Cannabis Indica, also known as Hashish, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the Indian hemp plant.

This remedy has a profound impact on the mind and nervous system, causing a state of mental exaltation, hallucinations, and extreme sensitivity to time and space.

It is used to treat various psychological and neurological disorders, including mania, epilepsy, and insomnia, as well as physical symptoms related to pain, paralysis, and urinary issues.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Family: Cannabaceae
  • Genus: Cannabis
  • Species: Cannabis Indica
Origin and Historical Facts
  • The use of Cannabis Indica has ancient origins, primarily in India, where it was used both medicinally and recreationally.
  • Its hallucinogenic effects have made it a substance of interest for centuries.
  • Dr. Albert Schneider famously experimented with this plant, reporting dual nature experiences, where the user feels both detached from their actions and overwhelmed by intense emotions and visions.


  • Cannabis Indica acts upon the brain and the nervous system, inhibiting higher mental faculties while stimulating the imagination.
  • It produces extreme euphoria and a disordered perception of time and space, leading to profound hallucinations, clairvoyance, and emotional outbursts.
  • These mental effects can mirror certain psychological disorders, making the remedy useful in treating conditions like mania, delirium tremens, and nervous excitement.


  • People needing Cannabis Indica are often those with a weak nervous system, prone to mental and emotional disturbances.
  • They may experience sudden euphoria, confusion, and deep periods of exhaustion.
  • Their constitutions are sensitive to external stimuli such as noise and light.


  • Cannabis Indica patients tend to have a nervous temperament, characterized by high levels of sensitivity, emotional instability, and susceptibility to mood changes.
  • They may exhibit melancholic or sanguine temperaments, swinging between emotional highs and lows, or be overly optimistic before falling into anxiety or depression.


  • Extreme hallucinations and delusions (perceiving time and space as vastly distorted).
  • Sudden exuberance and loquacity (talkativeness).
  • Episodes of mania and emotional highs, quickly followed by paranoia and fear.
  • Nervous disorders, such as epilepsy and insomnia, worsened by overexcitement or emotional distress.


The psychological profile of Cannabis Indica is one of intense mental stimulation and emotional instability, leading to distorted perceptions, heightened imagination, and overwhelming sensory experiences.

These effects create a complex and often chaotic mental state, marked by:

Personality Traits

Excessive Loquacity

  • The individual tends to talk excessively, often unable to stop once they start.
  • This verbal overactivity is a reflection of the inner mental excitement and inability to control the flood of thoughts and ideas.
  • The person jumps from one topic to another without coherence, illustrating a mind that is racing beyond its control.

Exuberance of Spirits

  • There is an overwhelming sense of joy, enthusiasm, and excitement.
  • This exuberance can be contagious, making the individual appear vibrant and energetic.
  • However, this excessive enthusiasm often lacks direction and is unstable, leading to emotional crashes or confusion once the initial burst fades.

Distortion of Time and Space

  • A key feature of the Cannabis Indica state is the profound distortion in the perception of time and space.
  • The individual may feel as though time is moving incredibly slowly—seconds feel like hours, and short distances seem enormous.
  • This distortion is a result of the heightened sensory experience that leads to the inability to anchor thoughts in reality, creating a disconnect from the outside world.

Constant Theorizing

  • The mind is constantly racing, producing ideas and theories, often detached from practical reality.
  • The person becomes lost in thought, exploring various abstract concepts.
  • This is a sign of mental hyperactivity, where the brain is working at an accelerated pace but lacks the ability to stay grounded or focused on one thing at a time.

Anxious Depression and Fear of Insanity

  • Despite periods of intense euphoria, the individual also experiences deep anxiety and depression.
  • The fear of losing control of the mind or becoming insane is prominent, especially after realizing the disordered state of their thoughts.
  • This fear exacerbates the emotional instability, causing the person to swing between manic excitement and depressive anxiety.

Mania with Restlessness

  • The individual is often in a manic state, feeling an uncontrollable urge to move constantly.
  • The mind’s overstimulation translates into physical restlessness, making it impossible for the person to sit still.
  • This can manifest as pacing, fidgeting, or engaging in rapid and disorganized activities.

Forgetfulness and Inability to Finish Sentences

  • The mental flood of thoughts leads to severe forgetfulness.
  • The person is unable to finish sentences because their mind races ahead, often losing track of the current conversation or thought process.
  • This fragmented thinking indicates a lack of mental organization and difficulty in processing thoughts coherently.

