: Chronic cough, pneumonia, croup, and green purulent expectoration.
  • Skin Symptoms: Ulcers associated with varicose veins, papular eruptions, tinea, and favus.



  • Headache: Triggered by exposure to cold wind, with lightheadedness.
  • Catarrh: Nasal catarrh, worse at the root of the nose, accompanied by sneezing and minimal sensation.
  • Nasal Polyps: Can help resolve nasal and ear polyps.


  • Enlarged Tonsils: Tonsils are swollen and filled with crypts, which may harbor pus or secretions.
  • Adenoids: Useful for children with enlarged adenoids causing obstructed breathing.


  • Chronic Cough: Persistent cough, often related to chronic respiratory infections.
  • Breathing Difficulty: Can arise after chronic illnesses like syphilis or exposure to mercury.
  • Croup and Pneumonia: Effective in treating these conditions with specific symptoms like hectic fever and green, purulent expectoration.


  • Indolent Ulcers: Non-healing ulcers, often seen with varicose veins.
  • Copper-colored Eruptions: Papular skin rashes, tinea, and favus (fungal scalp infection).
  • Hair Loss: Accompanied by cracked skin and enlarged glands.


  • Worse: Exposure to cold wind, changes in weather, and drafts.
  • Better: Warmth, keeping the body warm, and covering up exposed areas.


Complementary Remedies
  • Agraphis (Bluebell): Often used for adenoids with enlarged tonsils, works well before Calcarea Iodata.
  • Calcarea Fluorica: Useful for hard, stony glandular swellings.
  • Silicea: Helps in draining chronic discharges and improving slow-healing ulcers.
  • Mercurius Iodatus: Useful in glandular swellings, especially of the tonsils and lymph nodes.
Related Remedies
  • Sulphur Iodatum: Often follows Agraphis and Calcarea Iodata in the treatment of glandular swellings.
  • Aconitum Lycotonum: Used in conditions of Hodgkin’s disease and glandular swellings.


  • Typically prescribed in second and third triturations. The potency may vary depending on the severity and chronicity of symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Calcarea Iodata used for?

  • Calcarea Iodata is mainly used for treating enlarged glands (tonsils, thyroid, adenoids), respiratory conditions like chronic cough and croup, and skin conditions like ulcers and papular eruptions.

Who can benefit from Calcarea Iodata?

  • Children and adolescents with weak, flabby constitutions, prone to frequent colds, enlarged glands, and respiratory issues are ideal candidates.

What potency is typically prescribed?

  • Calcarea Iodata is generally prescribed in low potencies like 2x or 3x triturations.

Can Calcarea Iodata be used for thyroid problems?

  • Yes, it can be used in cases of thyroid enlargement, particularly during puberty or in scrofulous individuals.

What are the key symptoms of Calcarea Iodata?

  • Key symptoms include enlarged tonsils, adenoids, chronic cough, varicose ulcers, and glandular swellings.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Scrofulous: A condition related to the swelling of lymph glands, often linked to tuberculosis.
  • Adenoids: Lymphatic tissue located at the back of the nasal cavity that can become enlarged, particularly in children.
  • Hectic Fever: A type of fever that rises and falls, often seen in chronic infections like tuberculosis.
  • Purulent Expectoration: Coughing up of pus-filled sputum, typically seen in severe lung infections.
  • Tinea: A fungal infection of the skin.
  • Favus: A severe fungal infection affecting the scalp, leading to crust formation and hair loss.