Aconitum Napellus, is a potent medicinal plant that has been utilized in homeopathy for centuries.

Aconite is renowned for its ability to address acute, sudden, and violent ailments, especially in their initial stages.

Its use dates to the discoveries made by the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, who recognized its potential to treat a wide range of acute diseases.


Aconitum napellus, commonly known as Aconite or Monkshood, is a plant with both toxic and medicinal properties. 

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Angiosperms
  • Class: Eudicots
  • Order: Ranunculales
  • Family: Ranunculaceae
  • Genus: Aconitum
  • Species: Aconitum napellus

Aconitum napellus is a perennial herb with dark green, deeply lobed leaves and a tall spike of hooded blue or purple flowers.

The flowers have a distinctive shape resembling a helmet or hood, which is the origin of the common name “Monkshood.”

Aconitum napellus is highly toxic due to the presence of alkaloids, especially aconitine.

All parts of the plant, especially the roots, contain toxic compounds that can affect the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Ingesting even small amounts can lead to severe poisoning, and it requires careful handling.


However, under the principles of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann transformed this poisonous plant into a valuable remedy.

Aconite is part of the ABC trio, along with Belladonna and Chamomilla, each addressing turmoil in different aspects of the body.

Aconite is a part of CLARKE’S ABC Nurseries

  • Aconite (A): Targets turmoil in circulation, swift and superficial action.
  • Belladonna (B): Addresses turmoil in the brain, intense and sudden effects.
  • Chamomilla (C): Manages turmoil in temperament, marked by sensitivity.


The Doctrine of Signatures suggests that the physical characteristics of plants can indicate their potential healing properties or the ailments they may treat.

In the case of Aconitum napellus, commonly known as Aconite or Monkshood, its appearance holds significance in this doctrine.

Aconitum napellus is a striking plant with tall stems adorned by blue or purple flowers resembling a monk’s hood, which gives it the alternative name Monkshood.

The hooded shape of its flowers bears a resemblance to the head covering worn by monks, hence the name. This characteristic appearance, with the flowers pointing downward like a hood, has been interpreted to signify the plant’s ability to alleviate symptoms related to fear, anxiety, and shock.

According to the Doctrine of Signatures, the downward-pointing flowers of Aconitum napellus represent its potential to calm and soothe the mind, just as a monk’s hood provides shelter and protection.

Therefore, Aconite is often associated with treating conditions characterized by sudden onset, intense fear, panic, and anxiety, aligning with its signature appearance.


  • Disrupting Blood Flow: Aconite disrupts the normal circulation in the body.
  • Brain and Nervous System Impact: It irritates the brain and spinal nerves, increasing blood activity and causing capillary paralysis.
  • Tension and Congestion: This leads to a state of tension and congestion with a tendency towards inflammation.
  • Emphasis on Mental Symptoms: Aconite’s effectiveness lies in its influence on mental well-being, making it vital to consider mental symptoms.
  • Heart Function Moderation: Rather than intensifying heart function, Aconite slows down its intensity.


  • Aconitum Napellus finds extensive clinical application in treating various acute diseases and conditions.
  • It is effective in addressing respiratory issues such as asthma and cough, as well as gastrointestinal disturbances like diarrhoea and dysentery.
  • The remedy is particularly useful for fever, headaches, chest complaints, convulsions, and menstrual disorders.
  • Aconite is known for its efficacy in conditions arising from fear, fright, shock, exposure to cold, and sudden atmospheric changes.


Aconite predominantly acts on the cerebrospinal nervous system, brain, serous and mucous membranes, blood, and the cardiovascular system.

Its unique sphere includes tension, restlessness, fear, and anxiety.


Physical Make-up

  • Aconite primarily treats acute conditions, so the patient’s constitution is not crucial.
  • However, it is commonly indicated for acute issues in robust, plethoric individuals with strong, rigid fibers, dark hair and eyes, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • It is especially suitable for rosy, chubby babies.


Relation with Heat and Cold

  • While there is not a clear preference for heat or cold, Aconite tends to be associated with warmth.


  • The underlying miasm in Aconite cases is typically Psora.


Origin of Troubles

Aconite comes to the rescue when issues arise from exposure to chilly winds, sudden changes in perspiration, fear, shocks, or excitement.

Early Intervention

Picture Aconite as the first responder for diseases that hit suddenly and intensely, like a storm.

Tension Telltale

A key feature is the prevalent tension, a result of both mental irritation and circulatory problems in Aconite patients.

Restlessness Trio

Think of Aconite, Arsenic, and Rhus tox as the restless trio. Aconite folks cannot sit still, always on the move.

Sensitivity on High

Aconite patients are touch-sensitive, reacting strongly to the slightest touch.

Pulse and Skin Clues

Check for a hard, full, and frequent pulse. Skin tends to be dry and hot, with little sweat.

Thirst Quirks

Aconite induces an unquenchable thirst, leading to either large drinks at intervals or sips more frequently.

Nervous System Hints

Physical nervous system issues, especially paralysis from exposure to dry cold winds, fall into Aconite’s domain.

Pain Unveiled

Aconite is among the top pain relievers. Patients experience unbearable pain, often with restless nights.