Lost in Delicious Thought

  • At times, the individual becomes entirely absorbed in their own thoughts, often pleasant or fantastical.
  • This mental escapism provides temporary relief from the chaotic external world, but also deepens the person’s detachment from reality.
  • They may become indifferent to their surroundings, lost in a dream-like state.

Uncontrollable Laughter

  • Spontaneous and uncontrollable laughter can occur, often without any clear reason.
  • This can be a coping mechanism for the mental confusion or a result of the excessive emotional stimulation.
  • The laughter may seem inappropriate or disconnected from the actual circumstances.

Delirium Tremens

  • In severe cases, the individual may experience delirium tremens—a state of confusion, agitation, and hallucinations typically associated with alcohol withdrawal but here induced by the heightened sensory experience of the Cannabis Indica state.
  • The person may see things that aren’t there, hear disturbing noises, or experience visual distortions.


  • The individual may experience episodes of clairvoyance, where they feel they can perceive things beyond the normal range of the senses.
  • This heightened sensitivity is a reflection of the overstimulated nervous system, which amplifies sensory and emotional input, sometimes leading to the belief that they possess supernatural abilities.

Emotional Excitement and Rapid Mood Changes

  • Emotional instability is a hallmark of the Cannabis Indica personality.
  • The individual swings rapidly from one mood to another, experiencing joy, anxiety, anger, or sadness in quick succession.

These emotional fluctuations are exhausting and create a sense of internal chaos, further intensifying the person’s distress.

Loss of Identity and Chronic Vertigo

  • There is a profound sense of disorientation, both mentally and physically.
  • The person may feel disconnected from their own identity, as if they are floating outside of themselves.
  • This dissociation is often accompanied by chronic vertigo, a sensation of spinning or floating off, which mirrors the mental confusion and lack of grounding.

In summary, Cannabis Indica represents a state of mental and emotional chaos, where heightened imagination and overstimulation of the nervous system leads to distorted perceptions, emotional instability, and a profound sense of disconnection from reality.

The remedy is particularly suited to individuals who are highly sensitive, imaginative, or prone to anxiety, and who feel overwhelmed by their mental and emotional experiences.



  • The patient feels as if the top of their head is opening and closing.
  • This can be described as a strange sensation of expansion and contraction, almost like the skull (calvarium) is being lifted or moved.
  • Sudden jolts or shocks are felt in the head, similar to an electric current running through the brain. This is comparable to the symptoms found in remedies like Aloe and Coca.
  • Uremic Headache: A headache caused by toxins in the blood due to kidney dysfunction, causing intense pain. This is often linked with nausea or vomiting.
  • The back of the head feels heavy and throbs with pressure, which may worsen with movement.
  • Headache with Flatulence: A unique symptom where the headache is connected to digestive disturbances, especially gas.
  • Involuntary Head Shaking: The patient may experience uncontrollable, spontaneous movements of the head.
  • The patient might have a burst of excitement and excessive talking before the onset of a migraine attack, indicating a mental stimulation that precedes physical discomfort.


  • Fixed Gaze and Letters Running Together: When reading, the patient may have difficulty focusing, and letters appear to blur or run together. This suggests visual disturbances often associated with fatigue or altered mental states.
  • Clairvoyance: The patient may report having visions or a sense of seeing things that are not physically present, a state of heightened imagination and hallucination.
  • Spectral Illusions without Fear: The patient may experience visual hallucinations, but these do not provoke fear or terror.
  • The images seem real, yet the patient remains calm.


  • Sounds within the ear are described as throbbing or ringing, sometimes compared to boiling water.
  • This suggests heightened auditory sensitivity or disturbances.
  • Extreme Sensitivity to Noise: Any sound, even minor, can feel unbearable or exaggerated, making it difficult to be in noisy environments.


  • Drowsy and Stupid Expression: The face appears dull and lethargic, with a vacant or dazed look.
  • The patient may describe a sensation of the lips sticking together, which could be due to dryness or immobility during sleep.
  • Grinding of Teeth in Sleep: The patient may clench or grind their teeth unconsciously during sleep, known as bruxism.
  • The saliva becomes sticky and frothy, and the patient feels that their mouth and lips are unusually dry.


  • The patient may feel an abnormally strong desire to eat, even when not physically hungry.
  • Pain at the Cardiac Orifice: Pain in the region where the oesophagus meets the stomach.
  • This pain is often relieved by applying pressure, indicating discomfort related to digestion.
  • Distention and Pyloric Spasm: The stomach feels overly full and bloated, with spasms in the pylorus (the opening from the stomach into the small intestine), causing discomfort.


