Cocainum Hydrochloricum, commonly known as Cocaine, is an alkaloid derived from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca).

It is primarily known for its use as a local anesthetic and has significant applications in homeopathy due to its various effects on the human body and mind.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Clade: Eudicots
  • Order: Malpighiales
  • Family: Erythroxylaceae
  • Genus: Erythroxylon
  • Species: Erythroxylon coca
  • Cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant, native to South America.
  • Indigenous peoples have used coca leaves for centuries for their stimulant effects, particularly in high-altitude regions.
  • The Spanish priests in the 16th century condemned it as “un delusion del demonio,” reflecting the cultural clash between indigenous practices and European norms.
Historical Facts
  • Coca leaves have been chewed for their psychoactive effects for over 3,000 years.
  • The isolation of cocaine from coca leaves was achieved in the mid-19th century, leading to its use in various medicinal applications, including as a local anesthetic and stimulant.
  • However, the potential for addiction and misuse has led to strict regulations regarding its use.


  • Cocaine acts primarily as a stimulant and local anesthetic.
  • It inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, leading to increased levels of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft.
  • This action accounts for both its anesthetic properties and its potential for addiction.


  • Individuals who may benefit from Cocainum Hydrochloricum often exhibit a lean physique with heightened sensitivity to stimuli.
  • They may be prone to nervous disorders and have a history of substance use.



  • Cocaine is particularly indicated for patients who display symptoms of nervousness and irritability, often experiencing heightened emotional responses.
  • This remedy is suitable for individuals who are predisposed to addiction or exhibit compulsive behaviors.



  • Individuals requiring this remedy may exhibit extremes in temperament, ranging from high energy and talkativeness to depression and hallucinations.
  • They may feel an intense desire to undertake great feats, yet struggle with feelings of inadequacy and paranoia.



  • An increased inclination to talk excessively may arise from heightened energy levels or agitation.
  • The stimulating effects of cocaine can enhance verbal fluency and social engagement.
  • However, this symptom may also indicate anxiety or a manic state, where the individual feels compelled to express thoughts rapidly without a clear focus.
Constant Desire to Do Something Great
  • Users may experience an overwhelming ambition or drive to accomplish significant feats.
  • This heightened motivation can lead to unrealistic goals or endeavors, often coupled with a sense of invincibility.
  • This can be seen in manic episodes, where individuals feel they can achieve extraordinary things despite potential risks or limitations.
Cerebral Activity
  • Cocaine is known to stimulate the central nervous system, resulting in increased mental alertness and activity.
  • Patients may report racing thoughts, heightened creativity, or an inability to focus on a single task due to overwhelming cognitive stimulation.
  • While this can be advantageous in some contexts, it can also lead to anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed.
Frightful Persecutory Hallucinations
  • These hallucinations involve perceiving threats or dangers that are not present.
  • The sensation of being persecuted can lead to significant distress and paranoia.
  • The individual might see or feel bugs and worms crawling on or under their skin (formication), a symptom commonly associated with cocaine intoxication.
  • Such hallucinations can reflect severe anxiety, altered perception, or psychosis.
Moral Sense Blunted
  • A diminished capacity to discern right from wrong may occur, leading to unethical or reckless behavior.
  • This blunting of moral sensibility can result in impulsive decisions and disregard for the consequences of actions.
  • It may also indicate an alteration in emotional processing, where individuals become detached from their values and social norms
Personal Appearance Neglected
  • Individuals under the influence of cocaine may neglect their personal hygiene and grooming, which can reflect the overwhelming nature of their psychological state.
  • This symptom may indicate a shift in priorities, where the individual focuses more on their internal experiences and energy rather than on external appearances.
Thinks He Hears Unpleasant Remarks About Himself
  • This symptom suggests auditory hallucinations where individuals may misinterpret or distort sounds and conversations.
  • The person might feel that others are speaking negatively about them, leading to paranoia and social withdrawal. This can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and anxiety.
Hallucinations of Hearing
  • Similar to the previous point, this involves perceiving sounds that are not present.
  • These auditory hallucinations can range from hearing voices to other noises, often contributing to a feeling of unease or fear.
  • It may indicate a severe psychological response to cocaine use, potentially leading to confusion and disorientation.
Irrational Jealousy
  • An irrational feeling of jealousy may arise, often disproportionate to the reality of the situation.
  • This symptom can lead to conflicts in relationships, as the individual may become suspicious of others’ intentions without any logical basis.
  • This irrationality is often exacerbated by altered mental states and paranoia.
  • The stimulating effects of cocaine can disrupt normal sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Individuals may feel restless and unable to relax, resulting in prolonged periods of wakefulness.
  • Insomnia can lead to further mental health deterioration, contributing to irritability and cognitive impairment.

The mind symptoms associated with Cocainum Hydrochloricum reflect profound disturbances in mental and emotional states, ranging from heightened activity and ambition to severe hallucinations and paranoia.