Managing Inflammation

Ideal for the initial congestive stage of inflammation before it localizes.

Mind Matters

Mentally, Aconite patients grapple with great fear, anxiety, and nervousness. They might predict their own time of death or fear it during pregnancy.

Restless Souls

Restlessness and haste define Aconite patients. They find music unbearable, evoking sadness.

Avoiding Calmness

Mental calmness does not align with Aconite. It thrives where there’s unease, worry, anxiety, and fear, even for minor ailments.

Climate-Linked Ailments

If issues arise from exposure to dry cold air or draught during perspiration, Aconite could be the remedy.




Main Feeling

  • People who need Aconitum often feel like they are suddenly facing a big, scary threat from the world around them.
  • This feeling comes on fast and leaves just as quickly, making them very restless, panicky, and nervous, even if they are usually pretty calm.


  • Aconitum folks get jumpy and scared easily.
  • They can get super frightened, especially when they are in pain, which can make them feel extremely restless and panicky.

Nervous Excitability

  • One big thing about Aconitum is that it makes people feel nervous and jumpy all the time.
  • They cannot stay calm and quiet, and little things easily make them nervous.
  • This nervous energy sets Aconitum apart from other remedies like Nux vomica, Staphysagria, Coffea, and Ignatia.

Avoidance of Excitement

  • Because they are so sensitive, Aconitum folks tend to avoid anything that might get them all worked up mentally.
  • They stay away from big crowds, busy streets, or anything else that could make them feel anxious or scared.

Hurried Nature

  • Even when they’re not feeling nervous, Aconitum folks are always in a hurry.
  • They rush through things, get impatient easily, and try to do too many things at once.
  • Their speech is fast and all over the place, showing how restless they are inside.

Emotional Fluctuations

  • Aconitum people’s moods can change really quickly.
  • They can go from feeling happy to feeling anxious in no time.
  • Even small things can make them go from happy to worried, leading to unpredictable mood swings.

Sleep Disturbances

  • People who need Aconitum often have trouble sleeping.
  • They might walk or talk in their sleep, or they might have a hard time falling asleep because they feel anxious and restless.

Aconitum affects both the mind and body with suddenness, intensity, and restless energy.

People who need this remedy often have strong reactions to fear, mood swings, and sleep problems.

They try to avoid anything that might make them anxious and always feel like they’re in a hurry.


  • Onset: Fever starts suddenly and violently with a rapid rise in temperature.
  • Chills: Severe chills occur initially, intensifying in the evening and night.
  • Chill Sensation: Feels extremely cold if uncovered, despite internal heat.
  • Duration: Acute fever typically lasts for a short and intense period.
  • Periodicity: No distinct pattern of recurrence.
  • Resolution: Often, the most severe fever requiring Aconite subsides within a night, with no need for other medications. Aconite should not be used solely to control fever or alternated with other drugs for that purpose.

Facial Symptoms

  • Face alternates between red and pale, with an anxious and frightened expression.
  • Sensation of facial swelling, accompanied by dizziness upon rising.

Skin Symptoms

  • Skin feels dry, hot, and burning.
  • Appears red, shiny, and hot, accompanied by intense pain.


  • Profuse sweating, especially on parts in contact with surfaces, providing relief.


  • Intense thirst, especially during the heat phase, craving large quantities of cold water.

Mental Symptoms

  • Heightened anxiety and restlessness.
  • Agonizing restlessness, with tossing about.
  • Fearful expression, anticipating death, even predicting the time.
  • Aggravation of symptoms towards evening and bedtime.
  • Belief that immediate treatment is necessary to prevent a fatal outcome due to the severity of the fever.


  • Causation: Triggered by exposure to dry cold air, draughts of cold air, perspiration-checking, fear, fright, shock, and sun heat.
  • Location: Intense pain in the frontal or semi-lateral region.
  • Sensation: Headache as if nailed up, causing distress; sensation of fullness and heaviness in the forehead, as if the skull might protrude; burning sensation like the brain is agitated by boiling water; throbbing and fullness.
  • Modalities:
    • Aggravation: Worse towards evening and at night, in a warm room, and when lying on the affected side.
    • Amelioration: Relieved in the open air.
  • Concomitants: Accompanied by fear of death, anxiety, worry, mental uneasiness, and restlessness.


  • Causation: Resulting from exposure to dry cold air, dry North or West wind, draughts of cold air, checked perspiration, etc.
  • Character: Sudden and violent, possibly croupy; dry, hoarse, suffocating, loud, rough, croaking, hard, ringing, and whistling.
  • Modalities:
    • Aggravation: On expiration, towards evening and at night.
    • Amelioration: Improved in the open air.


  • Causation: Caused by fear, fright, shock, heat of the sun, or excitement.
  • Mode of Onset: Sudden and violent.
  • Stool Character: Sudden agonizing pain in the abdomen; severe tenesmus; gripping colicky pain; frequent stools with undigested food particles, mucus, and bright red blood.
  • Modalities:
    • Aggravation: More severe towards evening and at night.
  • Concomitants: Intense nervous restlessness, fear, anxiety, and anguish; tossing about in agony; fear of a fatal outcome.