  • Sensation in the Anus as if Sitting on a Ball: The patient feels pressure in the rectal area, creating the sensation of sitting on an object, indicating discomfort and tension.


  • The urine contains an abnormal amount of mucus, indicating irritation or infection of the urinary tract.
  • Difficulty Urinating: The patient struggles to initiate urination, with dribbling and the need to strain. This could be due to inflammation or nervous tension affecting bladder function.
  • Burning and Stitches in the Urethra: The patient feels burning or stabbing sensations along the urinary passage, particularly when passing urine.
  • Pain in the Right Kidney Area: A dull ache in the kidney region, possibly linked to issues with urination or kidney function.


  • The patient may experience pain in the lower back following sexual activity, which can indicate physical strain or nervous tension.
  • Discharge of White, Sticky Mucus: A glairy, mucous discharge from the glans of the penis, suggesting irritation or infection.
  • Satyriasis: Excessive or uncontrollable sexual desire, often heightened in this state.
  • Prolonged Sexual Thrill: Sexual sensations may last unusually long, often to the point of discomfort or distraction.
  • Chordee: Painful erection where the penis curves downwards, often linked to inflammation or infection in the urethra.
  • Swelling Sensation in Perineum or Anus: The patient may feel as though there is swelling near the anus or perineal region, often described as sitting on a small ball.


  • Menstruation is heavy, with dark blood and significant pain, though the blood may not clot.
  • Pain in the lower back that accompanies the menstrual cycle.
  • Cramps in the uterus that cause restlessness and difficulty sleeping.
  • In some cases, the patient may struggle with infertility.
  • Menstrual cramps are accompanied by an unusual increase in sexual desire.


  • Humid Asthma: Asthma with a damp feeling in the chest, often accompanied by laboured, deep breathing.
  • Oppression in Chest: The patient feels a heavy or constricting sensation in the chest, making it difficult to breathe.


  • Palpitation Upon Waking: The patient wakes suddenly with a racing heartbeat.
  • Piercing Pain with Oppression: Sharp pain in the chest, accompanied by a sensation of suffocation or heaviness.
  • Slow Pulse: The heartbeat may be unusually slow, linked to remedies like Digitalis, Kalmia, and Apocynum.


  • Pain Across Shoulders and Spine: The patient experiences pain that runs from the shoulders down the back, which worsens when trying to walk upright.
  • Thrills in Limbs: Sensations of tingling or thrill run through the arms, hands, and lower extremities.
  • Paralysis of Lower Extremities: The patient may experience temporary paralysis or weakness in the legs.
  • Exhaustion after Short Walks: Even minimal physical exertion leaves the patient feeling extremely fatigued.


  • Very Sleepy but Unable to Sleep: The patient feels drowsy but is unable to fall asleep, even with extreme fatigue.
  • Insomnia: Intractable insomnia, where the patient struggles with sleep despite needing it.
  • Catalepsy: The patient may experience a state of rigid immobility, where they feel conscious but unable to move.
  • Nightmares and Dreams of Dead Bodies: Sleep is disturbed by vivid, unsettling dreams, often with prophetic or eerie themes.


  • Worse: In the morning, from coffee, alcohol, and tobacco, and when lying on the right side.
  • Better: In fresh air, with cold water, and when at rest.


  • Similar Remedies: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Lachesis.
  • Comparative Remedies: Agaricus, Anhalonium (which also causes time distortion).
  • Antidotes: Nux Vomica for its overstimulation and excessive mental activity.


  • Commonly used in tincture and low attenuations (dilutions).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cannabis Indica used for?

  • It is primarily used to treat mental and emotional disturbances, including hallucinations, mania, and extreme nervous excitement.
  • It is also used for physical symptoms such as paralysis, urinary issues, and respiratory conditions like asthma.

How does Cannabis Indica affect the mind?

  • It distorts perception, causing exaggerated perceptions of time and space, hallucinations, and intense emotional swings.
  • Patients may feel euphoria followed by paranoia and fear.

Can Cannabis Indica help with insomnia?

  • Yes, it is used to treat stubborn cases of insomnia, particularly when the patient experiences extreme mental activity that prevents sleep.

Meaning of Difficult Words

  • Clairvoyance: The supposed ability to perceive things beyond the range of normal human senses.
  • Diathesis: A constitutional predisposition toward a particular disease or condition.
  • Satyriasis: Excessive, often uncontrollable, sexual desire in men.
  • Catalepsy: A trance-like state with loss of voluntary motion and failure to react to stimuli.
  • Chordee: Painful curving of the penis during an erection.
  • Tincture: A solution of a medicinal substance in alcohol.