Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis has a historical background rooted in its use for various conditions, including scrofulous affections and hereditary syphilis. It reflects the historical application of mercury-based preparations in traditional medicine.
As with many homeopathic remedies, its usage is based on the principle of “like cures like” and individual symptom similarity.
Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis has been included in the homeopathic materia medica for its potential therapeutic effects in specific clinical presentations.
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- Common Name: Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis, Sulphur and Quicksilver, Black Sulphide of Mercury.
- Chemical Formula: Preparation involving Sulphide of Mercury.
- Pharmacological Class: Homeopathic remedy derived from Mercury sulfide.
- Beneficial in scrofulous affections.
- Addresses ophthalmic conditions.
- Effective in cases of otorrhoea (ear discharge).
- Alleviates painful and irritating eruptions on the skin.
- Particularly suited for scabby eruptions.
- Historically used for hereditary syphilis.
Used For
- Scrofulous conditions.
- Ophthalmia (eye inflammation).
- Otorrhoea (ear discharge).
- Painful and irritating skin eruptions.
- Scabby eruptions.
- Hereditary syphilis.
- Similar to: Ethiops Antimonialis (Hydrargyrum stibiato sulfuratum).
- Ethiops Antimonialis is often considered more effective than Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis in scrofulous eruptions, glandular swellings, otorrhoea, scrofulous eye affections, and corneal ulcers (third trituration).
- Compare with: Calcarea, Silicea, Psorinum.
- Administered in lower trituration, especially the second decimal.
- What are the primary indications for Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis?
- Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis is primarily indicated for scrofulous affections, ophthalmia, otorrhoea, painful and irritating skin eruptions, especially scabby eruptions, and hereditary syphilis.
- How is it administered?
- It is administered in lower triturations, particularly the second decimal potency.
- How does it compare to Ethiops Antimonialis?
- Ethiops Antimonialis is often considered more effective in certain conditions like scrofulous eruptions, glandular swellings, otorrhoea, scrofulous eye affections, and corneal ulcers.
- What other remedies is Aethiops Mercurialis-Mineralis compared with?
- It is compared with Calcarea, Silicea, and Psorinum in homeopathic practice.
As with any homeopathic remedy, it is essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized guidance and treatment.