  • Numbness and Tingling: Feeling of numbness and tingling; shooting pains.
  • Coldness: Icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet; hot hands and cold feet.
  • Arm Symptoms: Arms feel lame, bruised, heavy, and numb; pain down the left arm.
  • Joint Inflammation: Rheumatic inflammation of joints, worse at night; red shining swelling, very sensitive.
  • Hip and Thigh Symptoms: Hip-joint and thigh feel lame, especially after lying down.
  • Knee and Foot Symptoms: Knees unsteady; disposition of foot to turn; weak and lax ligaments of all joints.
  • Joint Characteristics: Painless cracking of all joints; bright red hypothenar eminences on both hands.
  • Sensation: Sensation as if drops of water trickled down the thigh.


  • Causation: Similar to dysentery, cholera may set in due to fear, fright, shock, heat of the sun, or excitement.
  • Mode of Onset: Sudden and violent.
  • Character: Severe vomiting and purging of a profuse quantity; gripping and cutting pain in the abdomen; frequent desire for stool and vomiting.
  • Modalities
    • Aggravation: Towards evening and at night.
    • Amelioration: Improved in the open air.
  • Concomitants: Severe precordial pain, intense nervous restlessness, fear, anxiety, and anguish; tossing about in agony; fear of a fatal outcome.


  • Causation: Teething children may experience convulsions, relieved by Aconite.
  • Character: Jerking and twitching of a single muscle; child gnaws its fist, bites, frets, and screams; hot and dry skin with high fever and dilated pupils.


Vagina Condition: Dry, hot, and sensitive.

Menstrual Characteristics

  • Menstruation too profuse.
  • Nosebleed during menstruation.
  • Menstruation too protracted and late.
  • Frenzy or intense excitement on the appearance of menstruation.
  • Menstruation suppressed from fright or exposure to cold, especially in plethoric (overweight or full-blooded) individuals.

Ovarian Symptoms: Congestion and pain in the ovaries.

Womb Symptoms

  • Sharp shooting pains in the womb.
  • After-pains following childbirth, accompanied by fear and restlessness.



  • Timing: Evening and night, particularly when rising from bed.
  • Pain Intensity: Pains become unbearable during these times.
  • Environmental: Aggravated in a warm room.
  • Body Position: Pains worsen when lying on the painful or affected side.


  • Environment: Improved in the open air.


Interaction with Substances

    • Aconite’s action is influenced by acids, wine, coffee, lemonade, and acid fruits.

Conditions Aconite is Not Indicated For

    • Avoid using Aconite in malarial and low fevers, hectic and pyemic conditions, and inflammations when they localize. It is often followed by Sulphur.

Complementary Remedies

    • Coffea and Sulphur are complementary to Aconite. Sulphur is considered a chronic Aconite and can complete a cure started with Aconite.

Comparisons with Other Remedies

    • Compare Aconite with Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea, and Ferrum Phosphoricum, especially in cases of intense pain and sleeplessness.

Aconitine Specifics

    • Aconitine, a component of Aconite, produces a heavy feeling like lead, supraorbital nerve pains, and ice-cold sensations. It is associated with hydrophobia symptoms and a tingling sensation.

Other Aconite Varieties

    • Aconitum Lycotonum (Yellow Wolfsbane) is linked to gland swelling, Hodgkin’s disease, and specific symptoms like itching in various body parts.
    • Aconitum Cammarum is associated with headache, vertigo, tinnitus, and cataleptic symptoms.
    • Aconitum ferox (Indian Aconite) is more diuretic and less anti-pyretic than A. napellus. It is used for cardiac dyspnea, neuralgia, and acute gout.

Aconite Comparisons with Other Remedies

    • Agrostis acts like Aconite in fever and inflammations, as does Spiranthes.
    • Quebracho and Achyranthes are also mentioned for their similarities to Aconite in specific conditions.

Remembering the Basics

    • Think of Aconite’s avoidance in malarial and low fevers, its complementary remedies Coffea and Sulphur, and the specific symptoms of Aconitine like heavy feelings and tingling.


Potencies for Sensory Affections: Use the sixth potency of Aconite for sensory issues.

Potencies for Congestive Conditions: For congestive conditions, especially in acute cases, choose potencies from the first to the third.

Frequency of Administration: Aconite is a fast-acting remedy, so frequent repetition is necessary, especially in acute diseases.

Neuralgias and Tincture of the Root: In cases of neuralgias, consider using tincture of the Aconite root. Administer in one-drop doses, but be cautious as it is poisonous.

Alternative Potency for Neuralgias: Alternatively, for neuralgias, the 30th potency can be employed based on the patient’s susceptibility.


Aconitum Napellus, with its rich history and versatile applications, stands out as a rapid and effective remedy for acute conditions marked by fear, tension, and restlessness. Its ability to address both physical and mental symptoms makes it a valuable tool in homeopathic practice.

Note: The simplified explanation of Aconitum’s mental profile draws inspiration from the insights provided by Dr. Rajan Sankaran in his work “The Soul of Remedies.”