Understanding these symptoms is crucial for healthcare providers in identifying and managing potential complications related to cocaine use or overdose, and can inform therapeutic strategies for individuals experiencing these psychological effects.



  • Patients may experience intense headaches characterized by a rhythmic throbbing or bursting pain.
  • This symptom is often associated with increased intracranial pressure or vascular tension.
  • Dilated pupils (mydriasis) indicate stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. This can lead to increased sensitivity to light and may reflect underlying anxiety or overstimulation.
  • Increased auditory sensitivity (hyperacusis) can lead to discomfort from ordinary sounds. This symptom may indicate a heightened state of arousal or anxiety affecting the nervous system.
  • Patients may experience subjective noises in their head, often described as roaring. This can be indicative of increased intracranial pressure or blood flow changes.


  • Cocaine use can lead to increased intraocular pressure, resulting in glaucoma, which may cause severe eye pain and potentially vision loss if untreated.
  • Increased Tension: Refers to the pressure within the eye that may contribute to headaches and vision problems.
  • This condition can result in a diminished response to touch or pain in the cornea, increasing the risk of injury or infection.
  • Eyes Staring and Expressionless: A vacant stare often indicates a lack of emotional engagement or a dissociative state, which can occur with high doses of stimulants.


  • Patients may experience a persistent dryness and irritation in the throat, leading to discomfort and a constant urge to clear the throat.
  • A feeling of tightness or constriction in the throat can be associated with anxiety or panic responses, making swallowing difficult.
  • Paralysis of Muscles of Deglutition: This condition can impair swallowing, leading to choking hazards and difficulty in ingesting food or liquids.
  • The inability to speak clearly may arise from paralysis affecting the vocal cords or muscle coordination, leading to slurred or impaired speech.


  • Loss of Appetite for Solid Food: A significant decrease in interest in solid foods may reflect gastrointestinal distress or nausea, which can occur with stimulant use.
  • An increased craving for sweet foods might be a compensatory mechanism for energy or mood elevation.
  • Haemorrhages from Bowels and Stomach: This serious symptom can indicate gastrointestinal bleeding, potentially leading to life-threatening complications if not addressed.


  • Chorea: This term refers to involuntary, irregular movements that can be caused by disturbances in the basal ganglia due to cocaine’s impact on neurotransmitter levels.
  • Symptoms resembling Parkinson’s disease, including tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia, may arise from cocaine’s effects on the nervous system.
  • This symptom can present as uncontrollable shaking, often seen in individuals with a history of alcohol use or withdrawal.
  • Local Sensory Paralysis: Cocaine can cause loss of sensation in specific areas, leading to a lack of awareness of touch, temperature, or pain.
  • Formication and Numbness in Hands and Forearms: The sensation of insects crawling on the skin (formication) can occur alongside numbness, often linked to heightened anxiety or sensory overload.


  • Restlessness: Patients may experience difficulty relaxing, leading to an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, often exacerbated by heightened anxiety.
  • Cannot Sleep for Hours After Retiring: The stimulant effects of cocaine can interfere with the ability to fall asleep, resulting in prolonged periods of wakefulness.


  • Coldness with Intense Pallor: Patients may present with a pale complexion and a feeling of coldness, indicating possible circulatory issues or shock, which may result from cocaine’s stimulating effects.


  • Better: In a stimulating environment, with physical activity, and potentially after consuming certain substances like wine.
  • Worse: At night, during periods of rest, and in stressful situations.



  • Compare: Stovain (an analgesic, vasomotor dilator).
  • Antidotes: Nitroglycerin (for disagreeable effects from cocaine injection).


  • Lower potencies are typically used.
  • Local Application: As a local application to mucous membranes, a concentration of 2-4% is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Cocainum Hydrochloricum used for in homeopathy?

  • Cocainum Hydrochloricum is primarily used for its local anesthetic properties and for addressing symptoms related to nervous system disorders, including insomnia, anxiety, and hallucinations.

How does cocaine affect the mind?

  • Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system, leading to heightened alertness, energy, and in some cases, irrational behavior, jealousy, and paranoia.

Is Cocainum Hydrochloricum safe for everyone?

  • It should be used with caution, particularly in individuals with a history of substance abuse, heart problems, or mental health disorders.

How does it compare to other anesthetics?

  • Cocaine is unique in its dual role as both a stimulant and local anesthetic, whereas most anesthetics primarily focus on pain relief without stimulating effects.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Anesthetic: A substance that induces insensitivity to pain.
  • Hallucinations: Perceptions of something that is not present or real, such as hearing voices or feeling sensations.
  • Formication: The sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin.
  • Dysfunction: Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of bodily organs or systems.
  • Persecutory: Related to the feeling of being harassed or persecuted.
  • Irrational: Not based on reason or logic; illogical.
  • Throbbing: Pulsating pain that feels rhythmic and is often associated with headaches.

This overview captures the essence of Cocainum Hydrochloricum, detailing its uses, symptoms, and implications within homeopathy and the broader context of its effects on health and well-being.